Truth and sincerity are one of the highest moral qualities mentioned in Nahj-al-Balagha. Encouragement toward being truthful and on the opposite, discouragement from lying has been mentioned side by side in many different cases in the mentioned source. According to these teachings, truth has different levels and types. Considerings its levels, there is truth in intention, in speach and in deeds and considering its different categories it can be divided to truth in personal or public life which itself can be categorized according to various social subjects. In the worldly life and that of the hereafter, sincerity and truthfulness has many important consequences above all, divine approval, salvation from hostile situations, achieving success, arrangement of works, strengthening of faith and the reinforcement of other virtues such as patience, submission before Allah, increase of guidance and piety and eventually achieving success in the worldly life and triumph in that of the hereafter.