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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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One of the most essential strategy for providing, maintaining and improving civilizations' health is community participating. Using this strategy in health system management, results more motivation in health care providers, continuity and effectiveness for programs by increasing social responsibility and decreasing health system costs. The document represent challenges and solutions in community participating in health system management.

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Background: Family physician is introduced as a cost-effective approach to promote health equity. More than half a century after the beginning of the family physician program, health systems of different countries have gradually implemented this program in different ways according to the needs of society, policies, resources and internal infrastructure. The purpose of this article is to review the experience of family physician program in Iran and selected countries and to introduce appropriate strategies for the future. Methods: This study is a descriptive comparative study. Information was extracted by querying keywords including family physician, family medicine, health system, Iran, USA, UK, Canada, Turkey, Malaysia, China and in scientific databases. In addition, data from the World Health Organization and health systems of the selected countries were used. Results: The history and development of the family physician program, as well as the duration of training in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Turkey, Malaysia, China and Iran were described. Conclusion: Although there are similarities in the principles of family physician in most countries, differences exist in policies, strategies and methods of implementation and financing. Developments were made to upgrade the referral system and strengthen the position of family physician, with the aim of adapting the program to the needs of the people and solving problems and challenges.

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Background: Improving the family medicine program requires a deep understanding of the matter. This study has been conducted to integrate global experiences in the field of referral system and family medicine in selected countries. Methods: In this comparative study, leading countries in the field of referral systems and family physicians such as the United Kingdom, France and Italy, as well as countries with a similar situation to Iran such as Turkey, which have begun similar reforms in their health system at the same time as Iran were selected to be reviewed. Results: Presented in four parts, the results of this study consist of the referral condition in the selected countries, financing and methods of the payment, advantages of the referral and family physician systems, and also strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of implementation system and family physician in the five selected countries. Conclusion: A high percentage of public health needs can be covered in the form of primary health services and by first-line health care providers. The way to achieve this goal in many countries has been to restrict free access to specialized services in the form of a family physician and referral system. Informing and sensitizing family physicians about the financial consequences of their decisions and involving them in cashier affairs, as well as empowering them at the first level of the referral system to provide primary care and dealing with mistakes of their own and their peers at the first level of primary care comprise the most effective and efficient ways in effective implementation of this program.

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Considering the importance and role of cyberspace facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic and prediction of the literature about the impossibility of returning to the previous traditional methods, it is necessary for the society of Iranian medical sciences education to have the essential plans and prepare for the transition from COVID to Post-COVID time. Optimal usage of cyberspace facilities and tools requires relevant knowledge and skills. As the main players in this path, faculty members and students of medical sciences, , need to gain expertise in essential relevant skills and competencies. Initial review of the literature indicates that there are some shortcomings in this regard. Therefore, this policy brief presents the practical recommendations to empower faculty members and students of medical sciences with regard to the skills essential for playing their professional role in the information technology-based world.

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Background: The relationship between science and beliefs is inevitable, and understanding the various aspects of this relationship will lead to multifaceted development of interdisciplinary sciences. Biomimetic of natural phenomena requires a comprehensive outlook and perspective on the researcher's question and rational of scientific research on the realm of natural and biological phenomena. The Advances made in understanding biological phenomena will provide a fertile ground for spiritual innovation. Methods: This study is based on the research records of the Biophysical Chemistry Laboratory at Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB), University of Tehran. Library methods were used to conduct the study and keywords were searched in valid scientific databases. Results: Stress can lead to an imbalance in biological systems, and thereby result in various diseases. From a molecular point of view, stress implies presence of unbalanced free radicals. There are different types of stress, such as the effects of medicine with side effect and over-the-counter medications, industrial foods with preservatives, cigarette smoke, synthetic fragrances and psychological stress, all of which are thought to create unbalanced free radicals. Oral and nonedible antioxidants are scavengers and repellents of unbalanced free radicals. Conclusion: These studies are a suitable platform for improving human insight and comprehensive application of science in life. Many biological phenomena are related to human beliefs, and understanding these connections will pave the way for many new discoveries. In turn, these discoveries can expand human knowledge about their surroundings and pave the way for a more fulfilling, more healthy life.

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Background: Recently, the world experienced one of the most widespread and pervasive global crises, the mysterious infectious disease caused by the Corona virus. During this period, the tendency towards spirituality increased. The purpose of this study was to review domestic and foreign research in the field of spirituality in the corona pandemic. Methods: This review study was performed by searching various databases using keywords spirituality, spiritual care, spiritual interventions, Covid-19, corona virus (in Persian) and English words Spiritual care, spiritual intervention, ژovid-19 & corona virus (in English). After removing duplicate and irrelevant articles from the obtained articles, 31 related to the field of spirituality and Covid-19 were reviewed. Results: Spirituality is an important factor in prevention, coping, treatment and even dealing with post-coronary crises such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), death of loved ones, mourning and so on. Due to the importance and necessity of paying attention to spirituality during the Covid-19 pandemic, some countries have conceived of measures and offered solutions to improve the level of spirituality in this period. Conclusion: Considering the effect of spiritual care and diversity in different methods of presenting this type of care during the Covid-19 epidemic, it is necessary to provide arrangements for spiritual care in various contexts, including community and clinical settings. Officials of the health care system should consider this type of care in parallel with the provision of other care, and contribute toits integration into the care context by supporting the provided spiritual care.

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Background: According to the meaning of world events, spirituality increases resilience, adaptation, and observation of the hidden goodness in the sufferings of life, . In religious spirituality, secure attachment to God strengthens the relationship with self, people, nature and provides a meaning for suffering. Secular spirituality promotes the separation and marginalization of religion from the various aspects of human life. The purpose of this study is to provide a description of secular spirituality with an analysis of Friedrich Nietzsche's discourse, in a biopsychographic study. Methods: This qualitative research was conducted in 2022 with the operational method of discourse analysis, in order to create a semantic connection between the content and understanding of the discourse of secular spiritualism by studying the reasons for the events of Nietzsche's life. The research included explanations for: extra-textual discourse (cultural and historical conditions), in-context discourse (ontological perspective), communication space (anthropological perspective), textual semantic space (theorist lifestyle), and structural space. Results: Despite being born into a religious family, Nietzsche, announcing the death of God and writing the Antichrist, introduces a man whose jealousy and sense of inferiority are the cause of his understanding of and striving to comprehend the meaning of life. By creating feelings of insecurity, helplessness and abandonment, lack of belonging and respect, lack of secure attachment to God and people turned Nietzsche into an atheist and nihilist philosopher. Conclusion: Spiritual attitude towards the world, attention to the kingdom of the universe, along with attachment to God, strengthens the relationship with self, people and nature, and relieves human suffering that is not seen in secular spirituality.

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Fathian Dastgerdi Akram

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Background: This study aims to develop an initial model of the Ontology of Islamic Medicine Era based on the second edition of the Thesaurus of Islamic Medicine Era. Methods: This research was conducted by qualitative content analysis method. The study population included all entries of the second edition of the Thesaurus of Islamic Medicine Era (compiled by the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran), of which 508 terms under the entry of "disease" were selected by purposive sampling. The Ontology model of the Islamic Medicine Era was designed according to the semantic relations presented in the Thesaurus of Islamic Medicine Era. The data gathering method was structured (systematic) observation. The data gathering tool was a checklist compiled based on the terms and relationships in the Thesaurus of Islamic Medicine Era. Results: Following refinement of the terms and their relationships in the Thesaurus of Islamic Medicine Era, and identifying ontological entities (including classes, instances, and relationships), the Ontology model of the Islamic Medicine Era was designed using Protege ontology editor. The RDF representation of the model was subsequently created in RDF/XML Syntax. Conclusion: After designing the Ontology model of the Islamic Medicine Era, the RDF graphs of this model were created to analyze the entities and the relationships between them.

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Background: Mutiple factors hinder growth and development of medical sciences and prevent it from reaching the global position it had in the ancient times. While reviewing the obstacles to the sustainable growth of medical sciences in Iran, this article endeavors to analyse these factors. Methods: A number of methods including collective discussion and negotiation of experts with expertise in various fields, summarizing the results, and also studying some published articles have been used in the preparation of this article. Results: Eighteen factors with a negative effect on the growth, development and promotion of medical sciences were extracted, which can be summarized as follows: disregard for Iranian Islamic values in education, research and culture,consideration for statistics instead of paying attention to quality,not paying enough attention to the educated and elite in the field of health,poor planning in creating common disciplines in the health sector,lack of attention to providing health care factors and necessary preventions to stay healthy,lack of communication and cooperation with the centers for education, research and treatment of developed countries,not providing the necessary infrastructure and conditions to attract medical students from the region,not being in contact with Iranian specialists living in other countries, not paying enough attention to the necessary infrastructure to have a health-oriented community model,lack of justice-oriented health,weakness in the system of production, distribution, pricing and consumption and use of generic drug plan,lack of infrastructure for optimal use of the health system by the people of the region,weaknesses in the management of the country's health system and integration of decision-making authorities, especially in time periods like the Covid-19 epidemic,the need for trusted educational and information channels for health, treatment and care in certain courses,the need for better policy-making and legislation in relation to health and treatment and provision of a secure executive education system,depreciating the dimensions of mental health and spiritual social health,the need to take a stand in relation to the promotion of superstitions and unscientific views,weakness in forseeing education, research and prevention and treatment. Conclusion: In order to gain authority in medical science in the region and the world and make optimal use of budgets and facilities for faster growth of the medical science community and reach its previous position in the world, it is necessary to take the above factors into account.

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Background: The universality of science, increasing complexity and interconnectedness of technology development and innovation in different science and technology fields have led to the expansion of interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral, interuniversity and international collaborations. National and international networking in pharmaceutical sciences requires role-playing in the collaborative networks. To achieve this goal, the globalization of pharmaceutical knowledge and expertise in the country is crucial. The purpose of this article is to answer this main question: what is the most effective way to develop national and international pharmaceutical networks? Methods: The methods used in this article include documentary study, trend analysis of pharmaceutical sciences, and interview with the experts. Results: This study revealed that scientific networking in the field of pharmaceutical sciences requires spatial planning and taking into account the capacities and capabilities of each university. Accordingly, the current trend of pharmaceutical sciences development complied via talking with the experts and stakeholders of each leading university. Subsequently, the pharmacy schools were classified into three types based on their capacity/capability and their roles in the determined national and international levels of networking. Conclusion: Scientific networking in the field of pharmaceutical sciences requires spatial planning and take account of the capacities and capabilities of each university. Accordingly, while enumerating the trends related to the development of pharmaceutical sciences by talking to experts and stakeholders of each of the prominent universities in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, the position of the university in the territorial planning system of pharmaceutical sciences and the role-playing capabilities of these universities in national and international networks, templates of three university types were identified.

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Background: Brain drain is a phenomenon that has become more widespread in recent decades. This issue is gradually becoming a crisis in Iran. Considering the importance of maintaining the elites in the country, this study endeavors to offer solutions to manage this crisis. Methods: In this qualitative study, the opinions of experts on the issue of brain darin were received and analyzed using a crowdsourcing system. Coding method, content analysis and Maxqda10. 2 qualitative data analysis software were used to analyse data. Results: Key results were classified into three main categories: causes of brain drain, its consequences and management strategies. Data analysis lead to extraction of three main categories including: 1) causes of elite migration with two subcategories of repulsive factors of origin and gravity of destination countries,2) consequences of elite migration with 2 subcategories of elite migration threats and elite migration opportunities,and 3) elite migration strategies with six subcategories of accurate problem recognition, reforming the nurturing system and supporting the elites, establishing and strengthening the system of innovation, reforming the administrative system and meritocracy, promoting the status and dignity of human resources, fulfilment of the obligationof macro-policymakers. Conclusion: Elites tend to migrate due to repulsion of the country of origin and multiplicity ofattractions in the destination country. Policymakers in various fields are expected to develop clear programs and laws to manage and eliminate retention of elites and strengthen attractions to prevent the brain drain.

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Background: The current complex world necessitates timely and prompt policymaking. Think tanks are one of the independent organizations that help meet this need. This study aimed to identify the key features of think tanks in Iran, with focus on the Think Tank of Good Governance for Health. Methods: This is a practical qualitative case study. Through purposive sampling, we identified 10 key informants as members of this think tank, with whom a virtual focus group discussion was held. The focus group lasted four hours and participants were asked to respond to five questions. We used a mixed deductive-inductive approach for data analysis, which was facilitated by ATLAS. ti9 software. Validity and reliability were examined using Lincoln and Guba evaluation criteria. Results: We identified one main theme, four subthemes and 12 codes. The main theme was "the characteristics of a think tank in the health system". The "structure" subtheme (four codes), the "objectives" subtheme (three codes), the "implementation methods" subtheme (three codes), and finally the "financial" subtheme (two codes) were identified. Conclusion: This study emphasizes that think tanks, as independent entities, can play a very effective role in health policy-making mainly via knowledge translation for both policymakers and the society. In addition, the proper, principled, and timely functioning of think tanks is essential in gaining public trust in public decisions, as well as providing an opportunity for public participation in macro-policies. To perform effectively and efficiently, think tanks need to consider some key principles in their structure, goals, implementation method, and finance.

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Background: Public exercise is a low-cost, fun and effective tool that can be implemented by the public, and can contribute to promotion of physical, mental and social health. The aim of this study was to design a model for the role and strategies of mass media in promotion of public sports in Iran. Methods: The present study was an applied, quantitative and correlational research, field-based in terms of data collection and prospective in terms of time. The instrument of the present study comprised a questionnaire that was extracted from factors identified in the qualitative part. The factors were identified through semi-structured interviews with experts in the field of sports media. The statistical population in the quantitative stage consisted of a sample of 360 athletes who were members of the federation and public sports boards. Convenience volunteer sampling methods were used. Statistical analyses used in this study included descriptive statistics methods for calculating central indices and dispersion of research variables,and inferential statistics including exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha and correlation coefficient. in SPSS and Amos softwaress were used. Results: The amount of factor loads of the obvious variables was greater than the cut-off point of 0. 4, while Tstatistic was greater than the cut-off point of 2. 576 (P <0. 01), which indicates the reliability of the structure. Conclusion: It can be concluded that social media has a significant impact on promoting health culture through public education in Iran.

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Background: Psychological capital is one of the indicators of positivity psychology that can have a beneficial influence on the quality of life and social health of nurses. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the relationship of psychological capital with quality of life and social health of nurses working in the treatment centers of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. Methods: In this descriptive-correlational study, 315 nurses from Lahijan city were selected. Lutans (2007) Psychological Capital Questionnaire (Keyes Social Health (2004) and Quality of Life Questionnaire (SF-36) were used to collect data. Statistical tests in SPSS software were used to analyze data. Results: The results showed that the mean age of the nurses in the study was 44. 13. The mean score of psychological capital was 3. 03, quality of life was 3. 18 and social health was 3. 04. This indicated that participants were at the desired level and that there was a statistically significant relationship between psychological capital and quality of life and social health of nurses (p 0/001). Conclusion: Considering the relationship of psychological capital with quality of life and social health, it seems necessary to pay more attention to promotion of psychological capital in nurses and plans to improve effective factors in quality of life improvement programs.

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Background: The aim of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is to ensure receiving essential health services without financial hardship. Good governance in the health system guarantees success in UHC. Meaningful public participation in the health policy-making cycle is one of the vital and challenging aspects of good health governance. Considering the role and importance of legislation in formation and sustainability of participatory decision-making and good governance approach in the health sector, this study endeavors to survey the alignment of the 1st-6th development plans with the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) Constitution regarding public participation approach in the health sector since 1989. Methods: This study is designed and implemented as a qualitative Study. Data was extracted from legal documents including the development plan laws from 1989-2016, and IRI Constitution Law approved in 1989 and its subsequent amendments. Content analysis was carried out in a summative method. Results: During the years under review, governments have always received the necessary legal mandate in their program to attract public financial participation in the construction sector or to pay part of health care costs, which is in accordance with the 29th Article of the Constitution based on health rights for the Iranian population. According to various constitutional principles such as,Paragraph eight of the third principle, paragraph three of the forty-third principle and the one-hundredth principle, the engagement of the population in identifying issues and making appropriate decisions in the administration of the country, including the health sector, is recognize, but there is no legislation in the government development plans to implement these laws. Conclusion: Despite the emphasis on upstream legislation and the existence of two structures, the High Council for Health and Food Security, the High Council for Health Insurance at the national level and the Islamic town and village councils at the local level, governments have focused on participatory budgeting in health rather than participatory policymaking, during the years under review in this study. Given the importance of social participation in health sector decisions in eliminating or reducing inequalities in use of health services, suggestions for the government and Ministry of Health and Medical Education are represented.

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Background: Utilizing strategic planning as a necessity in educational institutions is a necessity. The purpose of this study was to design a strategy map of health for the Ministry of Education of Iran. Methods: This research used an applied method of descriptive survey. The population consisted of 14 managers and experts in Ministry of Education. Research tools included questionnaires and interviews to determine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats,Internal Factor Evaluation Matrices (IFE), External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE),Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis (SWOT) for strategic positioning and strategy formulation,and structural-interpretive model (ISM) matrices for designing the strategic plan in the field of health and wellness. Results: The research council presented eleven main strategies. The strategy map was drawn the using the ISM model. Standardization of school health equipment, empowerment of human resources, and development of student physical and mental health care system were among the most important health strategies. Conclusion: Designing this map is a facilitator in implementing strategies that aim to achieve development of health literacy and a healthy lifestyles in students.

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Background: In addition to clean energy supply, applications of nuclear industry technology are being developed in other fields such as medicine, industry and agriculture. Use of diagnostic medical imaging systems, radiation therapy, radiopharmaceuticals, sterilization, and nuclear medicine is very important in the process of diagnosing and treating diseases and conducting medical research. Considering passive defense principles can maintain safety, security and defense capability of assets and infrastructure. Methods: This is an applied developmental study. The research method is a combination of descriptive-analytical and questionnaire methods. The most common methods and tools for strategic analysis and strategy formulation including the matrix of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT)were used in the present study. Results: According to results of the SWOT matrix, passive defense strategies in the development of applications of nuclear industry technology in the field of health including 11 strengths, 14 weaknesses, 9 opportunities and 8 threats were analyzed. Finally, main goals and passive defense strategies in the field of health applications of nuclear industry technology in were formulated and proposed. Conclusion: Due to the importance and development of nuclear industry technology applications in the health sector, provision, equipment and domestic production of relevant requirements and tools and systems in the country can culminate in national authority. Paying attention to the principles of passive defense leads to protection, guaranteed continuity of performance, increased stability, reduced damage and vulnerability, and improved readiness of nuclear industry assets in the health system in the face of natural crises and enemy aggression.

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Background: Intelligence is defined as the capacity for abstraction, logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. According to recent studies, the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of 31 countries of the world, has increased during the 20th century. The aim of this study is evaluation of the IQ of Iranians and also a brief review of research conducted on IQ. Methods: We searched all relevant articles published from 1950 to 2021 in databases. Results: According to a 2021 study at Ulster Institute, the highest average IQ scores in the world belong to the Japanese, with the citizens of Taiwan and Singapore close behind. The average IQ of Iranian population is 84 and the ranking of Iran is 119 among 199 countries in the world. The ranking of Iran has been reported from 23 to 110 in various websites. A meta-analysis of 52 studies conducted in Iran in 2019, reported that the mean Iranian IQ is 97. 12, being 97. 73 in ages less than 20 years old, and 105. 61 in the population older than 20 years old. The IQ of Iranian school children was 89 before iodine supplementation in 1989 which reached 97, ten years after iodine supplementation. Conclusion: We need a national study with appropriate methodology to measure Iranian IQ, but with the average IQ of 97 in juvenile Iranians, the ranking of Iran is 31. However, with respect to an average IQ of 106 in the population older than 20 years, the ranking of Iran is 3 among 199 countries in the world.

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Bohloli Hamid

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Background: Food security has decreased, during the Covid-19 epidemic, especially in developing countries, and its adverse effects have been appeared on the population health of these countries. The purpose of this article is to attract attention of policy makers and stakeholders to understand the biological realities and the increasing risks of food insecurity, especially during the epidemic for health and national security to do appropriate action. This manuscript discusses the role of governance and different levels of policy making in order to improve food security. Methods: This article was prepared by "Scoping Review" of the literature and free perception of scientific documents and reports of international organizations with summarized, translation and analysis of them. Results: Factors which affect food insecurity such as environmental, political, social, population growth and Covid-19 epidemics in the global food security trend were introduced. Also, food security subjects of the developing countries were discussed and strategic policies for the development of food security in the country were analyzed. Conclusion: The world is going toward more food insecurity and makes worse by the Covid-19 pandemic. Developing countries will be faced at more risk of food insecurity in the future. Health security requires food security, and in order to achieve food security, more synergy in the development and implementation of policies in different sectors are needed, which must be supported by more strategic investments from both the public and private sections. Water security is necessary for food security, and in order to overcome crises and provide food security governance, water security and health security, our country needs a deep understanding of systematic security and policy coherence.

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Background: The concept of redemptive self is a part of life narrative in which good results or positive emotions are recovered from bad scenes. Emotional intelligence is a set of abilities, capabilities and skills that a person acquires in order to adapt to the environment effectively and achieve success in life. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-redemption and emotional intelligence through psychological well-being, career adaptability and generativity variables, and to indicate the role of self-redemption and emotional intelligence in predicting these variables. Methods: In this study, 57 Iranian adults between the ages of 22 and 65 were selected through an available sampling method and were asked to complete a Life Story Questionnaire, Loyola Generative Scale (LGS), Ryff”, s Psychological Well Being Scale, Career Adaptability Questionnaire (CAAS) and the Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. Following completion of all questionnaires and tests, obtained data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and stepwise regression. Results: Redemptive self and emotional intelligence have a significant positive relationship with career adaptability, psychological well-being and generativity. Moreover, the results of stepwise regression analysis showed that happiness (one of the components of emotional intelligence) and redemptive self are predictors of career adaptation and psychological well-being, while generativity is only predicted by redemptive self. Conclusion: The relationship between redemptive self and emotional intelligence with each of the mentioned psychological characteristics is a positive and significant relationship. However, only redemptive self and happiness can significantly predict psychological well-being and career adaptability, while the only predictor of being productive is redemptive self.

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Background: The aim of this study was to systematically review existing studies to predict the next ten years of common diseases and to propose effective interventions to reduce risk factors, morbidity and premature mortality resulting from these diseases in Iran. Methods: A systematic review was conducted in order to predict the next ten year of non-communicable diseases and review the proposed measures of the World Health Organization to prevent and control them. Results: According to the predictions made for the next ten years, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes and lung diseases will be the leading diseases causing the most lost years of life or years spent with disability. To act against thig growing trend, The World Health Organization has suggested interventions in four areas of governance, reducing exposure to risk factors, strengthening the health care system to respond to these diseases, and finally continuous monitoring of changes in risk factors and chronic diseases, causes of mortality due to these diseases, and also executive, preventive and control measures. Conclusion: Proposed interventions are based on integration of preventive and control programs in the health care system, so that each and every high-risk individual in the most peripheral health levels are identified and provided with preventive care.

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Background: Accountibility is one of necessities of an efficient and serving system. Due to the unemployment wave, especially in higher educated graduates in Iran, universities are accused of insufficiency in responding to the labor market, which should be identified and presented accordingly by studying different dimesions of the issue. Methods: This study was designed to investigate dimensions of accountability of universities to labor market by using a metasynthesis method, with applicable goal and metasynthesis data collection. Primary literature review consisted of 343 related studies. After initial screening, 201 articles and documents were selected to extract findings. Results: Nineteen elements in three dimensions were extracted in this study: educational, skill and research dimension (eight elements), curriculum dimension (seven elements), management and structural dimension (four elements). Conclusion: The components presented as results of this research include: providing skills training based on the labor market, formulating practical curricula according to the needs of the labor market, attentiveness of the heads and board of trustees of the university to accountability in the labor market, stakeholder participation in curriculum design, motivation and capacity building of faculty members in training graduates suitable for the labor market in each field and moving towards applied, and demand-oriented education and research. Consideration of these elements by higher education policy-makers and planners can reduce the gap between the current situation and the favorable situation of universities and provides a stepping stone in responding to the labor market, especially reducing unemployment and increasing the satisfaction of graduates, business owners and the labor market.

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Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Weight and Obesity Control project in students of Kermanshah and to discuss the challenges and solutions. Methods: The research method was qualitative and based on data foundation theory with a systematic approach. The statistical population of the study was professors and experts in sports sciences in the selected field. Targeted sampling method based on theoretical approach was used. The method of data collection included reviewing upstream documents and semi-structured and in-depth interviews with knowledge-aware experts, which continued until theoretical saturation of data. The validity of the research tool (interview) was reviewed and confirmed by the interviewees and then by specialized professors. Reliability was also obtained using intra-subject agreement (%88). To analyze the data, the open, axial and selective three-step coding method of Strauss and Corbin using nvivo10 software was used. Results: The factors affecting the Weight and Obesity Control project include 19 main categories, 39 concepts and 151 factors or open sources that contribute to causal (student sports development, lifestyle change, family-school participation), background characteristics (competitions, communicative-supportive requirements, education), interventionist conditions (environmental factors, motivational conditions, poor facilities, virtualization of schools and measurement conditions) and strategies needed to make the Weight and Obesity Control project effective,There were culture building, health committees, school improvement and physical evaluation. Finally, the outcomes of the research include improving the physical and mental condition of students and families, socio-economic development, increasing health and vitality and positive lifestyle changes. Conclusion: While the effectiveness of the Weight and Obesity Control project, its better and more successful rate depends on factors such as culture and the efforts of facilitators, families and students. It is suggested that managers of the province use the findings and achievements based on this research to make this project more successful in the leading programs.

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علم سیستم ها/تفکر سیستم ها و سلامت از منظر ماشینی-مکانیکی و با نظر به اعلام سال جهانی علوم پایه از جانب سازمان ملل و یونسکو و همینطور اهمیت پرداختن به رویکردهای نوین و نظریه پردازی در این خصوص و ارتباط آن با توجه به ارتقا عرصه خطیر سلامت از ویژگی خاصی برخوردار است. . .

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Background: The newfound coronavirus epidemic first broke out in China and soon spread in the world and became a global issue. WHO named it "Covid-19 Syndrome”, . Multisystemic involvement and viral inflammation by a virus with more than 3, 853 genomes exacerbated the deteriorating situation by the day and led the thought to study its inflammatory effects on other organs. In this article, the effects of Covid 19 on the central nervous system are investigated. Methods: This study was performed by reviewing the referrences and documents which reported the effects of this disease on the central nervous system. Results: Contemplation of the potential effects of the Covid-19 virus on the brain and in general on the CNS consist a range of or related brain injuries including hemorrhagic lesions, vascular thrombosis, inflammatory lesions of the glial tissue of the brain, brain syndromes, and a variety of neurologic manifestations brought to mind, in which the thalamus and brainstem were considered as sensitive areas to be directly attacked by the virus, and imaging findings revealed these attacks as well. Cytokine storm and the role of ACE2 as the most well-known receptor in cell binding through which viral degradation occurs can be considered as a precursor of the systemic invasion of coronavirus. Although intracranial hemorrhages have major risks to the central nervous system in the Covid-19 pandemic, it should be noted that they are rare phenomena as having been reported in less than one percent of reports mostly were case-report, therefore it can be said that the role of Covid-19 in causing cerebral hemorrhage cannot be proved. Conclusion: Obviously, in Covid-19, it is important to choose the appropriate surgical protocols and consider safety points. The decision to perform the surgeries should be made with full knowledge of the risks.

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