In process of perception always cinema by title reflector of ingredient as architecture, have operative impress. In cause be reading of films of Iranian cinema that showing of life routine in this home. In this research endeavored to recognition and introduction ingredients Sociability of court of Iranian home. Method of research analysesdescriptive and way of the analyses of scene in three stage sensory perception, intellectual recognition and phenomenology in the films of Iranian cinemas, answered the question of the research. Researcher for universal perception of the Iranian culture in the homes helps this method of perception image base on layers semiotics. Study and perception of the image of films base on the factors that operative on the sociality actions in the court of Iranian home and extract place of the court that most effect of the proper actions then division apiece of the elements of the court. Consequences shown:relation to nature, memorable, deeming, cultural symbol, attend to solitude, play, rest, central of accesses, base of plural work and administer of the belief order, basic ingredients of the scene of cinemas studies. This means of that affordance of the court of Iranian home able to respond the necessity human likes: belong to place, sense of community, Embodiment of the home, sense of haunt and social actions.In this research court of Iranian home respond of the different rang of age and needs, time of function and adjustment space in the Iranian home that this ingredient afford select cinema for research of the relation between human and environment in the Iranian home. Divisible affordance of the court of Iranian to the direct affordance environment and indirect affordance environment that court respond this. Social act most occur on the Pool of water between construction elements of the court of Iranian home. Pool of water symbolic affordance similar: symbol of innocence and shine, symbol of Eden and human- construction affordance similar: washout, spectacular, nature material, play water by puerile and regulator of climate. Consequences of this research, for environment designer and architectural that always sensitive of the reflection of relation between human and environment operative.