After harvesting, pistachio nuts are generally kept in storage before being exported. During handling, the nuts are exposed to external forces that cause mechanical damage to them. The increase of the mechanical damage is a function of storage conditions, especially temperature. This research investigated the effect of storage temperature (25, 5, -5, -15oC), on the mechanical properties of pistachio kernels. The kernels were kept at the four storage temperatures for three months. Durability, impact, compression and comminution tests were then performed on the kernels. The statistical analysis of the data indicated that the negative temperatures had lower durability damage, but caused the kernels to become brittle, which increased impact damage. In the compression test, the modulus of elasticity of the kernels at 25, 5, -5, -15oC were 64.17, 63.11, 37.70 and 26.56 MPa, respectively. This also indicated that the power required to cause biological yield in the kernels increased as storage temperature increased. The commination test showed little difference in the distribution of broken kernels on different sieves.