Background and Aim: The lifestyle is part of living that is actually being realized which covers a full range of activities that people do every day. These activities and habits include: eating habits, sleeping and rest, physical activity, weight control, smoking and alcohol, immunization against disease, compatibility with stress, and the ability to support family and community. Therefore, the present study aimed to find out the effect of education program based on BASNEF model on healthy lifestyle of langroud’ taxi drivers in 2012 with emphasis on physical activity, nutrition and lack of smoking.Material and Methods: The present study was a quasi-experimental study to find out the healthy lifestyle (fits BASNEF model) on the 200 taxi drivers of langroud city in 2012. The sampling method was multistage random sampling. In the first stage, drivers were randomly divided into control and interventional groups. Then, in each group based on age and education level, 100 drivers (n=100) were randomly selected. Data were collected through a researcher made questionnaire based on BAZNEF model. The validity and reliability were confirmed by experts and Cornbrash’s alpha coefficient was (79.6%). After primary data collection, educational intervention was performed and 2 months later data were collected again. In the study (p<0.05) was considered significant.Result: The Result of paired t- test showed that average knowledge scores, attitude, behavior, subjective norms and enabling factors of 27.61, 39.48, 30.98, 9.28, 13.6 to 35.18, 43.23, 36.35, 10.89, 16.04 increase before the intervention. Also the result of Pearson Correlation showed that knowledge variable is more than other variables. The highest correlation is with behavior. The regression showed that knowledge variable and enabling factors are the most effective structure in predicting healthy lifestyle.Conclusion: The results of this study showed that education program based on BAZNEF model is effective to promote a healthy lifestyle in urban taxi drivers.