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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The rise of the constitutional movement (Mashrootiat) was an introduction to the changes in the traditional society of Iran. This movement (constitution) has led to social and cultural development since it required some orientations to make different groups of people – either intellectuals or illiterates– familiar with the political, social and cultural modernized waves. These orientations were provided through translating European books into Persian, Iranian people’s relationship with people from other countries, intellectual’s knowledge of science and culture, college students and industrial effects, renewal and modernizing the whole country. After the familiarization, there were developments in all aspects of an individual life. During this period, Iran’s literature accepted the cultural changes and developments due to the new ways of social and political activities in the country. In order to be in harmony and adopt these developments for achieving the public’s goal, there was a desire in literature for new method and style considered by the poets and writers. MirzadehEshqi is one of the most active poets and the most effective figure in the literature during the constitutional movement. He realized the need for the change more than others and revealed this important factor in his poems. MirzadehEshqi is a pioneer in applying a new style in Persian poetry while maintaining its origin. During the wave of asking for development and changes, MirzadehEshqi – in his short life – made some changes in the shape, language and content of the poem considered as a significant movement.

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This research is about social consensus and the effective factors on it in Dehdasht (A city of kohkiloieh and Boier ahmad state). 389 Participants were 15 years old and older, used multistage cluster sampling method and a questionnaire as an instrument that was used for the data collection. The results have shown that social participation, specific social confidence, general social confidence, or social confidence generalized and social economic status have the direct and meaningful relation with dependent variable and so sense of anomie, fatalism, sense of comparative deprivation have the opposite and meaningful relation with the social consensus.Regeration analyses have shown interred variable in this investigation explain 37 per cent of dependent variable variance and here social participation plays the most role in variance explanation of the social consensus.Pass Analysis results have shown social-mental economic status and general social trust don’t have any effect on universalism explanations but have an indirect effect on universalism through deprivation sense and Social participation.

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This study is qualitative design that considered a qualitative analysis of social trust trend of Afghan immigrant elites living in Mashhad. Distrust of immigrants to society and marginalization can create disturbances in conformity, discipline and social integration understanding the elites Trust is important The reason is that they transfer the culture of trust or mistrust to Afghan migrants and Afghanistan society. Focused group discussion was used on five groups of 5-3 persons and Data collection continued until saturation stage. 22 samples were selected using theoretical sampling. The results show that the distrust is in a high level. This distrust is mainly institutional distrust. Structural characteristics of Iran and its institutions and organizations are the most important factors of distrust. Humiliation and discrimination of afghan immigrant are the main reasons of the distrust. It has shaped the immigrant experience during their residency. According to the results, distrust has occurred by the loss of deep trust in the first generation of immigrants to Iran that has been created after revolution. According to Sztompka theory, it is difficult to repair.

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Electoral participation, as an important form of political participation, is important in discussions of political sociology and sociology of elections. Modernization theory is one of the major theories to explain electoral participation. Part of the impact of modernization on political participation is done through education. This paper shows that the effect of education on electoral participation is more complex than it is emphasized that modernization theory.This article examines the educational development and electoral participation through critical review of other studies, secondary analysis and Sub-national comparative study. Looking at the overall statistics, the literacy rate of electoral participation between 1978 to 2005, there is a contrasting relationship that is inconsistent with the findings of other researchers. This article article is intended to report on this relationship.This analysis showed that nine presidential elections, despite the findings of other researchers, there is not a direct positive relationship between Literacy rates of electoral participation. Given the fact that our data were limited, efforts will be the seventh presidential election (1997) to be analyzed as a case study.Comparison showed in 1997 in the provinces of Iran, between electoral participation and the literacy rate, there is a contrasting relationship as an inverted U shape. Subgroup analysis showed that participation in elections directly related to education and electoral participation is more complex than the theories of modernization. The results showed a relationship between educational development and political participation is determined by the the type of literate people's jobs and their dependence on government.

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The rise of various religiosity and new religious identities from one hand and the prevalence of modern life styles in Iran from the other hand are due to common modern lifestyles. However, much research show that religion still plays a significant and effective role in directing lifestyles. This situation requires studying the role of religious beliefs on resisting the consumerist modern culture and understanding the relationship between religious identity and modern life styles. This research has been done among Tonkabonian women and tried to investigate the acceptance or resistance of these women against the consumerist culture or its combination with the religious culture which ever advises moderate consumption.The women studied in this research have purposively been chosen from the married ones of Tonekabon city and categorized in four types based on the amount of religiosity and employment. The research findings show some relationships between religiosity and lifestyles among them, that is, the religiosity affects accepting or resisting modern lifestyle and its components (leisure activities, mode of shopping and consumption, and the kind of social communications). It means that the more religious women were the less they followed modern lifestyle. Moreover the comparison between the religious working and non-working women shows that the employment made no difference in their approaches to mode lifestyle and consumption but in either of them, religious attitudes have had more influence on their everyday lifestyle. The findings also indicate that working women lifestyles differ from nonworking women. The working women often spend their leisure outside of home with previous planning in a more favorable and useful way, division of housework in their home is more participatory and most of them consider both applied and aesthetic criteria for shopping.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Local and ethnical awareness has highly increased in the contemporary age. Especially, some people believe that factors such as globalization have intensified ethnical sentiments followed by weakening of national identity. On the contrary, some others believe that the increase of ethical tendencies is not in conflict with national identify of people and can be improved. Today, experimental examination of each of these viewpoints in the societies with various ethnics and languages is considered as a necessity because adopting identity-based policies in such societies and especially in Iran requires constant observation and monitoring of tendency level of active population and especially young individuals of the society in national and ethnical identity. The present research aims at examining the relationship between national and ethnical identities among Kurd, Turkish, Lor and Fars students at the University of Tehran in the academic year 2013-14 and their backgrounds were also considered. A surveying method was used to collect data extracted by distribution of a questionnaire among 294 samples and the data was then analyzed by SPS22 software. Findings indicate that despite common popular beliefs among some viewpoints, there is no contradictory relationship between national and ethnical identities. The findings of this research show that there is a positive and synergic relation between national and ethnical identities. Moreover, analysis of the effect of their background on national and ethnical identities indicate that gender, field of study and level of education are the most predictors of national identity and type of religion predicts the highest variance of national identity among students.

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Achieving the national and regional development is an ideal desire for any community. Regarding cultural effect on development, the emergence of potentials such as cultural skills and products can significantly improve the social welfare. The main aim of this article is to evaluate the cultural development (i.e., cultural indexes) of Yazd townships during a decade (from 2002 to 2011). This investigation can be considered as an applicable research type and as analytical-descriptive study from methodological viewpoint. To this end, necessary data were obtained from evidence records and library studies, in which a numerical taxonomy technique was used in order to analyze the data. Statistically, the research included 10 townships of Yazd province in 2002 and also 11 townships of this province in 2011 according to the last country political subdivisions and official divisions of province in that year. Based upon the findings of this article, the studies show that the townships of Ardekan, Bahabad respectively in 2002 and 2011 were known as the most prosperous townships, while the townships of Tabas and Yazd were known as the non-prosperous townships. The townships such as Khatam and Tabas were under cultural development level from 2002 to 2011 and they are among non-prosperous townships. The township of Yazd in 2011 due to the high population growth and mismatch Development of cultural indicators with population growth was known as the non-prosperous township. It is necessary for the authorities to consider planning as the central role of this township in Yazd province.

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This article is about emphasizing of Grbner, Festinger and Giddens, looks into the relationship between the rate of watching TV, program type, attitude to face and the appearance of women in the management bodies and its link with the satellite with the body match, self-esteem and friends’ and family’ attitude. For this purpose, the samples of 410 young women from 18 to 29 years from Tehran, and using a three-stage cluster sampling was selected. Research methodology in this study was survey used for data collection. The results of the data analysis showed that the effect of the existence of a significant relationship between the watch and the type of attitude and between the appearance of women in the satellite and the management of the body. Also, the findings indicate that there is a relationship between the attitude of the guys with satisfaction and body management. Also self-esteem also has a relationship with the consent of the body.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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