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Diagnosing breast cancer (BC) in early stages increases the chances of treating this cancer in men. However, because BC is very rare in men, especially inflammatory BC (IBC), it is unlikely that screening men for BC by mammography or other tests would yield promising outcomes. The aim of this study was to report IBC in a 53‑, year‑, old man. The case was a 53‑, year‑, old man with a history of mass in the left breast and trauma to the same side as well as swelling and severe redness of the breast skin. The patient underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy and relative responded to medical treatment. He then underwent modified mastectomy surgery and initial chest wall repair followed by radiotherapy. IBC in men is challenging due to its rarity, unknown biological behaviors, and difficulty in early diagnosis. This tumor is usually detected in advanced stages in the elderly and has a poor prognosis.

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Schwannoma is a rare tumor in the colon which originates from the peripheral nerve plexus. Most of the cases have been asymptomatic but occasionally present as an obstructive mass. Abdominal investigations are effective in some cases, but usually, they are not informative. A significant number of cases have been detected after their operation by histopathology examination. Immune and histochemical staining shows the spindle cells that have been positive for S‑, 100 and vimentin, but negative for CD34 and smooth muscle actin. If the diagnosis of Schowannoma is confirmed preoperatively, segmental resection is recommended. In this case report, we presented a 58‑, year‑, old woman with pelvic mass and normal colonoscopy that mimic extramural large uterine myoma with extraluminal pressure effect on the rectosigmoid.

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Introduction: We aimed to evaluate the effect of shock wave therapy on the improvement of symptoms and function of patients with Dupuytren’, s contracture. Materials and Methods: This research is a pre‑, post intervention study, conducted among patients referred to the physical medicine clinics of Isfahan during 2019–, 2020. In this study, subjects experienced shock wave therapy for 6 sessions, each in a week, and improvement of symptoms and function were assessed and compared after the period of study and follow‑, up (before treatment, 6 weeks after treatment, and 14 weeks after treatment). The pain visual analog scale and disabilities of the arm shoulder and hand questionnaire were completed for all patients at the mentioned time, and the finger contraction angle was also measured by a goniometer over these intervals. Results: Twenty patients, 11 (55%) men and 9 (45%) women participated in the study. The mean and standard deviation of their age was 66. 6 ±,7. 11 years. The trend of pain severity of patients was continuously and significantly decreasing up to 14 weeks, which implies the effectiveness of the intervention (P < 0. 05). Moreover, the patients’,functional status improved due to the continuation of the intervention, and its trend was decreasing up to 14 weeks (P < 0. 05). As for the contraction angle, there was a continuous and significant decreasing trend until week 14, and the intervention was also effective on the contraction angle (P < 0. 05). Conclusion: It can be concluded that shock wave therapy can be effective in improving the symptoms and function of patients with Dupuytren’, s Contracture.

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Parsonage-Turner syndrome (PTS) is a rare syndrome of unknown etiology,however, it is believed that an abnormality of immune response after a previous infection may be the cause of the disease. We report neuralgic amyotrophy in a patient with a history of kidney transplantation with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome coronavirus 2 infection. This literature is reviewed regarding clinical presentation, etiology, treatment, and prognosis of PTS after COVID‑, 19 infection. We should consider PTS as another complication of COVID‑, 19 infection.

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Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), a spiral‑, shaped bacterium colonizing the human stomach, is generally acquired in childhood. This pathogen is highly diverse and can be used as genetic markers for predict the history of human migrations. This study aimed to determine the genetic diversity of H. pylori isolates from patients with dyspepsia by the multi‑, locus sequence typing (MLST) and update data on the prevalence of H. pylori among Iranian dyspeptic patients. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross‑, sectional study, 165 gastric biopsy specimens were obtained from patients with dyspepsia referred to Dr. Shariati Hospital of Isfahan, Iran, from April to July 2018. The status of H. pylori infection was determined by FISH in paraffin‑, embedded biopsy specimens. MLST of seven housekeeping genes was performed for 20 H. pylori isolates. The phylogenetic tree was plotted using CLC v8 and iTol software. Results: The overall prevalence of H. pylori infection was 53. 3%. In the results of the analysis of MLST, a total of 14 new STs were recorded. The results of the global analysis showed that all the isolates, with a wide diversity, have a genetic affinity with members of the European population, such as Italy and Russia, and are in the hpEurope haplotype. Conclusion: Given the high prevalence of H. pylori infection in this region, early and accurate identification of patients seems necessary. Sequence analysis and determination of the origin of the phylogeny of strains can be effective in clinical management and monitoring of risk factors for chronic and recurrence of infection.

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Background: In the present study, the effects of intra‑, basolateral amygdala (BLA) blockade of dopamine D1 receptor on morphine‑, induced conditioned place preference (CPP) were investigated in male Wistar rats. Materials and Methods: A 5‑, day CPP paradigm was used. Morphine was injected subsequently at effective (5 mg/kg) and ineffective (0. 5 mg/kg) doses. SCH 23390 (0. 5–,μ, g/rat), as a selective D1 receptor antagonist, was microinjected bilaterally into the BLA. Results: Effective dose of morphine induced a significant CPP, and increased the locomotor activity during the testing phase. The results showed that morphine‑, induced CPP was significantly suppressed by D1 receptors antagonist in BLA in the acquisition phase and caused an aversion even at high doses. The antagonist also significantly prevented CPP expression. Morphine increased the motor activity, but the D1 receptors blockade, significantly reduced it. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest a possible role for BLA dopamine D1 receptors in reward responses in morphine dependency.

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Background: One of the most common problems in the intensive care units (ICUs) is pressure ulcers (PUs). The present study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of aloe vera gel, olive oil, and compound aloe vera gel‑, olive oil in the prevention of PUs. Materials and Methods: This randomized clinical trial was conducted on 240 patients. They were randomly divided into four groups, aloe vera gel (n = 60), olive oil (n = 60), aloe vera gel‑, olive oil combination (n = 60), and control (n = 60). Braden scale and National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel scale were used to collect data. The intervention was performed for 30 days. In the intervention and control groups, the patient received routine care. In each intervention group, 10–, 15 ml of olive oil or aloe vera gel or a combination of olive oil and aloe vera was rubbed into body areas under pressure. Results: There were no PUs detected in all groups before the intervention,after the intervention, 12 patients in the olive group, 20 patients in the aloe vera group, 10 patients in the aloe vera‑, olive combination group, and 22 patients in the control group developed PUs. The results reported 40% of the patients with stage 1 PU and 10% of them with stage 2. Conclusion: Due to the effectiveness of olive oil and aloe vera‑, olive oil combination in preventing PU, it is recommended to use these herbal compounds in preventing PU on ICU patients.

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Background: Early and cost‑, effective diagnosis and monitoring of the infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‑, CoV‑, 2) are critically important to anticipate and control the disease. We aimed to set up a SYBR Green‑, based one‑, step real‑, time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as a lower‑, cost alternative method to detect the virus. Materials and Methods: An in‑, house SYBR Green‑, based PCR assay targeting the envelope (E) and RNA‑, dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) genes, was set up to diagnose the infection, and was compared with the reference probe‑, based PCR method. Results: When the commercial probe‑, based assay was considered as the reference method, SYBR Green‑, based PCR had a slightly lower sensitivity (81. 98% and 86. 25% for E and RdRp targets, respectively) and a good specificity (100% and 94. 44% for E and RdRp targets, respectively). For both gene targets, three different melting temperature (Tm) patterns were found in the PCRs of the nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal swab samples, but no size polymorphism was seen in agarose gel electrophoresis. Conclusion: Further studies to improvement of the assay are needed to make it an inexpensive and reliable tool for the diagnosis of COVID‑, 19.

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Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate ultra‑, widefield (UWF) fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) findings in patients with Fuchs’,uveitis syndrome (FUS). Materials and Methods: This cross‑, sectional study was conducted in patients with FUS. All the patients underwent a complete ophthalmologic examination, and FFA was carried out with Optos UWF retinal imaging. Standard FFA and image acquisition consisted of early phase (15–, 45 s) images, and late‑, phase (5–, 10 min) images were also obtained for both eyes. Results: Forty eyes from twenty unilateral FUS patients, including 11 females (55%), who had a mean age of 38. 50 ±,6. 97 years, were enrolled. Eighty‑, five percent of the FUS eyes had optic disc hyperfluorescence (ODH) in the FFA. A significant relationship was observed between ODH and iris heterochromia (P = 0. 004). ODH was seen in all the patients with iris heterochromia (n = 16). Peripheral vascular leakage (PVL), capillary nonperfusion, chorioretinal scar, and vascular sheathing were observed in 3, 3, 2, and 8 of the patients’,eyes, respectively. Conclusion: UWF FFA imaging seemed to be mandatory for evaluating the prognosis of the FUS patients, and another investigation may require to be conducted to evaluate the effect of antivascular endothelial growth factor agents for the management of PVL in these patients.

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Background: This research intended to investigate the characteristics of COVID‐, 19, accurately evaluate radiological findings, and compare it with laboratory evidence of coronavirus. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study of 120 consecutive cases with a mean age of 55. 9 ±,15. 82 years and laboratory‑, confirmed COVID‑, 19 pneumonia was performed. On admission, C‐, reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) levels were tested. Computed tomography (CT) findings and scored pulmonary involvement were evaluated. Results: An elevated level of CRP and mildly raised ESR was seen in all patients. ESR showed a meaningful difference between both genders (P < 0. 05). Ninety‑, four (78. 3%) patients showed peripheral pulmonary lesions and 119 patients had ground‑, glass opacity (99. 2%), 110 (92. 4%) had consolidation, and 9 patients (7. 5%) had linear opacities. Of 120 cases, 25 (20%) had bronchial changes, 25 (20%) had air bronchogram, 11 (9. 2%) had bronchial distortion, and 2 had mediastinal lymphadenopathy. The CT scores in males and females were 17. 41 ±,4. 86 and 14. 65 ±,4. 96, respectively with a significant difference between both genders (P = 0. 001). CT score difference was significant between both genders (P = 0. 01). The largest lung lesion diameter in both sexes (male: 46. 0725. 75 and female: 57. 9131. 14) showed a meaningful difference. CRP (r = 0. 10,P < 0. 05) and ESR (r = 0. 15,P < 0. 05) were correlated with the CT scores. Conclusion: the results indicated that the infection involved lung parenchyma and interstitium. CRP and ESR levels were correlated with lung lesions and showed positive performance in predicting severity and disease monitoring.

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Background: COVID‑, 19 pandemic placed immense pressure on health systems. The current study aimed to evaluate the symptoms of COVID‑, 19 in Isfahan province and their association with disease outcome. Materials and Methods: In this cross‑, sectional study, which was conducted on patients with a definite diagnosis of COVID‑, 19, as a part of the investigations performed by the Deputy for Public Health of the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, the frequency of underlying diseases, and general, respiratory, gastrointestinal, neurological, renal, cardiac, dermal, hearing symptoms are assessed using a checklist. The participants were followed up 1 month after definitive diagnosis, and the outcome of the disease (recovery or death) was recorded. Results: Of 300 patients, 143 (47. 4%) were male and 157 (52. 6%) were female. The mean age of patients was 43 ±,17. 84 years. Muscle pain and fatigue were the most common early symptoms (63% and 60. 3%, respectively). Age, sex, level of education, and occupation of patients and general, respiratory, and gastrointestinal symptoms and underlying diseases of respiratory disease showed a statistically significant association with the disease outcome (P < 0. 05). Conclusion: General, respiratory, and gastrointestinal symptoms were associated with an increased risk of death due to COVID‑, 19. General, visual, and hearing symptoms, and diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory disease had a statistically significant association with the hospitalization of patients.

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