Purpose: Since the range of motion dysfunctions disturbs skillful throwing function as one causes of shoulder pain and essential factors of throwing in overarm and underarm throwers’ shoulder, the purpose of this study was to compare dominant and non dominant shoulder range of rotation among volleyball, bowling players and nonathlete women before an injury.Methods: In this non-experimental, cross sectional study, 45 women in 3 equal groups of nonathlete, volleyball and bowling players at the range of 20 to 30 years of age were recruited and their shoulder range of rotation was measured by goniometer. For data analyzing, descriptive statistic such as mean, standard deviation, and for reliability analyzing, Correlation Coefficient were performed. Kolmogorov-smirnov and Leven’s tests for assessing the data normality and groups variance equality, paired T-test for comparing dominant and nondominant sides, One-way ANOVA for comparing shoulder range of rotations among bowling, volleyball players and nondominant women (significant level p<0.05) were also performed.Results: Athletes demonstrated a significant less Internal Rotation (p=0.00) and greater External Rotation (p=0.02) in dominant shoulder compared to nondominant and non-athletes (p=0.00) shoulder. However, there were no significant differences between dominant, nondominant shoulder (p=0.07 volleyball, p=0.30 bowling players) and among groups (p=0/23 nonathletes and volleyball, p=0.07 nonathletes and bowling players) in total range of motion. In addition, no significant difference was found in examining variables between volleyball and bowling players (p=0.80 external, p=0.82 internal, p=0.54 total rotation).Conclusion: According to the role of range of motion in joint injuries rehabilitation, how changing in it before thrower shoulder injuries, challenges the kind of rehabilitation after injuries.In order to study the results, we can say thrower shoulder range of rotation shifts toward greater external and less internal rotation as a result of micro truma that caused by repetitive throwing and these changes that are not related with kind of throwing (overarm or underarm) could be one of the probable causes of athletes’ shoulder pain.