Aim: The present research with an Islamic approach and emphasis on "Nahj al balaghah 'book examines and identifies the components of organizational culture.Method: For this purpose the researcher centered his studies on Islamic resources, particularly "Nahj albalaghah", the method of studying nahj al balaghah was searching keywords that were representative of organizational culture. In this way, the researcher reached to 500 components. In the next stage the researcher with the" Ejtehad" method (=individual judgment and reasoning) that is prevalent in seminaries examined things such as commonality and synonym, absoluteness and delimitation, all inclusive and specific, the state of emanation of sentences and the extent of indication of them.Results: These activities, that took place step by step and with guidance, consulting and interviewing with professors and seminary experts, resulted in extracting and identifying 80 components that by suggestion of the thesis advisor formulated in the from of questionnaire and offered for polling and test; In addition along polling and questionnaire, it hold a meeting with some of seminary and university expert in which the different aspects of the thesis were criticized and discussed.Conclusion: After collecting ideas, suggestions and critics the researcher with the help of professors and experts of managerial knowledge examined the issues and viewpoints that reflected in the form of final model of organizational culture.