Introduction: Mood disorders are a group of clinical conditions characterized by loss of sense of control and a subjective experience of great distress. Patients with elevated mood (mania) demonstrate expansiveness, flight of ideas, decreased sleep, increased self-confidence and grandiose ideas. The aim of this work was epidemiologic study of signs and symptoms of mania in bipolar type 1 patients in manic episode hospitalized in psychiatric ward of Hamadan Farshchian Hospital in 2013.Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive and analytic study performed on the patients admitted with a manic episode in the psychiatric ward of Hamadan Farshchian Hospital in 20l3. A researcher-made checklist, based on DSM-IV-TR criteria, was applied to collect the data. Data analysis was, then, fulfilled by independent T-test with SPSS-16 software.Results: In this study, frequency of signs and symptoms of mania included: decreased need for sleep (%88.3), talkativeness (%86.95), psychomotor agitation (86.2), grandiosity (%80.4), psychotic features (%71), distractibility (%69.9), flight of idea (%63.9), generosity (%56.5) and hyper sexuality (%30.9), No significant changes were found between men and women except for psychotic features (P>0.05) that revealed a higher level in women (P>0.01).Conclusion: Generally, decreased need for sleep, psychomotor agitation, grandiosity and talkativeness were the most frequent signs and symptoms observed in patients. Therefore, it is recommended for the medical teams to pay more attention to these signs.