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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Diabetes is a debilitating disease that has a negative impact on job performance and quality of life. This study aimed to determine the relationship between self-esteem, resilience and quality of life among patients with type 2 diabetes in Hamadan.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 186 patients with type 2 diabetes who had medical records in Hamadan Diabetes Center were examined, in 2015. Data collection instruments included: Coppersmith’s self-esteem inventory, Connor-Davidson resilience scale and the World Health Organization’s quality of life questionnaire. Data analysis was performed via SPSS 19 software utilizing descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, multiple regression and independent T-test.Results: Two variables self-esteem (p<0.001) and resilience (p=0.02) had positive and significant correlation with quality of life for diabetics. Increased self-esteem and resilience improve the quality of life, but this was not statistically significant increase in resiliency (p=0.46). There were significant differences in variables of the quality of life (p=0.021), self-esteem (p=0.02) and resilience (p=0.008) between two groups of male and female patients.Conclusion: Increased self-esteem and resilience in patients with diabetes improve their quality of life. Provide strategies for enhancing self-esteem and resilience in diabetic patients result in improvement of their quality of life.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Diabetes is one of the chronic illnesses and nowadays one of the most important methods for evaluation of treatment and care is to assess the quality of life. This study aimed to investigate the role locus of control and cognitive fusion in the prediction of quality of life in diabetic patients.Methods: The study was based on a descriptive correlation method. Statistical population consisted of all patients with type 2 diabetes in Ardabil city in 2015.116 diabetic patients were selected as the statistical sample using the convenience sampling. Data were collected through Rotter’s locus of control scale (1966), Gillanders cognitive fusion scale (2014) and the world health organization quality of life Scale (1996). Research data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression methods.Results: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between locus of control and quality of life in diabetic patients (r=0.467, P=0.001). Also there is a significant relationship between cognitive fusion and quality of life in diabetic patients (r=-0.346, P=0.001). Beta coefficients for predictor variables indicated that, locus of control 0.46 (P=0.001) and cognitive fusion -0.31 (P=0.001) have significantly predictive capability of quality of life in diabetic patients.Conclusion: Hence, it can be concluded that, locus of control and cognitive fusion are considered as the variables related to quality of life in diabetic patients and have predictive capability of it.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Normal and abnormal of each society depends on general conditions of the families. Most of interventions and couple therapy methods seek to enhance the marital satisfaction and quality of life in incompatible couples. The purpose of this study was to indicate the effectiveness of therapy based on improving quality of life in incompatible couples.Methods: This was a quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design with a control group. Of all subjects, referred to the welfare institution of Shiraz in 2011, thirty couples were divided by random sampling into experimental and control groups (each including fifteen couples). Subjects of experimental group received 8 sessions of intervention. Meanwhile, the subjects of control group were placed in waiting list. The data was collected by SF-36 quality of life scale. Data analysis, moreover, was done through multivariate covariance using SPSS-16.Results: Results of covariance analysis showed that quality of life therapy improves the quality of life in general (P˂0.001). Also, there was a significant difference for physical functioning, physical limitation, pain tolerance, vitality and emotional and social limitation indices between two groups (P˂0.001). However, no significant discrepancy was seen for general health, social role functioning and mental health (P>0.05).Conclusion: According to these results, it can be concluded that therapy based on improving the quality of life enhances the life quality of these couples. Therefore, designing such programs can elevate the wellbeing and quality of life in incompatible couples.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Due to the growing trend of hookan smoking as one of the serious threats to health and given that the risk of hookan smoking has not been explained well in the society, this plan aimed at determining predictive factors of water pipe smoking among pre-university students in Yazd.Methods: The analytical-descriptive study was done by using the cross-sectional method on 304 pre- university students in the city of Yazd. Sampling was conducted by the multi-stage cluster method. The data were collected by the GYTS questionnaire standard questionnaire of risk and protecting factors of smoking. Finally, the obtained data were analyzed by SPSS 21 software.Results: The findings of this study showed in total 219 (31.1%) of the students used hookah. Among the demographic variables, gender, student educational status, fathers’ education, household income, rate of tendency to hookah smoking had a significant relationship with hookah consumption. And, among variables related to individual, family and social risk factors, negative student attitude, sensation seeking, sensitivity to anxiety, anxiety disorder and, irregularities social environmental and impaired psychological school environment were considered as the predicting factors of hookah smoking.Conclusion: The gained results can contribute to solve the current challenge of the addiction to the smoking through determining the target population in required interventions and future planning.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Study of effective factors on development or academic performance is rather complex because this concept has extensive dimensions which both environmental and individual factors affect it. Two important factors in student achievement are emotional intelligence and shyness. This study was aimed to predict student achievement of pre-university students based on their emotional intelligence and shyness in 2016.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted using the multi-stage cluster sampling, which 120 boys and girls pre-university students of Tehran’s 2 region education in the academic year 2015-2016 who were studying in mathematics were selected. Research instruments were Schutte’s emotional intelligence questionnaire and shyness test. To analyze data, regression analysis was used by using SPSS version 23.Results: The results showed that there was a significant correlation between emotional intelligence and shyness in students’ academic achievement. Also, girls’ student achievement cannot be predicted on the basis of shyness, emotional intelligence and emotional intelligence components but this is so for boy’s students.Other finding showed that among the components of emotional intelligence only manage your emotions has a positive and significant correlation with student achievement but this correlation was not observed for other components of emotional intelligence and shyness.Conclusion: The findings of the current study indicated that students’ academic achievement can be predicted based on emotional intelligence. Thus, strength of emotional intelligence accompanied with other effective factors in student achievement can enhance their performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The main purpose of this study was to study the effectiveness of life skill training on reduction of dangerous behaviours among male students, who were at risk, in the city of Kabotarahang. The obtained data were compared in terms of attitude to drug use, depression feeling, assertiveness, self-control and sensation seeking.Methods: The research was a semi experimental study. The statistical population was included all at risk male students, who were educating on the high schools of the city’s outskirts in 2015. All students (50) were divided into two groups: examination (25) and control (25). In order to select the subjects, the multi-stage cluster sampling was used. And, the students were selected randomly among the classes in each school regarding the life and educational and educative status of them using the matched questionnaire of detection of dangerous behaviors. The questionnaire was taken from the RAPI questionnaire.Results: The findings showed that the training of life skills has resulted in a change in at-risk students’ attitude to drug use and a significant decrease in the rate of depression as well as the students’ problems related to assertiveness, self-control and sensation seeking Conclusion: Generally, it is concluded that life skill training has caused a decrease in dangerous behaviors among the at-risk male students in the city of Kabudarahang.

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Introduction: More and better knowledge and attitudes towards breastfeeding mothers in the Postpartum period increases confidence and success. This study aimed to determine the effect of exclusive breast feeding counseling on knowledge and attitudes of mothers with premature infants.Methods: This was a randomized clinical trial performed on 124 mothers with premature infants admitted to Fatemieh Hospital, during the years 1393-1394 in a period of 8 months. The samples were randomly divided into two groups of test and control (each n=62). Breastfeed observation and consultation checklists and BASNEF questionnaire, in terms of knowledge and attitude of breastfeeding, were applied. Data were analyzed using independent and paired t-tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA) with SPSS-16.Results: It was found that the level of knowledge and attitude was not significantly different between both groups before counseling (P<0.05). But, after consultation in the first to fourth months of follow-up this difference was significant (P<0.001) and knowledge and attitude scores were considerably higher.Conclusion: The results showed that consultation leads to improved continuation of the exclusive breastfeeding, so that it may increase the frequency of breastfeeding to the premature infants and, also, reduces the use of fluids, feeding other than breast milk and formula per day for premature infants.

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Introduction: Mood disorders are a group of clinical conditions characterized by loss of sense of control and a subjective experience of great distress. Patients with elevated mood (mania) demonstrate expansiveness, flight of ideas, decreased sleep, increased self-confidence and grandiose ideas. The aim of this work was epidemiologic study of signs and symptoms of mania in bipolar type 1 patients in manic episode hospitalized in psychiatric ward of Hamadan Farshchian Hospital in 2013.Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive and analytic study performed on the patients admitted with a manic episode in the psychiatric ward of Hamadan Farshchian Hospital in 20l3. A researcher-made checklist, based on DSM-IV-TR criteria, was applied to collect the data. Data analysis was, then, fulfilled by independent T-test with SPSS-16 software.Results: In this study, frequency of signs and symptoms of mania included: decreased need for sleep (%88.3), talkativeness (%86.95), psychomotor agitation (86.2), grandiosity (%80.4), psychotic features (%71), distractibility (%69.9), flight of idea (%63.9), generosity (%56.5) and hyper sexuality (%30.9), No significant changes were found between men and women except for psychotic features (P>0.05) that revealed a higher level in women (P>0.01).Conclusion: Generally, decreased need for sleep, psychomotor agitation, grandiosity and talkativeness were the most frequent signs and symptoms observed in patients. Therefore, it is recommended for the medical teams to pay more attention to these signs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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