This study focuses on meeraj, and tries to, comparatively; analyze the existing merajnamehs (ascension writings) in Persian literature and translations. The motivation, date, quality, type and the scientific and rational analysis of such a phenomenon by the experts, how meraj (ascension) is reflected in the literary and mystic texts, and the spiritual journey of some Moslem and non-Moslem figures, including Bayazid-e-Bastami, Zarathusrtra, Buddha, Dante, and Milton are emphasized, too. Besides, the following points are also discussed: the characteristics of the heroes of this phenomenon (in terms of their intellectual and spiritual ranks), those who accompany them throughout the journey, its time, place, and those who are met, rewards and punishments and its worldly and spiritual reasons, the intellectual justification of these rewards and punishments, and the final destination of this spiritual journey.Based on their importance, the results achieved have been pointed out at the end. Meraj (ascension) and merajnameh (ascension writing)–which is still being created and realized - in human history is regarded as a combinatory and secondary genre; and, as a literary genre, it has not been analyzed or criticized independently.