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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The aim of present research is study the relationship between goal orientation and self– confidence resources in Athletes.438 subjects from all 1289 persons who were football, volleyball and wrestling athletic selected by using takman table and random sampling. The tools of evaluation were two standard questionnaires, which were special for goal orientation and self – confidence resources acquisition. In this research we used mean, standard division and for descriptive statistics and kolmogorov smirnov test, Levin test and Pierson correlation test for inferential statistics. Based on findings of research, the footballers and volleyball-players acquire physical aspects of self – confidence and wrestlers acquire the styles of coaching. In addition, there was a positive and meaningful relationship between duty based (goal orientation) and self – confidence acquisition, but self based athlete it was meaningless in physical appearance and mastery. Generally, it seems that athletes who rely on do the tasks are success full in get confidence

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As mentioned the main hypothesis of the study was the severity of pain on patients with rheumatoid arthritis, with and without use of sauna in experimental groups is less.75 male (from 32 to 72 years old) patients with rheumatoid arthritis referred to medical center of Tehran city selected according research purpose, each containing 15 and studied for 28 days. The severity of pain was measured by visual analog (V.A.S) in days 1, 15 and 28, for all groups and days 16 and 29 for experimental groups with use of cool water after sauna. During research process, control group (A) don’t use sauna and experimental group 1, (B) use sauna weekly and experimental group 2, (C) use sauna two times a week. Results indicate statistically significant effect of sauna in reducing pain in rheumatoid arthritis patients in experimental groups. More than 70% reported after sauna had pain relife and increase in range of motion, although statistically significant not present between two experimental groups. Next day just after sauna with use of cool water in experimental groups no increasing of pain mention. According this results, and repeat of research again samples, it seems that, sauna may be reduce pain of rheumatoid arthritis association of other noninvasive treatment.

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The Present research is aimed at study of the relationship between empowerment and knowledge management of employees of Sistan and Baluchestan Physical Education Department General. Empowering provides the potential capacities to enjoy that source of human capabilities which is not fully utilited *In an empowered organization *the staff are enumerated as the driving force and these are the staff the with a sense of enthusiasm *ownership*pride and responsibility *put in to practice their best notions and innovations *Knowledge management involves possession of knowledge*wisdom*experiences together with additional value gained by the staff *facilitating its restoration and maintenance as the organizational assets. Knowledge management is an attempt to convert the knowledge of the staff (human asset) into the common organizational asset (structural-mental assets). Research Population Consists of all employees of Physical education department of which 98 employees have been selected randomly as sample population. To gather necessary information, Spritzer Empowerment Standard Questionnaire as well as knowledge Management Questionnaire (Asgari 2005) was used. In this research, reliability of empowerment and knowledge management questionnaires was calculated based on Alpha Chranbach coefficients, respectively az 0.78 and 0.87.The results of data analysis show that there is a meaningful relationship between and knowledge management (p=0.003, r=0.3). This means the higher the employees scores on empowerment, the more successful they will act in the field of knowledge and information.

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The purpose of this study was to determine Physiological and anthropometrical profile of "Pegah Guilan" soccer players and comparison of this team with some elite soccer teams in the world. For this purpose 28 Pegah soccer players (age 25.2±3.4 years, weight 75.11±8.15 kg, height 178.44±6.89 cm) were selected. Body composition variables including weight, BMI and fat percent were measured by body composition analyzer (In Body 3.0) system. Physiological indices including flexibility (sit and reach test), speed (40 yard sprint test), anaerobic power (ergo jump test), legs muscular power (Sarjent jump test) and aerobic power (gas analyzer system, Quark b2) were measured. The results of this study were: fat percent (11.29±2.67 %), BMI (23.53±1.41 kg/m2), LBM (66.59±7.16 kg), flexibility (38.53±7.59 kg), speed in 40 yards (4.97±0.196 s), Sarjent jump test (46.67±6.86 cm), anaerobic power (45.67±11.51 and VO2max (50.99±5.89 According to the results of present study the "Pegah Guilan" soccer players in comparison with the player of other countries are at a lower level from the point of Physiological profile but at the same acceptable level from the point of anthropometric profile.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of environmental temperature changes and type of exercise on clotting and immunity systems indeces in active girls.METHODS: Forty-four female physical education students (age 21±3 year, weight 61.4±10.2 Kg and VO2max 37.2±5.3 ml/kg/min) were selected and divided to 5 groups: endurance training in environment with natural temperature (C), endurance training in environment with moderate temperature (CH), weight training in environment with natural temperature (E), weight training in environment with moderate temperature (EH) and passive heating group (H). The training protocol included running to exhaustion on treadmill at %65-75 V02max in CH and C, 4 sets of eccentric contractions of elbow flexors (two sets with %50 and two sets with %60 1RM) in EH and E. The subjects in H only exposed to heat. The lab temperature was set at (23±2c) in E and C and (32±2 oC) in EH, CH and H and the humidity was %55±5 for all groups. Blood sampling was done from antecubital vein in pretest, mid test and 30 min post exercise after 12-14 hours overnight fast. Coagulant manner was used to determine the levels of fibrinogen, APTT, and PT. Markers of the immune system measured by electronic manner.FINDINGS: The results showed that clotting and immunity systems indeces levels changes was not statistical significant between five groups. But, intergroup changes showed statistical significant difference in some of indeces.CONCLUSION: Based on these findings can be said that do each two physical activity in moderate tempereture was induced to similar effects on blood clotting and immunity systems.

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Academic adjustment in university always was been one of the concerns of students, parents and staff members of the universities, but is not considered thoroughly. The aim of present study is the survey and comparison the level of academic adjustment between physical education students and other disciplines in Azad Islamic university in 5 regions of country. For this reasons, 200 students in physical students and 400 students in other disciplines who passed 100 units and were in 3 or 4th years of their courses, were selected randomly. They completed the Henry Bowers questionnaire (1953), which was normalized by Moosavi et al (1376). Results showed that generally in all of the levels of academic adjustment (e.g. adaptation with discipline, the completion of goals in relationship with wishes, individual efficacy, methods of study, moral health and communication with the staff and colleagues), physical education students were better than other students. In conclusion, the nature of physical education is that the students of physical education are more adaptable and want to complete their sport goals. Besides, the positive effects of exercise and sport should be noticed.

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This study aims at identifying the amount of the effect of training with swim paddle on aerobic & anaerobic power of men in crawl stroke. To this aims, as many as 20 swimmers were randomly selected from among the age group of 9-12 from Tehran and Karaj. Then they were divided into two groups of experimental (training with swim paddle) and control (training without swim paddle).The swimmers in each group passed an eight-week training period. Before and after this training period, they underwent some tests as follows: Aerobic power was measured directly with increasing test and using arm ergo meter. Aerobic capacity was measured by identifying the swimming speed at which the concentration amount of lactate was 4 mmol/lit (V4). Also, the anaerobic power of upper body was measured using wingate’s 9-second test, and anaerobic capacity was measured using maximum lactate measurement after 100 meters swimming. Analyzing the results of the above – mentioned measurements, and using suitable statistical tests (Dependent t test for analyzing the intra-group changes and independent t test for analyzing the difference between groups), we identified a as equal to a significant level of 0.05 (a=0.05). The findings of this study therefore, is as follows: Training with swim paddle made average speed of swimmers increase in 100 meters crawl stroke (anaerobic functioning) (p£0.05), however; it did not affect aerobic power, V4, anaerobic power, anaerobic capacity and endurance functioning (average speed in 400 meters crawl stroke) (p>0.05).

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The balance of water and electrolytes is essential for the maintenance of body homeostasis. Changes in the amounts of electrolytes are kinds of athletic activities a part of whose can be seen in blood and urine. This study is aimed at investigating the effect of a basketball match on blood and urine electrolyte changes. So, two selected basketball teams consisting of 12 ladies participated in a formal basketball match. The blood samples were taken twice; once 15 minutes and the other one 5 minutes before the match. The urine samples were collected as well; one of which 24 hours before and the other one 24 hours after the match. Then the amount of electrolytes in blood and urine was assayed. All the participants drank the same drinking water during the research procedures. The paired t-test and SPSS software were used to analyze the data. The results showed that a formal basketball competition did not have significant effects on the amount of the electrolytes of blood serum. Although it caused a significant reduction in sodium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphor secretion in urine, potassium secretion had an insignificant reduction. Therefore, athletes and coaches are highly recommended to have enough drinks containing minerals before, during, and after a match.

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