The real effective exchange rate is regarded as one of the most important factors of international competitiveness. Thus identifying effective sources to offset fluctuations in these variables is very important in any economy. There for, this research aims, are to identify the impact of the enterprise and sovereign state in the long-term and short-term measures on the effective real exchange rate of the economy. In this study, the bounds testing approach application and it used in the Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag method (ARDL) for Quarterly data the period 1371 to 1390. Variables used in this study are: the real effective exchange rate, index of the policies and governance, economic growth, openness and the income of oil. Overall, the findings indicate a negative relationship between the increase of state enterprises in economy and competitiveness goods, and positive long-term relationship between the sovereignty of the government's index and the competitiveness. Somewhat, short-term results are reflects this fact. Error correction factor model is -0.265, this show that, in each period, about 26 percent of the imbalances affecting the volatility of the real exchange rate be resolved, and less than four courses are required to balance the error correction term. And model return to long-run equilibrium. The Granger causality test results show that, indirect causal relationship between the independent variables of the real effective exchange rate was at 5% level. Given these findings, the state-run effect on the real effective exchange rate could be accepted stronger.