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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی یک پدیده علمی- اجتماعی بی نظیر در جهان علم است. این دانشگاه بسیار جوان به عنوان یک الگوی کامل از بومی سازی علم و همچنین مدلی جهانی برای تلاش و کوشش و ارتقای کیفیت به حساب می آید و همچنان که به آینده می نگرم، رسالت دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی در ارتقای دانش، آگاهی و تخصص آحاد جامعه ایران جدی تر و سنگین تر می شود و گام های بلندی لازم است تا دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی به قله های رفیع تر علم و دانش رهنمون شود.

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The current research was intended to compare hypochondriasis, social support, social anxiety and general health between mothers of retarded and ordinary children in Ahwaz metropolitan. The sample included 80 mothers of retarded children and 80 mothers of ordinary children, who were selected by random sampling method. Ahwaz Hypochondriasis Test (AHT), Philips Social Support, Fear Negative Evaluation and Social Avoidance and Distress (FNE, SAD) scales and Goldberg General Health Questionnaire (GHQ28) were implemented as data sources. The research was a causal comparative one. Data multi-varieties analysis of variance (MANOVA) showed that there were significant differences between mothers of retarded and ordinary children in Hypochondriasis, social support, social anxiety and general health (P<0.002), Therefore all the research hypotheses were confirmed.

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The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between adaptive behavior and parental styles including independence, attention learning, over learning. The research method was a descriptive study using multi-step random sampling. The 264 samples were chosen from female secondary school students in 3, 4 and 6 Tehran educational regions. Pearson and multi regression coefficients were used for data analysis. Results showed that, there was no relationship between the ages of master independence and master learning. There was however a significant relationship between master learning and adaptive behaviors. Similarly, There was no relationship between attention learning and adaptive behavior, as well as a negative significant relationship between the subscales of parental styles and adaptive behavior the regression analysis shows that among the subscales of parental styles and attention learning there was a predictive power for adaptive behavior, due to %138 deviation in adaptive behavior change.

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The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of three therapeutic programs including parents encouraging training (based on Adler-Dreikurs approach), behavioral training, and pharmacotherapy for increasing self-control among children with attention deficit/hyperactive disorder (ADHD). In this experimental study, 40 parents of students referred to Rouzbeh Psychiatric Hospital were diagnose according to a psychiatrist diagnosis and utilizing Conners scale for ADHD. Covariance and F score analysis revealed a significant difference among the three methods indicating that parents encouraging training method, and parents behavioral training based on Barkleys theory are both effective for increasing self–control skills in ADHD children. We can conclude that parents encouraging training and parent behavioral training are effective in improving self-control in ADHD children.

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In this study, we scrutinized relationship among attachment styles, optimism and loneliness in 9-12 year old students in Karaj. The approach used for the research was post expository. Samples included 200 students (100 males and 100 females) who were selected randomly to study their attachment styles using Ronaghi attachment style scale (1387), and Peterson et al. attributional styles (ASQ) scales. A questionnaire to measure loneliness and Asher et al variance analysis scale was utilized too. Data were analyzed by the following methods of Descriptive (M, SD) and deductive methods (Pearson coefficient correlation and multivariate analysis of variance - MANOVA). Results showed that there was a significant relation among optimism, loneliness and attachment styles which depicted a very omnipotent factor for child upbringing and future life. Both above-mentioned approaches played an influential role and they altered into a comprehensive introvert factor inside child s personality.

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The present study was designed and conducted with the purpose of in- vestigating the role of cognitive variables in depression of adolescents with cancer. The participants in the study were adolescents between 12-18 years old diagnosed with cancer. 174 adolescents were selected through convenient sampling method from a number of cancer treatment centers and hospitals in Tehran, Isfahan, and Shiraz. Qualitative data were collected with Beck Depression Inventory for Primary Care (BDI-PC), Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS-21), Illness Perception Inventory (short form), and Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scale form C (MHLC-C) which were completed by the adolescents. The results revealed that there was a significant positive correlation between adolescent depression with chance health locus of control, emotion focused coping, illness perception and inverse correlation with problem focused and avoidance coping. The results of multi variable regression analysis showed that emotion focused coping, problem focused coping and illness perception were more likely to predict the adolescent depression.

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This study attempted to investigate the factors in sleep quality, sleep disorder, daytime sleepiness in male systolic heart failure patients. It was a cross-sectional study conducted with 100 male patients with systolic heart failure. The method of sampling method was convenience whereby data were collected by means of demographic data forms, epworth sleepiness scale, sleep disorder index and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. SPSS software was utilized to analyze the data using descriptive statistics oft-test, ANOYA and coefficient Pearson correlation. Findings indicated that 100% of heart failure patient had low sleep quality and 53% had low daytime sleepiness. Insomnia and sleep apnea were the most common sleep problems in heart failure patients. There was a statistically significant relationship between sleep quality with age (p=0.030), education (p=0.004), smoking (p=0.048), on the one hand, and sleep disorders with income (p=0.012), body mass index (p=0.028), education (p=0.019), smoking (p=0.050), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (p=0.035), angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (P =0.009), and angiotensin receptor blockers (p=0.016), on the other hand. The results showed that men with systolic heart failure had low sleep quality and insomnia, sleep apnea and daytime sleepiness as their common problems. It was concluded that weight loss, smoking cessation, control and treatment of chronic respiratory diseases, control of side effects of drugs might decrease sleep problems in male heart failure patients.

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The aim of this study was to determine. the coping strategies against life stressful events by the injured in Iran-Iraq war with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the injured without post traumatic stress dis- order (PTSD). Statistic population in this investigation was all the injured in the Iran-Iraq war who live in Kermanshah in 1389, out of which 60 was randomly selected. A sample of 30 injured had PTSD, and the other30 had no PTSD. The research method was causal comparative. For each group paykel life events inventory, moos & billings coping responses inventory, and post traumatic stress disorder checklist (PCL) were used. Data were analysed with multi analysis of variance (MANOVA), Pearson correlation coefficient, and T test. The results revealed that there was a significatnt difference between the coping strategies by the injured with PTSD and those without PTSD. Moreover, there was a positive correlation between evaluating the stressful life events as highly dangerous and emotional- Focused coping strategies in the injured with and without PTSD. There was however no significant correlation between the evaluating stressful life events as low dangerous and problem-Focused coping strategies in the injured with and without PTSD.

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The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between resiliency and quality of life in mothers of children with mental retardation. In this study, 60 mothers of female children with mental retardation in 3 educational areas in Karaj were randomly selected in cluster and evaluated with the resiliency scale Connor-Davidson (CD-RISE) and quality of life (QOL). The research method was description correlational study, in which the results revealed positive and significant correlations (t=0.84) between resiliency (M=52.7, Sd=16.5) and quality of life (M=14.5, Sd=20.8),as well as positive and significant correlations between resiliency and components of quality of life (general health, physical health, family interaction, being parent, support associated with the common, spirited and cultural life, lei- sure and public awareness). In addition, results indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between resiliency and quality of life and its subscales.

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