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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and objectives: Osteoporosis, a current silent epidemic, is of high importance due to its high prevalence and complications among women. It is a preventable disease whose high-risk population includes young girls. This study investigated the impacts of a health belief model-based education program about osteoporosis prevention on physical activity of junior high school students in in Kalaleh (Iran) during 2012.Method: The present experimental study was conducted on 140 female students of the second-grade of junior high school in Kalaleh. The subjects were selected and allocated to the case and control groups (n=70 each) using multistage random sampling. Data were collected through standard questionnaires on the application of health belief model in osteoporosis and physical activity. The collected data were analyzed with independent and paired t-tests in SPSS version 16.Results: There were no significant differences between the case and control groups in terms of household size and parents’ demographic characteristics. Before the intervention, the two groups had no significant differences in the mean scores of awareness and the health belief model constructs. However, the intervention could significantly increase the case group’s scores (P<0.001). In addition, two months after the intervention, the mean scores of physical activity significantly increased in the case group (P<0.001).Conclusion: The health belief model-based education program was efficient in increasing the students’ awareness which in turn created a favorable attitude toward physical activity among the participants.

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Background and objectives: Emotional intelligence contributes to the success in leadership, especially among nursing managers. This study sought to determine the relationship between the components of emotional intelligence and transformational-transactional leadership style among the heads of nursing education departments of Iranian medical universities.Methods: This cross-sectional study used convenience sampling to select the managers of 68 nursing education departments from the country’s universities of medical sciences. Data were collected using the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory and Bass’s Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. Data analysis was performed with Pearson’s correlation coefficient, analysis of variance, and Student’s test in SPSS version 16.Results: There was a direct, positive correlation between emotional intelligence and leadership style (P<0.05; r=0.36). The components of problem solving, happiness, independence, self-actualization, emotional self-awareness, interpersonal relationship, optimism, and accountability showed significant correlations with all leadership styles. However, impulse control was not significantly correlation with any of the leadership styles.Conclusion: Considering the significant positive correlation between the components of emotional intelligence and leadership styles, training about emotional intelligence and its components and reinforcing the components of emotional intelligence can be beneficial to presenting leadership styles and thus more successful management.

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Background and objectives: Despite the long history of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), there are still major concerns about poor CPR team performance in hospitals. While only 10-15 percent of those undergoing CPR leave the hospitals alive, the statistics vary in different countries. Since addressing the barriers to successful CPR may help prevent the potential risks to future patients, the present study aimed to identify such barriers from the perspective of nurses.Methods: In a descriptive-analytic study in 2011, 200 nurses, including 68 men (34 percent) and 132 women (66 percent), employed at four teaching hospitals affiliated to Golestan University of Medical Sciences (Iran) were randomly selected. Data were collected through a researcher-made questionnaire. Descriptive (frequency, mean, and standard deviation) and inferential statistics were applied for data analysis. All analyses were performed with SPSS version 16.Results: The majority of nurses (83 percent) had an experience of working with a CPR team. The participating nurses suggested absence of timely clinical CPR (98 percent), lack of regular standard in-service training (98 percent), lack of CPR equipment and supplies in the wards (92 percent), lack of efficient communication among team members (90 percent), and underlying diseases of the patients (88 percent) as the most important barriers to successful CPR.Conclusion: Considering the poor performance of CPR teams in hospitals, management of this challenge requires more attention of planners and hospital authorities. Holding standard retraining programs to update the staff’s knowledge and improve their skills would be essential to forming a competent and cohesive CPR team.

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Background and objectives: Performance assessment is a powerful management tool in the development of human resources. For their survival in a competitive environment, universities should enhance their management knowledge and performance. Thus, the present study evaluated the application of performance management in Golestan University of Medical Sciences (Iran) from the viewpoint of faculty members.Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in 2012. A total of 136 faculty members of Golestan University of Medical Sciences were randomly selected. Data were collected using a reliable questionnaire (Cronbach’s alpha=0.76) developed by the researchers in Shiraz University (Iran). The questionnaires, comprising two dimensions of benefits and applicability of performance management in the university, were distributed among the participants and collected after completion. The obtained data were analyzed using inferential statistics.Results: The studied faculty members reported the benefits of performance management and its dimensions, i.e. performance evaluation of faculty members and groups, support and improvement of performance of faculty members and groups, management of the groups, and comparison and ranking of the groups, to be at a desirable level. They considered “comparison and ranking of faculty members as acceptable. The applicability of performance management and its dimensions were also rated as acceptable. However, the benefit of performance management and its dimensions were rated significantly higher than the mean applicability and its dimensions in the university (P=0.0001).Conclusion: The participating faculty members suggested the applicability of performance management in the current conditions of the university. Meanwhile, the benefit of performance management was scored more favorably than its application.

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Background and objectives: Triage is a function of the emergency ward carried out by nurses. Patients are required to be categorized according to their medical priorities. Since it is critical for nursing students to have sufficient information about the process of triage, the current study aimed to determine nursing students’ level of awareness of triage in the emergency ward.Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study used census sampling to select 124 nursing students in the 7th and 8th semesters during 2011-12. Data were collected via a researcher-made questionnaire consisting of three parts to assess demographic characteristics, awareness of triage, and decision-making in triage. Data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. All analyses were performed in SPSS version 15.0 at a significant level of 0.05.Results: The students’ mean awareness score was 9.0±2.7, i.e. they had low awareness of triage. While the participants had the highest awareness about level 1 triage (31.1 Percent), the x awareness of level 2 triage was the least (13.9 Percent). There was a significant difference in awareness between the students with and without an experience of working in an emergency ward (P<0.05). The most important source of information was university courses. Lack of time and supervision were found responsible for the students’ low level of awareness.Conclusion: The low awareness scores of the studied students about triage highlighted the need for more supervision during internship, emphasis on triage in university courses, and specialized triage training courses for the students.

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Background and objectives: Anti-human immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody is produced against human IgG in various laboratory animals. The present study tried not only to produce anti-human IgG, but also to assess different antigen injection techniques leading to optimal production of anti-human globulin.Methods: The antibody was separated from human serum using precipitation method with sodium sulfate. It was then purified through diethylaminoethyl Sepharose CL-6B ion exchange chromatography. The purified IgG was mixed with Freund’s complete adjuvant and injected to two trios of rabbits either intramuscularly or subcutaneously. After the first injection, the animals received weekly injections of antigen with Freund’s incomplete adjuvant. The dose of antigen in each injection was 1.2 ml of purified IgG with a concentration of 115 mg/ml. Venous blood samples were taken from all rabbits and the produced anti-human globulin was evaluated by single radial immunodiffusion (SRID).Results: According to the results of SRID, the diameter of the halo created by the antigen-antibody complex was significantly higher in the plate containing anti-human IgG produced after the intramuscular injections than after subcutaneous injections. The concentrations of anti IgG antibody were 83.40 and 72.28 mg/ml in intramuscular and subcutaneous methods, respectively.Conclusion: Our findings suggested that compared to subcutaneous injections, intramuscular injections of human IgG are significantly more effective in inducing the production of anti-human IgG antibody.

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Background and objectives: High consumption of trans fatty acids is associated with increased risks cardiovascular diseases, insulin resistance, lipid disorders, diabetes, and possibly cancer. Therefore, most developed countries produce food products with trans fatty acid content of 0%-2% to support the consumers. This study sought to determine the amount of fatty acids in meat products and kebabs served in restaurants of Kermanshah, Iran.Methods: In order to determine the percentage of fatty acids, 69 samples were randomly taken from 14 kinds of meat products and kebabs served in restaurants of Kermanshah. To extract the 14 types of fatty acids, Folch and methylation methods were applied based on the guidelines of the American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS). A gas chromatograph equipped with an ion-flame sensor and a 100 m capillary column was used to measure trans fatty acids.Results: While the highest level of trans fatty acids was found in loghmeh-kebab (2.3%), the lowest level was detected in breaded shrimp (0.1%) and chicken schnitzel (0.13%). Palmitic acid (C16: 0) was the most common saturated fatty acid in restaurant kebabs and had the highest amount in loghmehkebabs (in convenience foods). Unsaturated fatty acids had the lowest concentration in restaurant kebabs (39.8-49.44%). Their levels in convenience foods varied from 49.99% in loghmeh-kebab to 76.11% in sausages. Among all unsaturated fatty acids, oleic acid (C 18: 1c) and linoleic acid (C 18: 2c) had the highest concentrations in the studied samples.Conclusion: Loghmeh-kebab had the highest tans and saturated fatty acid contents among all the evaluated meat products. It can thus be a threat to the consumers’ health. Careful monitoring of food products in terms of fatty acid types, use of food labeling, and education to change consumption pattern in the country are recommended for public health promotion.

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Background and objectives: Cryptorchidism or undescended testicle, with a prevalence of 33 percent in preterm and 3-5 percent in term infants, is the most common congenital abnormality in newborn boys. The present study aimed to assess the recovery rate and urinary tract infection among infants with cryptorchidism during the first 15 months of their life.Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 47 infants with cryptorchidism in Zahedan city (Iran) in 2012. The infants’ birth weight, preterm/term birth, delivery method, and affected testicle along with maternal age, history of urinary tract infection during pregnancy, and number of pregnancies were collected. Information about the infants’ urinary tract infection and recovery from cryptorchidism was collected through observations and trimonthly phone calls until the 15th month after birth. Percentage and mean were used for data analysis.Results: Of the 47 studied infants, 63.82 percent were premature, 59.57 percent had right-side cryptorchidism, and 80.60 percent developed urinary tract infection at least once. The highest incidence of urinary tract infection (29.8 percent) was seen at the age of three months old. The majority of infants (91.5 percent) recovered during the course of the study and the recovery rate at the fifth, 10th, and 15th months were 31.9 percent, 38.3 percent and 21.3 percent, respectively.Conclusion: This study revealed the high prevalence of urinary tract infection among infants with cryptorchidism. It also showed that most infants with cryptorchidism recover within 15 months of age.

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Scleroderma is a connective tissue disorder identified with skin thickening and fibrosis together with inflammatory, vascular, and internal organ changes. The prevalence of this condition is three times higher in women than in men. Pregnancy was known to threaten maternal and fetal health in patients with scleroderma. Today, however, the patients have the chance of a successful pregnancy through careful and appropriate planning, monitoring, and treatment methods. Nevertheless, in order to prevent pregnancy complications in patients with scleroderma, pregnancy has to be planned during the stable phase of the disease and not during its rapid progression course. In this article we reported a pregnancy out come in a woman with scleroderma and polymyositis and explained its emergent procedures and treatment.

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