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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Purpose: Low back pain is one of the most common and costly medical problems and the main cause of absenteeism which is a common problem in today's society. The prevalence and cost of treatment is increasing significantly. There are many ways to treat low back pain but a convenient, useful and low cost method is the main need of today's societies. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to compare the effect of Barreausol and Pilates exercises on quality of life in women with chronic low back pain. Methods: Thirty patients with chronic back pain were selected and randomly allocated into three 10-patients groups Barreausol (average age of 42 ± 7 years, height 160 ± 8 cm, and weight 62 ± 5. 5 kg) Pilates (average age of 42. 5 ± 5 years, height 159 ± 10 cm, and weight 61 ± 6 kg) control (average age of 42 ± 6 years, height 161 ± 11 cm, and weight 59. 5 ± 7 kg). Subjects in the intervention group performed three 60-minute sessions each week for 8 weeks, but the control group did not participate in any of the therapeutic activities during this time and were only engaged in daily activities Subjects' quality of life was assessed using SF36 questionnaire before and after eight weeks. Inferential statistics analysis of variance for repeated data (ANOVA) was used to analyze the groups (p≤ 0. 05). Results: The findings of the present study showed that both of the intervention methods significantly improved the quality of life of women with chronic low back pain (p≤ 0. 05). However, in the control group no significant difference was observed (p>0. 05). Overall, there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups (p≤ 0. 05). The results also showed no significant difference between the two training methods (p>0. 05). Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study it can be concluded that Barreausol exercises and Pilates exercises can improve the quality of life and adverse effects of women with chronic low back pain so it can be definitely recommended as a suitable medicine for the treatment of chronic low back pain.

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Purpose: To determine the status of rule similarity (isorule vs. anisorule) and symmetry pattern (direct versus mirror) in refractive surgery candidates Methods: This population-based study was conducted on the available data of 2015-2016. The clinical records containing complete eye examinations including the measurement of visual acuity, objective and subjective refraction, biomicroscopy, and topographic images were evaluated. Clinical and demographic data including the amount of refractive error (diopter and cylinder) and astigmatism axis were extracted from the patients’ records. In this study, refraction was recorded as a negative cylinder value, and spherical values of more than 0. 5 D for myopia and hyperopia and astigmatism less than 1 D were considered as the exclusion criteria. Results: After applying the exclusion criteria, the data of 2196 astigmatic patients were analyzed. In the study population, 95. 9% of the patients had isorule and 4. 1% had anisorule astigmatism. The prevalence of isorule and anisorule astigmatism was similar in terms of gender (p=0. 204) and age (0. 244). An increase in the amount of astigmatism was associated with an increase in the prevalence of isorule and a decrease in the prevalence of anisorule astigmatism (p=0. 012). The prevalence of WW, AA, and OO was 75. 8%, 19%, and 1. 1% and the prevalence of WA, WO, and AO was 0. 6%, 2. 5%, and 1%, respectively. As for the symmetry of astigmatism axes, the median difference in the axis of astigmatism between the fellow eyes was 5˚ in mirror symmetry and 10˚ in direct symmetry. According to the results, ageing was associated with an increase in the axis difference between the fellow eyes in both direct (p=0. 023) and mirror (p<0. 001) symmetry, while an increase in the amount of astigmatism increased the axis difference between the of fellow eyes in direct (p=0. 002) and mirror (p<0. 001) symmetry. Conclusion: Isorule astigmatism is a very common pattern in refractive surgery candidates and anisorule astigmatism is a rare condition. Symmetry was also common in this study and there was a higher tendency towards mirror symmetry compared to direct symmetry. Patients with WW astigmatism had the highest symmetry among patients.

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Purpose: Stiffness is one of the characteristic of viscoelastic structures in human body that can theoretically affect the risk of injury. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the lower limb stiffness and selected biomechanical variables related to the risk of injury in healthy physically active young male adults. Methods: Twenty male physical education students participated voluntarily in this study. They performed vertical hopping tests in three styles, bilateral, unilateral on dominant leg and unilateral on non-dominant leg, with three strategies, preferred and control (frequency 2. 2 Hz) and the maximal to determine the stiffness of the lower limb and performed one-leg landing to determine the peak of vertical ground reaction force, rate of loading and mechanical absorbed energy. The variables were estimated by the force plate and the motion analysis system. The relationship between lower limb stiffness and selected biomechanical variables (peak of vertical ground reaction force, rate of loading and mechanical absorbed energy) in landing was determined by Pearson correlation test (p≤ 0. 05). Results: Among the lower limb stiffness variables during hopping performance with different strategies (control strategy, preferential and maximal), lower limb stiffness during maximal unilateral hopping tests showed significant and positive relationship with peak of vertical ground reaction force (p = 0. 01) and rate of loading (p = 0. 01). Lower limb stiffness during control hopping tests showed a significant negative relationship with the mechanical absorbed energy (p=0. 02). Conclusion: According to the findings, it can be argued that the high lower limb stiffness increases the risk of bony injuries such as knee osteoarthritis and stress fractures, while low lower limb stiffness increases the risk of soft tissue injuries. Therefore, it seems that very low or very high lower limb stiffness is not an advantage in order to reduce the risk of injury, and there is probably some optimal value for it.

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Purpose: Regarding the impact of bilingualism and cochlear implantation on the language development and metalinguistic skills, examining these skills in bilingual children in different languages, especially bilingual children with normal and cochlear implantation, can lead us to a greater recognition of the language development in children and the related factors. The present study aims to investigate and compare the mean length of utterance and lexical richness with lexical awareness (content and structural aspect) between the normal and cochlear implantation children in the first grade in Persian and Azeri. Methods: Six bilingual children with cochlear implantation were selected from the first grade of exceptional school in city of Zanjan in year 97-98 and six normal counterparts were selected matched for gender, age, and socio-economic conditions. Then, mean length of utterance and lexical richness were compared with metalinguistic skills tests. For studying mean length of utterance and lexical richness, continuous speech test and for studying metalinguistic skills, lexical awareness test (including content and structural aspect of word definition) were used. Results: Data analysis in Azeri language showed that mean length of utterance and lexical richness in the first grade of hard of hearing bilingual children with cochlear implantation in Azeri-Persian is delayed (p<0. 05). But in Persian language of language development indices, only the mean length of utterance is delayed (p<0. 05). No significant difference was found in any of content and structural aspects of lexical awareness definition in hard of hearing children with cochlear implantation (p>0. 05). The low level of meta-language proficiency of subjects in metalinguistic tests in Azeri language can be attributed to the official teaching of Persian language in schools. Conclusions: Consistent with the results of this study, the mean continuous speech scores showed that the performance of the first grade of normal bilingual children in lexical richness and Mean length of utterance in Persian language is better than bilingual children with cochlear implantation.

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Purpose: Many different factors are considered as effective factor that cause and have effect on endurance of low back pain. Life style is one of these factors consisted of subsets that are related to life pattern. The relation between these factors and low back pain is not well studied thus the present study by purpose of studying coping with stress as a basic factor in relation with components of low back pain have been done. Methods: from Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Tehran and Ferdowsi University of Mashhad of Iran 68 college students have participated in the study. All participants completed two questionnaires of Nordic musculoskeletal and Cassidi and Long problem-solving style. Analysis of data was conducted by SPSS v21 and Spearman correlation tests. Results: The results show that there is a positive correlation between age, education level and duration of low back pain with an efficient problem-solving style. On the other hand there is a negative correlation between inefficient problem-solving style and education level. In addition, results illustrate that there is a positive correlation between work absence and inefficient problem-solving style (p<0. 05). Conclusion: According to the results coping with stress style is an efficient factor in duration of low back pain and work absence. However, the effectiveness of this factor as a basic factor for the appearance of low back pain has not been shown in a proper manner.

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Purpose: Strabismus is one of the serious visual problems in children. Early diagnosis and treatment of strabismus at an early ages results in good treatment outcomes. In this regard, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of strabismus and heterophoria in children aged 3 to 6 years in city of Bojnurd, the capital of north Khorasan Province, Iran, in 2016-2017. Methods: In a population-based study, of 6600 children who went to kindergartens in Bojnurd for visual screening, a total of 1100 (three to six years of age, the mean age 4. 21± 1. 08 years) children were evaluated who were suspected of having visual problems. Complete eye examinations included visual acuity measurement, cycloplegic refraction (cyclopantolate 1%), subjective refraction and cover test were performed for all participants. Results: The prevalence of strabismus was recorded as 0. 36%. There were no associations of strabismus with age and genders (p>0. 05). The most type of strabismus was esotropia. A total of 4. 1% of children with strabismus had astigmatism. The prevalence of heterophoria in 1100 children was 22. 9% and the most common heterophoria was exophoria (19. 4%). A total of 31. 5% of children with myopia had exophoria. However, this rate was lower in children with emetropia (19. 09%) and hypropia (16. 4%). A total of 1. 3% of visual impairments in these children were due to strabismus. Conclusions: Given the prevalence of strabismus, early diagnosis and treatment at young ages can prevent future visual impairments in these children. Using these findings in planning for children's screening can improve optometric services.

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Purpose: Order of the concurrent training is one of the essential training principles which has been less investigated specially with respect to restricted blood flow and in elderly women. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of concurrent training order (aerobic-strength vs strength-aerobic) in the same session with vascular occlusion on physical fitness in elderly women. Methods: Fourteen elderly women (age 60-70 yr) randomly divided into 3 groups: strength prior to (SE, n=14) or after (ES, n=13) endurance training and the control group (Con=13). Both aerobic and strength trainings were performed in the same training session under the vascular occlusion (VO). The training duration was 12 weeks, three sessions per week. Results: The results showed that body mass index in both training groups significantly decreased compared with Con (p<0. 001), but this reduction was further in ES (p<0. 001). Upper and lower body strengths were significantly increased in both training group compared with Con (p<0. 001), but this increase was further in SE (p<0. 001). Also, muscle endurance significantly increased in both training groups compared with Con (p<0. 001), with no difference between groups (p=0. 280). There was only significant difference between AS with Con in aerobic capacity (p<0. 001), while there was no significant difference between SA with Con (p=0. 081), and AS with SA (p>0. 05) Conclusion: It seems that concurrent training with vascular occlusion significantly improved physical fitness components in elderly women regardless of their order and there was no obvious difference between the order of the training in one session. However, if specific training goals are to be considered, the order of the training may be determinative.

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Purpose: Reducing the level of trust in the health system may lead to consequences such as seeking a secondary view of the disease or lowering the level of acceptance of treatment. Considering the importance of public trust in the health system in achieving its goals, the present study aimed to standardize the public trust in health services providers’ questionnaire. Methods: In the present study, the validity and reliability of the instrument for measuring public trust were assessed. This analytical and cross-sectional study was conducted in the first six months of 2018 among citizens of Mashhad, who received services of government hospitals. The validity of this tool was carried out by interviewing 20 specialists using two methods: "Lavashe" and "Walts and Basel". To determine the reliability of the questionnaire completed by 50 citizens, Cronbach's alpha and intra-cluster correlation coefficient were calculated. The results were analyzed using SPSS software version 20. Results: In the validity stage based on the opinions of 20 experts, 36 of the 3 questions were queried with CVR less than 0. 42 and the connection was less than 0. 7. In the remaining 33 questions, the Content Validity Index was acceptable. Questions that had a low resolution and simplicity were reviewed. Cronbach's alpha coefficient and intra-cluster correlation coefficient for the whole questionnaire were 0. 83 and 0. 81, respectively. After dimensions of the Cronbach's alpha coefficient questionnaire only 2 were less than 0. 7. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, public trust in health care has acceptable validity and reliability. Therefore, policymakers and health care planners can periodically use caregivers to measure public confidence in healthcare providers.

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Purpose: The importance of the brain in regulating the physical performance associated with cardiovascular responses is one of the most important unresolved training treatment in different age groups. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the neurological response of the cerebral cortex and to establish the physiological parameters of central fatigue during high-intensity exercise. Methods: In a laboratory study, fourteen sprint-cyclist women completed a session with a high-intensity interval training 60-minute exercise on an ergometer cycle. Intermittently (90-120-60-120-60-90 rpm) the intensity was changed. Electroencephalogram (EEG) was used to analyze the cortical activity changes. The heart rate, blood lactate and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured and recorded after the change in parity. Results: The results showed that heart rate, blood lactate, and RPE increased by 120 rpm compared with 60 rpm. The spectral power of EEG is significantly increased at the alpha frequency and beta frequency range by varying the coding between 60 and 120 rpm (theta: +251%, alpha: +167%, beta: +145%). By reducing the cadence from 120 to 60 rpm, spectral power is significantly reduced (theta:-176%, alpha:-145%, beta:-78%) in all the analyzed EEG frequency domains. The data also indicated a significant decrease in the spectral EEG across the entire frequency range over time. Conclusion: Analyzed EEG data showed that cerebral cortical neural response increased during high-intensity exercise and fatigue cycles in all frequency domains, especially beta.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of core stability exercises on physical fitness of core muscles and primary dysmenorrhea in teenage girls. Methods: Participants of the study included 30 teenage girls with primary dysmenorrhea. Participants were assigned into either the exercise group (n=15) or control (n=15) group randomly. All subjects completed the Menstrual Symptom Questionnaire (MSQ) to measure symptoms of dysmenorrhea. Abdominal muscle endurance, balance and trunk flexibility of participants were measured respectively by sit up, one leg stance and Wels tests. Measurements were performed before and after the exercise period. The exercise group performed core muscle exercises for 8 weeks, 3 days a week. During this period control group did not participate in any kind of exercises. Analysis of variance with repeated measures and Pearson correlation tests were used for data analysis. Results: The result showed that core muscle exercises reduced dysmenorrhea symptoms (p=0. 001), increased endurance of abdominal muscles (p=0. 001), and flexibility (p=0. 04) in exercise group. However, core muscle exercises did not change balance significantly (p>0. 05). Dysmenorrhea changes were negatively related to physical fitness changes (r=0. 55, p=0. 002). Conclusion: Core muscle exercises can be used as a treatment to reduce the severity of dysmenorrhea which may be associated with increasing core muscle fitness indices.

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