In order to collect and identify the astigmatic soil mite fauna of fields and orchards in Khalatpoushan Research Center, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Iran, a faunistic study was carried out during the year 2006. In this study, a total of two families, six genera and nine species were collected and identified. Between two families, Acaridae and Glycyphagidae had the highest and lowest numbers, respectively. However, genera Tyrophagus oudemans and Blomia oudemans had the highest and lowest numbers in total collected speciemens, respectively. Also, among identified species, Tyrophagus putrescentiae Schrank, 1687, and Blomia freemani Hughes, 1948,had the highest and lowest numbers,respectively. Those genera and species which have been indicated with * are the first records for East Azarbaijanprovince. Collected families, genera and species are as follows:Glycyphagidae: Blomia*freemani* Hughes , 1948, Acaridae: Suidasia nesbiti* Hughes, 1948, Caloglyphus rhizoglyphoides (Zachvatchin, 1937), Tyrophagusneiswanderi Johnston and Bruce, 1965, T putrescentiae Schrank, 1781, T longior Gervais 1844, T similis Volgin, 1999, Rhizoglyphus robini Clapared, 1869, Tyroborus lini Oudemans, 1924.