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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Social cohesion as one of the dimensions of social capital, are indicators of the social, cultural and political development. Study of the youth political culture who are one of the largest population groups in the developing countries is important for political stability and social dynamic. This article investigates the impact of mass media on youth social cohesion in the city of Tabriz. Methods of collecting and analyzing data is survey. The study included 384 boys and girls in Tabriz. For data collection used the questionnaire that validity is formal Methods and reliability is calculated Cronbach’s alpha statistic and data through software SPSS16 were analyzed. social cohesion by dividing the four variables (Orientation to social values, sense of community, the tendency of social order and social participation) with regard to the three types of media (Print media, electronic media and digital media), it is observed that significant correlations exist between respondents’ media consumption and social cohesion.

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This paper investigates the role of social capital in women’s entrepreneurship. The current study claims that the social capital and its three aspects namely structural aspect, relational aspect and cognitive aspect are effective on women’s entrepreneurship. Since the access of entrepreneurs to social capital provides them with rich information, financial resources and social supports and is of great importance and entrepreneurs cannot reach these resources by themselves. The statistical population of this study includes the women who are the members of women entrepreneurs’ council. They responded the designed questionnaire and their answers were analyzed using the SPSS software. Also due to the limitation of statistical population, and to complete the findings of questionnaires, a sample of 10 female entrepreneurs was selected and they responded to some semi-structured interviews.The research findings show there is a positive and significant relationship between social capital with its three aspects and women’s entrepreneurship. It was also found that the structural aspect of social capital has the most effect on women’s entrepreneurship and the cognitive aspect is in the next level and the relational aspect has the least effect on women’s entrepreneurship.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Review of several studies conducted around the world show that alcohol abuse is a common problem in many parts of the world. In Iran also alcohol use is illicit and contrary to religious norms, hence it is considered a violation of the norms. The present study examines the impact of self-control and social bonds on the attitude towards alcohol use. The methodology is survey and the sample of 530 subjects (318 females and 212 males) from Mazandaran University academic year 91-90 has been implemented. The theoretical framework of this study include: Gottfredson and Hirschi’s General Theory of Crime and Hirschi’s Social Bond Theory.Descriptive data show that the dependent variable in all the different dimensions between male and female students to attitudes to alcohol there was significant difference. The results of this study show that in the first hypothesis, self-control and academic belief and engagement have significant positive correlation. The second hypothesis was confirmed. In the third hypothesis, affinity, belief and self-control have significant impact on attitude towards alcohol use. And the belief with the regression coefficient ( b=-0.319) is the most important factor determining attitude towards alcohol use.

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This paper examines the relationship between consumerism and advertising, urban theories and models of persuasion are used. Its method is survey, and a questionnaire is applied to collect data and samples of 270 women resident in Tehran and shopping centers that are randomly selected. The results indicate that there is a relationship between advertising and urban consumerism. The changing interface between materialism, consumerism has played a decisive role in.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this study we analyze the effective factors involved in drug addiction of women in jail of the central prison of Isfahan. This study is a qualitative study based on the ground theory analysis method in which thirty addicted women in the central prison of Isfahan were selected to study. The findings of the semi-structured interviews held showed that “the record of parental addiction”, “place of residence”, “life tensions”, and “relation with addicted friends” were the reasoning conditions; while “having children”, “economical-social position”, and “poor family relations” were the intervening conditions influenced the phenomenon of women drug consumption. Furthermore, the consequences arisen from this phenomenon for women have been “holding inferior jobs with low payment”, “committing social divergences”, in appropriate family relations”, and “punishment of prison”, each of which accompany its personal and social consequences.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research discusses migration flows into Province of Mazandran and the factors affecting it. This study seeks to answer the question of migration trend into Mazandaran Province in the past and the factors affecting this migration. According to this key question, a number of important assumptions formed in the context of this study, which we attempt to document using the theories presented in the field of migration. The theories put forward in the context of economic, social and cultural aspects of immigration are used in this section. To collect the information required for this study, census data (secondary analysis) followed questionnaire technique was used for survey. Survey sample included individuals who visited civil registration offices throughout the province to change address, and cross-sectional sampling was used. According to census results, Mazandaran has been among 11 Provinces, which were migration destinations in the country. Immigration exchange has been mostly with neighboring provinces, and the majority of immigrants have entered populated cities like Sari to take advantage of jobs, services and the central position. Approximately 60 percent of the migration flow has been within the province when about 40 with other provinces of the country. Research findings in hypothesis testing showed that psychological factors had the highest impact and economic factors the least impact on migration.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Among so many kinds of relationship that an individual has in a society with others -there is another relationship that refers to the neighbours, and because of this neighbourhood relations, a phenomen, called social neighbourhood capital is created consist of concrete dimentions (relative network, the cohesion of relation and social contribution) and abstract ones (social confidence, valuable cohesion, social assistance and social closeness). To examining this kind of capital, this research takes a sample of persons in aran and bidgol “Aran area”. The method of the research is descriptive -analysis and the collected data are described and analysed by questionnaire and by using of software “spss” and also by employing statistical methods like profusion distribution, interrelation coefficient of pierson, spierman, linear regression and so on. The results of the research show there is direct and meaningful relation between social neighbourhoodcapital and each main related consequences that belongs to it. No differences also are shown in the rate of social neighbourhood capital for each fabric (50 years old constructions and the new ones).

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The problem of this study is differtiation degree of democracy. At theoritical level, component of social capital and Inequality of income distribution and unrentier revenue are necessary condition for democracy.The method of this essay is the comparative cross- national. population of this study is 156 countries that have data for comparison, but in each analysis,because of missed data, quantity of cases is different. The method of judging of hypothesis is Fuzzy and used software is spss, Exel and Fs/QCAf. Empical results show in the almost always cases, Interpersonal Trust and unrentier revenue are necessary condition for democracy. Participation in Civil Society and Trustworthines and Inequality in distribution income usually are necessary condition for democracy. Assessment of sufficient conditions for taking place of result show that there are three separate path for democracy. common specification of this pathes is high Participation in Civil Society and unrentier revenue.

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