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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Iranian society has seen extensive developments in the field of sexual culture, which has led to the spread of sexual injuries and threats to family health. The present study was conducted with the aim of presenting the model of sexual health education in television programs from the experts' point of view. Methods: This research is a qualitative study that was conducted with the Grounded Theory method. The studied population included experts in various fields of medicine, psychology, sociology, religion and media, who were selected in 2021-2022 by stratified purposeful sampling method. The selection of samples continued until theoretical saturation. The theoretical saturation limit in this research was 31 people. Data collection was done with semi-structured interviews and their analysis, with open, central and selective coding method. To measure the validity of the findings, four criteria including credibility, generalizability, reliability and verifiability were used, and to measure the reliability of the interviews, the intra-subject agreement method was used. Data analysis was done using ATLAS. ti 8 software. Results: The model of sexual health education was identified in 6 selective codes under the title of components (causal conditions, context, phenomena, intervening conditions, strategies and consequences) and 22 axial codes and 76 open codes. Conclusions: The final model shows that through 6 selective codes and 22 axial codes, sexual health program training can be provided through television. Therefore, it is suggested that managers, programmers and producers of TV sexual health programs taking into account the designed model, take necessary measures in the direction of sexual health education.

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Introduction: Having healthy interaction and establishing love and expressing intimacy with each other is one of the manifestations of social life. The purpose of the present study was to predict love based on object relations and the quality of parental relationships among the students of Kashan universities in 2019. Methods: The present research was carried out by descriptive-correlation method. The statistical population included all students of Islamic Azad University, Kashan branch, in undergraduate and graduate degrees in 2019. Sampling was done in a non-random and convenience method. Using Morgan's table, 384 people were selected. The instruments used for the demographic questionnaire were "Sternberg's Triangular Love Scale", "Bell Object Relations Inventory" and "Quality of Relationships Inventory". The validity and reliability of the instruments were limited to previous researches. The data was analyzed in SPSS. 22. Results: Object relations and its components have a significant negative correlation with the total score of love and can predict it (P<0. 05). Also, the total score of object relations has the power of predicting different sub-scales of love (intimacy, commitment and passion) and their correlation is also inverse. The correlation of the total score of the quality of parents' relationships with the total score of love and its subscales is not meaningful and does not have the ability to predict them. But each of the quality components of parents' relationships (conflict, social support, relationship depth) can predict the total love score. Conclusions: Object relations and its components have a significant negative correlation with the total score of love and have the ability to predict it. The total score of the quality of parents' relationships has no significant correlation with the total score of love and its subscales and does not have the ability to predict them. But each of the quality components of parents' relationships can predict the total love score. It is suggested to hold psychological and educational classes before marriage and counseling during and after marriage.

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Introduction: One of the common psychological problems of old age is anxiety, and one of the types of anxiety that the elderly face is death anxiety. The purpose of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of “, Mindfulness Therapy Based on Stress Reduction”,and “, Narrative Therapy”,on the death anxiety of the elderly. Methods: The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test-follow-up design and a control group. The statistical population of this research was made up of elderly people who referred to health centers in Tehran in 2019 and 2014, who had health records in these centers. Among them, 45 people were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly assigned to 2 intervention groups and 1 control group. Research instruments included demographic questionnaire and "Templer Death Anxiety Scale". Content validity of the instrument was measured by qualitative method and reliability by internal consistency method by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. After conducting 8 sessions of “, Mindfulness Therapy Based on Stress Reduction" and 9 sessions of “, Narrative Therapy”,for the intervention groups, the data were analyzed in SPSS. 24. Results: “, Mindfulness Therapy Based on Stress Reduction”,and “, Narrative Therapy”,were effective on death anxiety in the intervention groups (P=0. 043). The effect of time on death anxiety (P=0. 001) was effective compared to the pre-test stage. The interaction effect of time*groups was effective on death anxiety (P=0. 001) compared to the control group. In the post-test stage, the difference in the average death anxiety of the group “, Mindfulness Therapy Based on Stress Reduction”,and “, Narrative Therapy”,and control (P<0. 05) and “, Narrative Therapy”,and control (P<0. 05) was significant, but the difference of “, Mindfulness Therapy Based on Stress Reduction”,and “, Narrative Therapy”,and “, Narrative Therapy”,(P<0. 05) was not significant. Conclusions: "Mindfulness Therapy Based on Stress Reduction" and "Narrative Therapy" were effective on death anxiety of the elderly. It is suggested that in order to reduce the death anxiety of the elderly, the above therapy should be conducted along with pharmaceutical treatments.

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Introduction: Various psychological factors, including mood and anxiety symptoms, can affect pain outcomes and quality of life. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to design a conceptual model of mood and anxiety symptoms with quality of life and pain outcomes in patients with chronic back pain and the mediating role of emotional schemas and self-compassion. Methods: The research method of the present study is descriptive-correlation. The statistical population consisted of women and men aged 30-50 with chronic back pain and referred to pain clinics in Akhtar, Labbafinezhad and Imam Hossein (AS) hospitals in Tehran in 2019-2020. 400 people were selected by purposeful and convenience sampling method considering the entry and exit criteria. Data collection instruments are demographic questionnaire, "Mood and Anxiety Symptoms Questionnaire", "World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL-BREF)", " Consequences of Pain Questionnaire”,and “, Self-Compassion Scale-Short Form”, . The construct validity of the instruments was checked and confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis method and reliability by internal consistency method by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data analysis was done in SPSS. 21 and LISREL 8. 8. Results: The model showed a favorable fit, mood and anxiety symptoms have a direct, positive and significant correlation with the increase in emotional schemas (P<0. 05). Emotional schemas have a direct, negative and significant correlation with the reduction of self-compassion (P<0. 05). Also, mood and anxiety symptoms have an indirect, positive and significant correlation with the increase in pain outcomes and a negative and significant indirect correlation with the decrease in quality of life (P<0. 05). Conclusions: Results supported the mediation of self-compassion between emotional symptoms and emotional schemas with pain outcomes and quality of life. Therefore, it is suggested to use the findings of the present study in treatment programs.

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Introduction: Divorced women who are independent from their families, compared to divorced women who are dependent on their families, may show strategies to deal with tension, adapt to divorce, and feel lonely. The present study aimed to compare divorce adjustment, coping with stress and loneliness feeling in independent and family-dependent divorced women. Methods: The method of present research is descriptive-comparative. The statistical population of this research included all the divorced women covered by the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation in Qom in 2019, from which 35 independent women and 35 women dependent on the family were selected through non-random and convenience sampling method. The research instruments included demographic questionnaire, "Fisher Divorce Adjustment Scale", "Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations" and "Loneliness Scale". Content validity of the instruments were measured by qualitative method and reliability by internal consistency method by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The data was analyzed in SPSS. 24. Results: The results of the multivariate analysis of variance showed that there was a significant difference between divorce adjustment (P=0. 001, F=88. 09), task-oriented coping (P=0. 015, F=6. 22), emotion-oriented coping (P=0. 001, F=72. 9), avoidant-distracted coping (P=0. 001, F=11. 7) and loneliness feeling (P=0. 001, F=46. 5) between independent and family-dependent divorced women. Conclusions: Family-independent divorced women showed a higher score in task-oriented coping and a lower score in emotion-oriented and avoidant-distracted coping compared to family-dependent divorced women. Family-independent divorced women showed a higher score in the total score of divorce adjustment and a lower score in the total score of loneliness feeling compared to familydependent divorced women. Therefore, it is suggested to the officials of the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation to implement training courses on coping strategies to reduce the feeling of loneliness and increase adaptation to divorce and the independence of divorced women dependent on the family.

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Introduction: People's eating behavior and binge eating, as well as the weight efficacy lifestyle, are influenced by individual and personality factors. The present study aimed to determine the structural relationships between personality traits and binge eating with the mediation of weight efficacy lifestyle of Azad University students Methods: The method of the present research was descriptive-correlation and the statistical population included all male and female students of Islamic Azad University of Karaj in 2022, and 357 people were selected from among them by non-random and convenience sampling method. Demographic questionnaire, "NEO Five-Factor Inventory", "Weight Efficacy Lifestyle Questionnaire" and "Binge Eating Scale" were used to collect data. The validity of the instruments was measured using content validity using a qualitative method and reliability using the internal consistency method by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The collected data were analyzed in SPSS. 24 and AMOS. 24. Results: There is a direct and significant relationship between neuroticism (P=0. 001, β, =0. 406) and conscientiousness (P=0. 008, β, =0. 332) and binge eating. There is a positive and significant direct relationship between weight efficacy lifestyle and binge eating (P=0. 003, β, =0. 474). There is a negative and significant direct relationship between neuroticism and weight efficacy lifestyle (P=0. 002, β, =0. 334). There is a negative and significant indirect relationship between neuroticism and binge eating with the mediation of weight efficacy lifestyle (P=0. 001, β, =0. 158). Conclusions: There is a structural relationship between the neuroticism personality trait and binge eating with the mediation of weight efficacy lifestyle. It is suggested that psychological treatments based on weight efficacy lifestyle should also be provided to those suffering from binge eating disorder and overweight in addition to the diet.

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Introduction: It is important to provide psychological treatments to improve the resilience and quality of life of patients with hypertension. The aim of the present study is to determine the effectiveness of "Mindfulness Group Therapy" on resilience and quality of life in patients with hypertension. Methods: The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test-follow-up plan with a control group. The statistical population included men and women who referred to Atiyeh Hospital in Tehran with complaints of high blood pressure in the fall and winter of 2022, and 30 of them were selected by convenience sampling and randomly assigned to the intervention group and control group. Research instruments include demographic questionnaire, "Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale", "World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire" and "Mercury Sphygmomanometer". The content validity of the instruments was measured by qualitative method and reliability by internal consistency method by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient and the reliability of "Mercury Sphygmomanometer"" by retest method with a time interval of 3 measurements on patients with high blood pressure. After conducting 10 sessions of “, Mindfulness Group Therapy”,for the intervention group, the data were analyzed in SPSS. 24. Results: "Mindfulness Group Therapy" was effective on resilience, quality of life and hypertension in the intervention group (P=0. 001). The effect of time on resilience, quality of life and hypertension was effective compared to the pre-test stage (P=0. 001). Conclusions: "Mindfulness Group Therapy" was effective in increasing resilience and quality of life and reducing blood pressure in patients with hypertension. It is suggested that in order to increase resilience and quality of life and reduce blood pressure of hypertensive patients, "Mindfulness Group Therapy" courses should be held for patients along with drug treatments.

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Introduction: Losing a parent/parents is a traumatic event and its short-term and long-term consequences reduce the mental health of teenagers. The aim of this research was to predict the parental bereavement experience based on attributional style in female students with the mediation of psychological well-being. Methods: The research method was descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of this research included all single-parent female students of the second secondary school in Kermanshah city in the first and second semesters of 2019-2019, totaling 750 people. 283 students were selected by cluster random method and entered the study. To collect data from demographic questionnaire, "Grief Experience Questionnaire", "Attributional Style Questionnaire" and "Psychological Well-Being Scale-Revised" were used. Content validity of the instruments was measured by qualitative method and reliability by internal consistency method by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Structural equation model and SPSS. 24 and AMOS. 24 were used for data analysis. Results: The indirect path coefficient between negative attribution style and bereavement (P<0. 05, β, =0. 226) is positive and the indirect path coefficient between positive attribution style and bereavement (P<0. 05, β, =0. 221) is negative and in the level of 0. 05 was significant. Conclusions: Positive and negative attributions predict bereavement with the mediation of psychological well-being. Therefore, it is suggested to strengthen the attributional style and psychological well-being of single-parent students in order to reduce bereavement in schools.

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