Cultural development is both an effect of development and a ground for the emergence of development in all other dimensions supporting the aspects of development directly in the society. In the Islamic and religious society, the nature of its cultural values consists of divine teaching, religion and culture,has a close and overlapped relationship withreligion, and is the pulse of culture in religious and Muslim population. In other words, Islam, as the conclusive and single religion of a specific culture claims to be capable of responding to all types of human needs. Thus, the goal of this research is to discuss its claim that by benefitting from the spiritual and insightful atmosphere of religious and Islamic texts such as NahjolBalaqe and by using the strategic indexes and cultural categories proposed by Secretariat of High Council of Cultural Revolution, the research studies the theoretical goals and indexes of cultural development and elevation in the light of quotations remained from Imam Ali. In this respect, the research used literature and documents reviews and being inspired from the summons, letters and statements quoted from Amirolmomenin Ali, the research determines and defines indexes of morality, rationality, justice, identity, assets and social discipline, unity and integrity, mental and national independence, cultural commodities and services, physical and mental health, international interactions, human dignity and freedom and family. Flowing the religious teachings in Moslem’s culture, the research ascertains that the Islamic Ommat will recognize its real dignity and glory and will achieve the higher stages of progress and flourishing in both material and spiritual dimensions.