School Bullying is a complex, but commonissue involving students for years; however, this psychosocial phenomenon has gained attention among researchers from 1980s. Most research on bullying in school are mainly focused on psychological perspectives. Thus, this study tries to highlight the social factors associated with school bullying. Given the aim of the study, three of the most famous criminology theories: General theory of crime, Differential association theory and General strain theory (GST) were chosen as the theoretical framework and three types of bullying (verbal, physical & social) were considered.Based on the theories, It has been hypothesized that there is a positive correlation between low self control and bullying, differential association and bullying and general strain and bullying. The population of the study consists of all the high school students from first to third grade in Sari's urban area. A total of 410 studentswere selected through a stratified random sampling proportion. The results showed that 7.6 percent of the respondents were never involved in bullying.65.4percentofstudentshadbullyingin low level, 22.2 percentinmoderate, and 4.9 percent of those to a large extent. Also, boys bullied more than girls. Multiple regression analysis results also show that the variables low Self-control, differential association, and general strain were the strongest predictors of bullying.