The rise of the constitutional movement (Mashrootiat) was an introduction to the changes in the traditional society of Iran. This movement (constitution) has led to social and cultural development since it required some orientations to make different groups of people – either intellectuals or illiterates– familiar with the political, social and cultural modernized waves. These orientations were provided through translating European books into Persian, Iranian people’s relationship with people from other countries, intellectual’s knowledge of science and culture, college students and industrial effects, renewal and modernizing the whole country. After the familiarization, there were developments in all aspects of an individual life. During this period, Iran’s literature accepted the cultural changes and developments due to the new ways of social and political activities in the country. In order to be in harmony and adopt these developments for achieving the public’s goal, there was a desire in literature for new method and style considered by the poets and writers. MirzadehEshqi is one of the most active poets and the most effective figure in the literature during the constitutional movement. He realized the need for the change more than others and revealed this important factor in his poems. MirzadehEshqi is a pioneer in applying a new style in Persian poetry while maintaining its origin. During the wave of asking for development and changes, MirzadehEshqi – in his short life – made some changes in the shape, language and content of the poem considered as a significant movement.