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City entry was the first image that came to mind of travelers in the not so distant past. Therefore these urban spaces not only contain quality but also were among brilliant urban spaces. Nowadays, with urban growth and emergence of vehicles city entry transformed into a low quality spaces for transit traffic in one hand and for changed to a location for incompatible land uses with urban environments establishment. Thus, City entry in many of our cities faced with a sharp drop in the quality of perceptual qualities and visual encounter. Besides, there are no sign of the most important City entry factors in a case of high expectations of cities such as readability, adaptation, identity and memorable. So review and discover the qualities of urban entry and offer strategies for organizing them, determining role in achieving and enhancing the status of urban spaces.this research for definitions and concepts related entry and the qualities associated with that, particular analysis of perceptual - visual qualitaties in city entry, in search of strategies of perception - visual are towards this qualities. The research method in this article is analytical-descriptive and based on perceptual -visual criteria. Also, south-east city entry of Tehran has been selected as case of this study in order to identified most coincident urban design strategies based on theoretical framework as main goal of research.

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Urban spaces as scene of urban tourism are important; where people meet and exchange with others. Today, the lack of passive social interaction in urban spaces indicates urban and social life decay. These are spaces, which are used only for necessary requirements. Amongst weakness of urban spaces designed according to the modern principles, the lack of desire and motivation of users to stay is notable. The studied site also is one of the spaces that despite some qualities, is not enough attractive for users as an appropriate urban place. To intervene in such circumstance, in the first step, we have to evaluate the environmental quality associated with urban tourism. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the mentioned urban space from the viewpoint of essential qualities for urban tourism. Thus the research sought to answer the question: “what is the relationship between urban tourism and its related activities”. Then to reach the final result, evaluation of quantified indicators of “optional-recreational” and social activities in case study in part of Shariati St. is done. Finally, after comparing the results of assessments, a direct relationship between the quality of urban tourism and effective activities is proved. The results showed two general zones among studied sequences concerning required qualities for urban tourism. The sequences 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 were more appropriate than other sequences.

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Worn-out architectural textures are parts of the city that need protecting, respecting and renovating because of having historical and cultural values. The important point is paying attention to renovate these textures based on residents’ needs in providing the spatial and historical relation with physical spaces. “Sense of place attachment” is one of the subjects that designers pay attention to it. The main objective of this study is to find the ways of renovating worn-out architectural textures in order to improve theresidents’ place attachment levels throughthe renovating neighborhood’s public spaces. In order to evaluate the factors, one of the old neighborhoods in Tehran (Bagh-Shater) was chosen as the case study area. Due to its special qualities such as climate condition, pleasant weather and also organic residential fabric, this neighborhood is one of the livable neighborhoods in Tehran. The first stage of the research is to undertake a systematic review of the literature. Then, the research framework is presented in detail. To validate the proposed frameworkand analyses the relationships between variables, aquestionnaire is distributed among 60 residents of the neighborhood. Data collection is performed by using a questionnaire based on Likert scales. The next stage is to analyze the data that have been collected.Finally, the results that have been obtained based on the weighting of each of the factors show that the renovation of worn-out architectural textures in old neighborhoods can enhance the residents’ place attachment by doing measures such as “controlling closure”, “using identical elements”, “presence of natural elements” and “designing appropriate views”.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2067

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In process of perception always cinema by title reflector of ingredient as architecture, have operative impress. In cause be reading of films of Iranian cinema that showing of life routine in this home. In this research endeavored to recognition and introduction ingredients Sociability of court of Iranian home. Method of research analysesdescriptive and way of the analyses of scene in three stage sensory perception, intellectual recognition and phenomenology in the films of Iranian cinemas, answered the question of the research. Researcher for universal perception of the Iranian culture in the homes helps this method of perception image base on layers semiotics. Study and perception of the image of films base on the factors that operative on the sociality actions in the court of Iranian home and extract place of the court that most effect of the proper actions then division apiece of the elements of the court. Consequences shown:relation to nature, memorable, deeming, cultural symbol, attend to solitude, play, rest, central of accesses, base of plural work and administer of the belief order, basic ingredients of the scene of cinemas studies. This means of that affordance of the court of Iranian home able to respond the necessity human likes: belong to place, sense of community, Embodiment of the home, sense of haunt and social actions.In this research court of Iranian home respond of the different rang of age and needs, time of function and adjustment space in the Iranian home that this ingredient afford select cinema for research of the relation between human and environment in the Iranian home. Divisible affordance of the court of Iranian to the direct affordance environment and indirect affordance environment that court respond this. Social act most occur on the Pool of water between construction elements of the court of Iranian home. Pool of water symbolic affordance similar: symbol of innocence and shine, symbol of Eden and human- construction affordance similar: washout, spectacular, nature material, play water by puerile and regulator of climate. Consequences of this research, for environment designer and architectural that always sensitive of the reflection of relation between human and environment operative.

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Tehran is now in its modern period, which especially this city as a capital of Iran has a specific situation because of certain conditions that many immigrants from other places choose and prefer to live in it. In this situation, neighborhoods are out of their old identity and the basis of their formation is not anymore on cultural similarities. So, Economic power puts different cultures and ethnicities together, hence social interactions among neighborhood residents are reduced. Neighborhood house in this research with its approach to increase social interaction among residents of Darakeh neighborhood in north of Tehran is tangible and reviewed. This neighborhood is chosen because of the presence of tourists, also its special location. Finally in its neighborhood center, a neighborhood house is designed. By reading articles, books and theses that were studied in this context, the factors which were effective on social interaction are fined. Then for getting samples from residents, questionnaires were distributed and the relationship percentage of these factors has been extracted from theoretical study of effecting factors that affecting social interaction were measured. Finally, a model from the research by usage of spss software, student T and Pearson tests is extracted. The results show that the relation between the three main factors of research, social-political structure of city with 0.29, physical-space structure of city with 0,34 and mental space users mood with 0.32 are effective in increasing social interaction among residents.

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Play-based learning is amongst the novel approaches towards learning in which, by regarding the concept of childhood, learning is defined as gaining experience trough different dimensions of playing. According to this approach playing is a mean of learning because learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience and for a child the most assured way of experiencing is playing. In addition, learning focuses on acquired aspect of development therefore the environment and its quality effect learning.In this essay it is supposed by including appropriate components environment turns into an influential learning tool. The question is how the architectural quality of learning spaces reinforces learning objects of the space. This research focuses to find those qualities in architectural spaces which changes the shape of learning space to a motivator for the child. Since the majority of a child experiences are gained trough playing, it is most favorable the child receives those motivators through playing. The fact that today's children are less interested in children's games makes it necessary to encourage them to play providing the time and the appropriate hardware and software. Reviewing the related literature extended the studies circle to visiting the cases of special learning spaces to analyze the space and their routine programs, studying the policies and objectives of the foreign organizations which encourage playing and searching the results of academic and executive centers' studies.Having a look at the concept of playing, the outcomes of toy designing, play grounds and child-friendly urban spaces results in a quality in learning spaces which is named as playability.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Intellectual disable children from the view point of physically, mentally, behavioral and socially have great differences with other children. The aim of this study is understanding and searching for factors which cause specific quality in architecture of educational spaces for intellectual disable children, which is appropriate for their mental, physical, psychical and behavioral characteristics, to gain the highest ability of these children, who need specific needs. In this study we used the method of Survey, which after gathering and classifying, in SPSS would be analyzed by using of "Chi-squarer" test. The samples in this study consist of 45 intellectual disable students (21 girls, 24 boys) in forth, fifth and sixth elementary classes that some of them suffer multi- disability. The results showed that factors like building materials, voice, colors and conformity in educational spaces have specific effects on the quality of these spaces. Based on the results, intellectual disable children suffer from some mentally stresses and disturbs. So architectural spaces could raise children's ability by using some fine and curve forms, colors, dimensions and environmental conformity. As the architectural spaces can effect on intellectual disable children's ability, educational designing spaces have specific importance and these kind of spaces would be safe, calm and also motive.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1997

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Model of arrangement of space in climatic Educational buildings, saves resources, in addition to this, it creates opportunities for students to develop talents and learning from their environment. Therefore it is necessary to recognize optimal patterns of educational spaces. This study aims to design patterns of space in climatic educational buildings in temperate and humid climate; Cf. Hence method of descriptive - analytic used to evaluate 12 climatic schools in the world. All of them are randomly selected from list of valid school in education and space. Moreover samples of schools are in similar climate; Cf.Patterns of spatial arrangement of classes, leading spaces, major milestones, communication path and service areas were determined, and then the properly pattern or patterns will be introduced. Because these schools have been identified as examples climatic schools, so the extracted models can be as the basis for design the schools that are in similar climate; Cf. Results of the research show that an appropriate model for the arrangement of the classes is single – loaded classroom wing. Other appropriate models for design the educational buildings in this climate are placement the main landmark in one end of the main axis and share service spaces for more than 8 classes.

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View 1896

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Many people lose their homes every year due to natural disasters. In Iran, the events such as earthquake caused most homeless last years. The aftermath of a massive natural disaster, residential areas became unusable anyhow and survivors were forced into temporary shelter in another location. In most cases, emergency accommodation tents are not compatible with users’ requirement and also they don’t have enough resistance against variable weather conditions. In fact, these people, with many difficulties, are forced to live in tents. According to mentioned problems, we studied two regions, the Zaveh village which is located 20km of Torbatheydarie in Khorasan razavi and Shonbeh City which is located 25 km of Bushehr, to improve shelters and find standard criteria by interviewing and filling questionnaire and field Study. To study and reach standard shelter criteria which are compatible with users’ requirement, user-centered method was used. User-centered design has proved its efficiency in producing the products with highest performance and compatible with users’ requirement. This study shows that the most users had been dissatisfied with current housing conditions.Absence of timely relief workers and providing shelters, non-standard tents, awful heat and cold, lack of privacy and security are the most important problems that survivors meet with them in crisis condition. After reviewing the problems and requirements of users based on the user-centered method, results based on the classification of brainstorming sessions and on the application of the Delphi method, Were examined by the authors and finally, Standard shelter design criteria that are responsive to the requirements of survivors were extracted based on the results.

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