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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of lavender and rosemary essential oil has antibacterial. Essential oils samples were isolated after drying in the shade, water distillation with using Clevenger apparatus. The antibacterial effects of Han dilution preparation were evaluated by disc diffusion method. In order to standardize, the method of antibiotic disks and ATCC bacteria were used. Results showed that the interactions between plants and diluted in a dilution of 1, 1: 2 and 1: 4 deterrent effect of lavender plants on five different bacteria than the rosemary plant more meaningful. As the diameter of growth inhibition compared the interactions between bacteria and dilution of the plant showed the highest inhibitory effect on oil dilution 1 is Proteus mirabilis Comparison of the effects of essential oils of lavender and rosemary together on five different bacteria showed that dilution of 1, 1: 2 and 1: 4 lavender oil Proteus mirabilis maximum inhibitory effect on bacteria other than its deterrent effect Rosemary plant was the most significant. Determination of MIC and MBC of lavender and rosemary essential oils showed a bacteriostatic effect on bacteria than similar Enterococcus faecalis. The bactericidal effects on all bacteria, but bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis essence is the same. Evaluation of disk diffusion method in comparison with antibiotic discs, the effect of the plant compared to gentamicin disk Streptomycin against five strains of five different bacteria showed. The results of this study and other studies show that the essence of medicinal plants can be used instead of chemical drugs to treat the infection.

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The spread pathogenic fungi activity in crop plants, detailed studies on the control of pests and plant diseases, is considered essential. Tomato stem canker caused by Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici created the most important diseases of tomato in Iran. This pathogen produces phytotoxin called AAL-toxins that is sphingolipid biosynthesis inhibitor in host plants, causing stem canker. Resistance against pathogens and lack of sensitivity to the toxin, by the gene in the host plant is controlled ASC1. The protein product of this gene, is able to detoxify AAL-Toxin. Therefore, this study aimed to detect canker disease resistance gene in 34 major genotypes used in Iran. PCR products were sequenced the sequencer result showed that the gene is reproduced. That the genotype of the cultivars Cal Jay N3, Elixir plateau, VF Early urbana, Evan, hybrid ps515, CH Plateau, Matin, Bonny Bost, hybrid ion, had ASC1 gene. Resistant genotypes to stem canker were identified by molecular methods for the first time in Iran for further study.

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The iron and sulfur oxidation process in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is performed using an electron transport chain, which cycA1 as the most important component. Regarding the importance of this protein in the bioleaching process, the study of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans cycA1 gene in the presence of different pulp densities is the one of the main objectives to increase the efficiency of uranium bioleaching. For this purpose, the bacteria cultivated in the presence of different pulp densities of uranium ore (2. 5, 5, 10 and 25%). Uranium extraction, variation of pH, Eh and ferrous iron values measured at 24 h intervals. Then, when the uranium extraction yield reached to 100%, gene expressions of cycA1 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans were analyzed. The results showed, with increasing pulp density, the uranium extraction rate and oxidation activity of bacteria was reduced. In addition, the results of cycA1 gene expression showed that the target gene expression increases in the presence of uranium ore compare to sample with absence of uranium ore, and with further increase of pulp density, due to the toxicity of uranium, show a decreasing trend. In addition, the changes of Eh, pH and uranium extractions at bioleaching process Acidithiobacillus have been delayed in the presence of high pulp density in compare with lower one. The results of cycA1 gene expressions bacteria in the presence of ore different concentrations showed that mutations and ore concentration has been effective on the expression of this gene.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Considering the Economic importance of date palm, in this study, 14 varieties of male and 26 female cultivars of date palm were evaluated using SSR primer. DNA of young leaves of date palm was extracted by CTAB method and it was propagated by 10 pairs of SSR primers. The propagated products were observed by 8% acrylamide gel and coloring with AgNO3. Using the software Gene Alex6. 3 results of alleles and observed heterozygosity and polymorphism information content were calculated. Genetic relationships among cultivars were represented by a dendrogram based on the Nei’ s Genetic similarity coefficient and Nearest joining method which was considered for cluster analysis. The results showed that polymorphism information content was calculated for all pairs of primers which varied from 63% for HQ542225 to 85% for HQ542208 (mean = 77%). The number of alleles in each individual locus varied in the range of 6-9 with the mean of 7. 6. The 10 primers used a total of 76 alleles were detected primers and primers HQ542208 and HQ542224 with 9 alleles most HQ542225 6 DP169 and allele showed the lowest number of alleles. The highest genetic similarity was found between Almehtary and Khanizi and the lowest one between Abonarenja and other cultivars. According to the results of this study, a more comprehensive picture of the genetic structure of male and female date palm varieties has been obtained, which makes it possible to use them according to the case study of palm date cultivars.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Growth hormone is one of the main factors affecting the growth of animals. Dِِifferent alleles of this gene, may lead to different phenotypic effects. The aim of this study was to identify alleles of this gene in exon 5 and part of the 3′ downstream area. For this purpose, 133 lambs from a flock and ultimately at the same age in three groups of Afshari pure breed and F2 and F5 crosses of Afshari-Booroola Merino were used. After taking Blood samples and recording the phenotypic measurements on live animals, 85 lambs were slaughtered. Afterward, carcass weight was measured. After 24 hours storing the carcasses in the cold room the weight of thigh, shoulder, neck, fat tail right side of carcass and waste was measured. Regression coefficient analyses were used to estimate carcass traits of those animals that were not slaughtered. DNA was extracted by phenol-chloroform procedures from blood samples. Then, using designed primers, the desired fragment was amplified and directly sequenced. Afterward, by analyzing of sequences, association of genotypes with carcass traits were evaluated. The results showed that in the nucleotide site of 2846 there were two genotypes, TT and TC, affecting the length of the body in Afshari pure breed and F5 crosses. In position 2882 sequence of the gene, a nucleotide was inserted in some animals and this insertion only in F2 crosses was associated with waste (carcass fat). Our results on the observed variations in case be proved by further evaluations, it can be used in marker assisted selection program in sheep breeding.

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In respect to the ability of embryo production from somatic cells, somatic embryogenesis could be the preliminary step of artificial seed production. So at present research was conducted for identifying the most suitable genotype and hormonal combination for embryogenic callus as complete randomized design in three replications on 25 percent MS medium. First factor Iranian carrot genotype in 9 levels and second factor is hormonal combinations in 4 levels (control, 2, 4 and 6 mg. L-1 2, 4-D). Plantlet was produced by in vitro seed culture and hypocotyle of those planlets was used for produce embryogenic callus. 12 weeks after explants culture, callogenesis percent, callus length and diameter, callus dry and fresh weight and also callus tissue type, color and embryogenesis situation was evaluated. Also, globular, heart and turpedo shape embryos were numerated. Results showed that maximum callogenesis (100 percent) was obtained in 99-26 (without plant growth regulator) and 99-31 (in 4 mg. L-1 2, 4-D) genotypes. Embryogenic callus production was observed in 99-16, 99-27, 99-64 and 99-40 genotypes in present of 2 mg. L-1 2, 4-D and in 99-56 ad 99-31 genotypes in present of 4 mg. L-1 2, 4-D. 99-64 was produced maximum globular (13), heart (5. 33) and torpedo (3. 33) embryos. Genotype 99-64 and 2 mg. L-1 2, 4-D are suitable for producing the maximum number of somatic embryo. In general Iranian carrot genotypes showed different responses to Callus Induction and embryogenesis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Type 2 Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia that results from deficiency of insulin secretion, becoming the third leading cause of death in the world. Reactive oxygen species result in extensive oxidative damage that in turn leads to serious damages in the cells including apoptosis and diabetic. Considering to side effect of synthetic medicines, there has been increased interest in using of natural medicines. In the present investigation, in vitro antioxidant and antidiabetic activity of the methanol, ethyl acetate and n-hexane extracts of two macroalgae species Sargassum angustifolium and Palisada perforata from the Persian Gulf were analyzed. Algae samples were collected from the Persian Gulf coasts and extracted by Percolation method. -amylase inhibition activity of different concentration of extracts was analyzed using the DNSA method and also their antioxidant activity was analyzed using the ABTS radical scavenging and FRAP reducing activity methods. The ethyl acetate extracts of S. angustifolium and P. perforata showed the highest and lowest enzyme inhibition activity, respectively (P<0. 05). Also the highest ABTS+ scavenging and FRAP reducing were observed in the ethyl acetate extracts of S. angustifolium and P. perforata, respectively (P<0. 05). Generally, polar and semi polar extracts of two macroalgae species significantly showed the higher antioxidant activity comparing to their nonpolar extracts. Also S. angustifolium exhibited the highest activity in both free radical scavenging and -amylase inhibition assays. However, enzyme inhibition and antioxidant activity of two edible studied algae revealed that these macroalgae species can be used directly in human diet and also indirectly in medical and pharmaceutical application.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Plant viruses have been the limiting factor in agriculture. To date, 64 viral agents infecting grapes have been identified around the world. One of the most destructive of these agents is GFLV. To control these pathogens, traditional methods, such as crop rotation, early detection and elimination of infected plants, eradication of the infection source plants, cross protection, genetically modified plants for resistance and chemical control of vectors, have been used. The most efficient method to control viruses is the use of resistant plant varieties and the RNA Silencing-based resistance is the best way to establish the resistance to viruses in plants. In this study, the possibility of induction of resistance to GFLV using a partial GFLV RdRP gene sequence was evaluated. For this purpose, a hairpin construct containing intron and a partial RdRP gene sequence was developed. Agrobacterium tumefaciens was used for Nicotiana benthamiana transformation. 40 lines of transgenic N. benthamiana plants were created and confirmed by PCR reactions. The transgenic plants were mechanically inoculated with GFLV in order to evaluate their resistance to GFLV. The results of ELISA testing and plant symptoms showed that 27. 5% of transgenic plants were resistant to GFLV and 40% of them showed the symptom and infection with delay. In this research, in addition to produce some transgenic N. benthamiana plants resistant to GFLV, the results showed that the nucleotide sequence of partial 1EPol gene which was used to develop the hairpin construct in this study, doesn’ t have any activity similar to viral suppressor of RNA silencing (VSR) and the induced resistance by this construct in plant is suppressed by unknown VSR which encode by this virus and causes to express susceptibility reaction in transgenic plants.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 775

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Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are selectively gated pathways between nucleoplasm and cytoplasm. Whereas small molecules can diffuse freely through NPCs, large molecules can pass only when bound to transport receptors. The NPC central channel is filled with disordered proteins, rich in phenylalanine-glycine (FG) repeats, called FGnups which are claimed to be responsible for selective function of NPCs. In this paper, the individual and collective behavior of Nsp1, as a representative of FG nups, has been studied using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. In our coarse-grained model, detailed hydrophobic properties of amino acids are considered. Our simulation results show that individual FG-nups form globular structures, whereas arrays of FGnups tethered to a planar surface, form extended and brush-like structures. Moreover, NTF2 (Nuclear Transport Factor 2), as a transport receptor is observed to penetrate inside brush and also leads to its collapse. These observations indicate that virtual-gate model could be a suitable model for describing selective transport through NPCs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Milk thistle (Silybum marianum L. ) belongs to Compositae family, is a medicinal plant with unique pharmaceutical properties for treating liver diseases and grows throughout various geographical areas in Iran. In this study, SCoT markers were employed to investigate the genetic diversity of 36 samples of milk thistle from different geographical regions of Ilam and Khuzestan provinces. A total of 146 fragments were amplified and 69% of them were polymorphic. The most amplified fragments were related to the SCoT10 with 12 fragments and the lowest amplified bands were related to the SCoT22, SCoT47 and SCoT55 with 6 fragments. Mean number of amplified bands for primers was 8. 58, while the mean number of polymorphic bands was 6. 00. Polymorphic information content and discrimination power (PICD) varied between 0. 089 in SCoT22 and 0. 219 in SCoT31 with an average of 0. 151. Similarity matrix was generated using the Jaccard coefficient, Cluster analysis was carried out by UPGMA algorithm and Principle Coordinate Analysis. According to cluster analysis, Milk thistle samples were divided into 3 groups. Based upon similarity matrix, the lowest similarity (0. 44) was found for two samples from Eyvan and Behbahan and also the highest similarity (0. 92) found between two samples from Mian-Ab within the same geographical region. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that a larger proportion of genetic variation (89%) belonged to within the populations, while only a small proportion (11%) observed among the studied populations. The results finally indicated high genetic diversity among the studied genotypes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Thymus daenensis Celak is a valuable medicinal plant containing high thymol content in the essential oil. The domestication and breeding of high quality and homogenous varieties is necessary for its commercial production. The purpose of this study was to regenerate haploid plants from microspore culture. Since, most plant species show the best embryogenesis response at the uninuclear stage of microspore development, in the present study microspore developmental stages were determined. Based on the obtained results, the buds with uninuclear microspores were those of with 1. 3-1. 4 mm in diameter and 3. 8-4. 4 mm in length. In order to induce microspore embryogenesis, different pretreatments of temperature (30 and 4° C), hormones (2, 4-D: 25, 35 and 45 ppm) and different media (NLN-13, FHG, B5) were investigated. The results indicated that there was a significant difference in response of microspores to different induction media, pre-treatments and their interactions. The highest numbers of multi-cellular structures were observed in the NLN-13 medium and temperature treatment of 30 º C for 8 days and 2, 4-D treatment of 25 mg/l. Finally, heart shaped embryos were only observed in FHG medium with heat pretreatment for 8 days. Future studies are needed to increase the number of multi-cellular structures and successful regeneration of haploid plants.

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The interaction between non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Aspirin and Ibuprofen, with a membrane lipid bilayer model was investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. To study the effect of the drug type, drug dose and the integral membrane protein presence on the membrane permeation, 11 different systems in the same conditions were simulated. In each system, 4 indicator parameters and 9 effective parameters were analyzed. These parameters include membrane characteristics, drug characteristics, and different interactions between membranes and medicine and also water and protein. Systems in terms of diffusion rate were scored as well as in terms of cumulative indicator parameter were ranked. Controller effective parameters, influencing in both the presence and absence of protein, were determined. Systems containing Aspirin are better than Ibuprofen, low-dose are better than high dose, neutral form are better than charged form and proteinate are better than protein-less, indicating signs of drug diffusion in the membrane. Results showed that diffusion controller effective parameter in systems without protein, was drug and water hydrogen bonds, and in systems with protein was hydrogen bonds of protein with water and lipid.

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