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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is considered as an important health problem in Iran. This disease begins as small swells (papules) and then they gradually grow and turn into wounds. Since the epidemiological study of this problem is effective in preventing and controlling it, the current research was conducted to study the epidemiological study of cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Khash city during the past 7 years.Methods: This cross-sectional study has been conducted on registered information and documents of the patients having problem in Khash city’s remedial and health care centers over the past 7 years. First, the registered demographic and epidemiological data of the patients were extracted and then they were analyzed by using SPSS 18 software with chi-square test.Results: 175 patients included 88 males (53%) and 87 females (47%). The majority of the patients were between nine months and four years old and the minority of them were over the range of 40 to 49 years old. Most lesions were on the face or organs of the patients. It was also found that there was a significant relationship between age groups and types of Leishmaniasis (P<0.05) as well as gender and type leishmaniasis (P<0.05).Conclusion: According to our study, there has been a downward trend in disease frequency in Khash city from 2009 to 2014. This reduction of the disease is due to an improvement in health education situation as well as performance of personal hygiene tasks among the people.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Injuries from accidents are the major and avoidable causes of illness and death in most countries of the world. Knowledge of the occurrence of accidents is of special importance to health policy makers. The aim of this study was to determine the injuries caused by accidents in emergency department of Hamadan province.Methods: This study is descriptive-analytic from cross sectional type, that all patients referred to emergency department of hospitals in Hamadan province, during 2009 to 2014, were assessed. Data extracted from injury register software and was analyzed with Stata software version 12, at an inaccuracy of less than 5%.To determine the relation between sex and mechanism of injury chi square test was used.Results: A total of 135, 925 patients were registered during this period. Mean age of patients was 30.19± of cases were men and 39.74% in the age group of 20-34 years. Household accidents included 37.27% of the occurred accidents. Hitting (22.21%), car accidents (21.78%) and falling (10.69%), were the most accidents accounted in both sexes. There was a significant difference between sex and mechanism of injury (P<0.001).Conclusion: Because the men in youth and middle age are the most victims of accidents, therefore a great economic burden is imposed on the society. Moreover, it is necessary to allocate precise educations for this age group and to take preventive strategies to reduce the burden of injuries related to accidents.

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Introduction: Mental health is regarded as one of the most efficacious factors in human promotion and development. The present research was performed to determine the relationship between organizational climate and job satisfaction with mental health in Shiraz University staff.Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive and analytic study. Of Shiraz university staff, 200 individuals were selected based on Cochran’s formula and by simple random sampling. Data were collected using organizational climate questionnaires of Haplin and Croft, job satisfaction questionnaire of Brifield and Worth, and mental health questionnaire (GHQ-28). Data analysis was performed by SPSS version 16 statistical software using, Pearson’s correlation test and multiple regression.Results: Our results showed that there is a significant correlation between organizational climate and job satisfaction with mental health of staff (P=0.001). Moreover, the mental health of staff is predictable by organizational climate and job satisfaction (P=0.001).Conclusion: In consideration of our result and importance of organizational climate and job satisfaction in mental health of staff, it can be suggested that authorities should plan to develop and implement programs to increase the rate of job satisfaction and improve the organizational climate.

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Introduction: Hepatitis B is an infectious disease as a major health problem worldwide. Since the selection of an educational model results in its start and continuation in a right destination, the purpose of the present study was to determine the knowledge, beliefs and performance of Malayer city’s health volunteers about hepatitis B based on the health belief model (HBM).Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 272 health volunteers of Malayer city were selected by the census sampling method, in 2015. Data were collected by the self-report method through a questionnaire prepared by researcher and verified its validity and reliability. The questionnaire included the demographic information of the health volunteers and knowledge, performance and dimensions of the HBM. Finally, the data were analyzed using software SPSS 20 through the correlation and linear regression.Results: Among the structures, the perceived benefits had the most score (26.86) and the perceived barriers had the lowest score (95.43). In regression analysis to predict behaviors, the variables: self-efficacy, knowledge and foreign practice guide were detected. These variables could predict totally 31% of behavior’s changes (P<0.001).Conclusion: Based on the findings obtained by the current study, in design of educational interventions, structures of self-efficacy, knowledge and foreign practice guide should be emphasized as the most important predictors of health volunteers’ behavior.

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Introduction: Pregnancy is one of the most important and dangerous life periods of the mother and fetus and feeding in this term will affect the health of them. This study aims to determine the nutritional behaviors status and its related factors among pregnant women in Tabriz.Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study applied cluster sampling method to select 380 pregnant women referred to health centers in Tabriz in 2014. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire with items on the standard nutrition behavior questionnaire. Independent t-tent, ANOVA and liner regression analyses were performed to analyze the data in SPSS-20.Results: According to the results, Bread and cereals, meat and beans, fruits, and vegetables consumption were matched with recommended levels in 45.5%, 26.8%, and 44.7%, and 29.5% of the subjects, respectively.Milk and dairy consumption, also, was reported in 57.5 percent of pregnant women in satisfactory condition. The majority of those taking folic acid pills (90%), iron (82.9%) and multivitamin tablets (78.2%) were reported in satisfactory condition. Education level and body mass index were the most considerable predictors of the nutritional behavior among pregnant women (P<0.05).Conclusion: Based on our findings, designing educational interventions with considering behavioral barriers is necessary to promote healthy nutritional behaviors in pregnant women.

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Introduction: High-risk behaviors are the most important factors endangering the public health. Due to the risks and negative consequences of unsafe sexual behaviors, purpose of this study was to assess related factors with the intention of safe sexual behaviors based on the theory of planned behavior among male addicts covered by substance abuse treatment centers.Methods: This study was a descriptive cross-sectional study performed on 163 cases of male addicts covered by substance abuse treatment centers in Hamadan city in 2013. Individuals were selected, using simple sampling, from three centers and a questionnaire including the theory of planned behavior constructs and sampling-demographic information, through self-administered, was completed. SPSS-16 and a backward logistic regression analysis method were employed for data analysis.Results: This study showed that 55.2% of participants had a history of illegal sexual intercourse and only 46.66 percent of them had used a condom during their last sexual intercourse. Results of logistic regression analysis on variables of constructs the theory of planned behavior showed subjective norms was the strongest predictor of behavioral intention of safe sexual behavior among participants (P<0.03).Conclusion: It seems that due to effectiveness of this model in predicting safe sexual behaviors, the implementation of educational courses for addicts covered by substance abuse treatment centers, based on the theory of planned behaviors, can be beneficial.

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Introduction: Regular evaluation of websites in terms of structure, content and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of them provide an appropriate strategy for policy and decision making. Some of the most frequently used webometric indicators of evaluating are “visibility”, “web impact factor”, “rich files” and “size”. The aim of this research was evaluation of hospitals’ Websites of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences based on webometrics indicators in 2014.Methods: The study was done by webometrics method. The population under study was all of hospitals’websites of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences. Data was collected by Google search engine.Results: The results indicate that website of Ekbatan hospital in terms of “visibility” and “absolute WIF” and website of Shahid Beheshty hospital in terms of “size”, “traffic rank” and “rich file” ranked first. In overall ranking website of Shahid Beheshty hospital ranked first and website of Valyeasr hospital in Toyysrkan ranked at the end.Conclusion: Results show that Hamadan University of Medical Sciences have little presence on the Web.Given the importance of websites in information, and dominance of cyberspace on the organizations services, it requires that the websites officials do further actions to enhance the quality and quantity of their websites.

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Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common malignancy that affects women, and given the prevalence and importance of breast cancer, a study was designed to Comparison of Social Support and Perceived Stress in women with and without breast cancer referred to Mahdieh MRI & CT Scan center in Hamedan in 2013.Methods: This cross-sectional study is conducted on 116 women with breast cancer and 116 women without breast cancer referred to Mahdieh MRI & CT Scan center of Hamadan (Iran) in 2013 using Random sampling method. Data have been collected with percived social support and percived stress Questionnaire and processed with SPSS-16 software using descriptive statistics, independent t, and chi-square tests.Results: The mean perceived stress in patients with and without breast cancer was 44.62 and 34.15 respectively.Results obtained from data analysis showed that there was statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of percived stress (P=0.04), this means that in patients with breast cancer perceived stress was higher than others. The average score of perceived social support in both group was 38.66 and 36.14 respectively. The favorable perceived social support were higher in those without breast cancer, But not exist a significant difference between the two groups in terms of social protection.Conclusion: According to the results of this study are likely social support and perceived stress are very important factor affecting breast cancer. People with social support and perceived stress reduction can prevent breast cancer or decreased deaths from breast cancer.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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