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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Internet addiction has been emerged as a new field of psychopathology. Excessive use of the Internet has become a problem which can cause severe difficulties in daily life, social relationships, work, education and psychological adjustment. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to determine the role of the cognitive emotion regulation strategies, Impulsivity and Extraversion In the tendency of Internet addiction in students of Urmia University in 2014.Methods: Present study was a cross-sectional one. For this purpose, from Urmia University students in 2014, 290 individuals were selected by Stratified sampling. Then the Young’s Internet Addiction Scale, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies, impulsivity Scale and Extraversion were distributed among research participants. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS-19 and descriptive indicators, correlation coefficient and simultaneous multiple regression analysis was utilized.Results: Outcomes explained that there is a negative correlation between Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Internet addiction (P<0.001), and only about two components, Self_blaming and catastrophizing, the relationships were not significant (P>0.05). Also, a significant positive correlation was found between impulsivity and extraversion scales with internet addiction (P<0.001). The results showed that each three variables of cognitive emotion regulation strategies, impulsivity and extroversion were able to predict the Internet addiction (P<0.001).Conclusion: Cognitive emotion regulation strategies and impulsivity and also personality trait of extraversion, have a special role in the tendency to engage into the internet behaviors.

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Introduction: Motorcycling is one of the most important factors of causing injury and motorcyclists are assumed to be as a vulnerable group of road accidents. Evaluation of epidemiological characteristics of traffic accidents in motorcyclists provides valuable information to be used for determination of research priorities. This study aimed to investigate the epidemiology of country-level traffic accidents among motorcyclists in 2013.Methods: In this Cross-sectional study data was collected and studied from the national accidents record program in 2013. All traffic accidents, that injured people has received medical services in any private or public hospitals, were considered. Incident rate of accidents in motorcyclists was calculated per ten thousand. For the occurrence of accidents, GIS software package was used and data analysis was done by Ecxel 2010 and Stata 11.Results: In the present study, all injured motorcyclists included 168239 male and 23222 female. Number of traffic accidents in men was higher than women (87.9% and 12.1%, respectively) and the most affected people were in range of 20-24 years old group. Also, most of the traffic accidents has occurred on streets and alleys (84.12%).Conclusion: Most of the traffic accidents has occurred in young people and urban areas. To reduce the risky behaviors and therefore decrease in the rate of motorcyclists’ traffic accident, development of strict laws and improvement of the cultural awareness should be emphasized more strongly.

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Introduction: Production and processing of raisin varies in different areas and is based on weather conditions and technological devices of each region. Therefore, generated wastewaters are very changeable in terms of quantity and quality. The objective of this study, thus, was to investigate the efficiency of the electrochemical process, which is an environmentally benign and simple technique, in the effluent of a raisin cleaning factory.Methods: The present experimental study was conducted, at a laboratory scale, in a reactor with an effective liquid volume of 80 ml. Wastewater from a raisin cleaning factory was treated by using lead dioxide electrodes during an electro-oxidation. In order to determine the efficiency of this process in organic materials removal, chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the samples was measured before and after of each run. Moreover, the effects of parameters such as pH, current density, and reaction time were studied and consumed electrical power was calculated.Results: It was found that, by this method, 86% of COD was removed at the following conditions: pH 3, current density 40 mA/cm2 and reaction time 360 min in a way that the efficiency went up with increasing both time and current density. Furthermore, at optimum conditions, the amount of electrical energy consumption was 5.4 kW/h COD.Conclusion: Considering the high loading rate of the studied wastewater, despite having high efficiency, this system can only be applied as a pretreatment step and the effluent from this process requires further treatment to meet the environmental standards.

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Introduction: Any violent behavior, which is sex-dependent and results in physical, sexual, psychological injuries and women suffering, is regarded as spouse abuse. It has adverse social and familial consequences.Current study was aimed to assess factors affecting spouse abuse in women in Shiraz city.Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive and analytic study was conducted, by simple random sampling, on 197 women victims of spouse abuse referred to the Shiraz legal medicine center in 2013. The data were collected using demographic information form and standard questionnaires of assessing violence against women, general health, and sexual function. Data analysis was performed by SPSS version 18 statistical software using, Pearson’s correlation test and multiple regression.Results: Among the studied people, the highest rate of spouse abuse was for psychological violence, with an average of (55.80), and the lowest for economic violence, with an average of (6.11). There was a significant and direct correlation between dimensions of physical violence (P=0.001; r: 0.10), economic violence (P=0.007; r: 0.15) and general violence (P=0.052; r: 0.11) and the general sexual function. Moreover, the variables of contraception, spouse family involvement, history of husband addiction, number of children, economic class of spouses’ parents, spouse age and general sexual function significantly predicted the spouse abuse in women (P<0.05).Conclusion: In regards to the consequences of spouse abuse and its association with the couple’s characteristics, increasing the required awareness in the field of the solving such problems and the factors influencing it, seems to be crucial.

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Introduction: Poly ethylene terephthalate (PET) is one of the major plastic compounds which are used to make different productions such as fibers and food containers. Due to the stability of the plastic in the nature, as well as reuse ability of some plastic wastes, codification of an integrated program to collect and recycle these materials is necessary.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, being done in four areas covered by Hamadan municipality, data was drawn from the range of journals, authentic internet sites, prepared questioners and direct interviews with solid waste manager and recycling organization director of Hamadan municipality. In order to estimate the amount of plastic waste, the total amount of wastes collected by public, private and itinerant sectors were evaluated. Then, the average rate of recycled PET was calculated per month.Results: According to results, 17.6% of city waste matters in Hamadan was in form of solid wastes, which PET’s contribution was 0.99%. By recycling process, also, it is possible to save 3160000 MJ energy and 56100$ from 51 tonnes of plastic waste.Conclusion: The result of this study showed that household recycling approach is more effective than other waste collecting management methods. In line with this, training people can play an essential role in learning recycling approaches.

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Introduction: Despite progress in health, human lice are still considered as a health problem. Lice could transmit different diseases to human such as epidemic relapsing fever, epidemic typhus and trench fever.The aim of this study was to determine the major factors on pediculosis capitis in students of Pakdasht county in autumn of 2013.Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive and analytic study. Among all students, after investigating in terms of pediculosis, 678 infested individuals were selected. The extracted data were analyzed by using SPSS version 20 software and Chi-square test.Results: From total number of 53732 students in different school grades, 556 females (82%) and 122 males (18%) were found to be infested by head lice. A significant relationship was recognized between the rate of infestation and students’ gender (P<0.001). The result, furthermore, revealed that rate of infestation in elementary students (73.1%) was significantly higher than other grades (P=0.03). Between mother’s education level and the infestation rate, moreover, a statistically significant correlation was seen (P=0.04).Conclusion: The results illustrate that head lice infestation, as a major problem, is related to some factors including economic conditions and poor education. To find strategies for this issue, regarding its cultural, economical and social aspects, cooperation of different organs like ministries of education and health and also students and their parents is clearly required.

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Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB), as the most common cause of death from infectious disease in the world, is estimated to rank 10th in view of the global burden of disease. Due to the increasing prevalence of this disease and reduce the incidence of smear-positive pulmonary TB in the province, this study was designed to investigate the TB epidemiology and its affected factors in Hamadan province.Methods: In this study, 842 patients with TB during 2007 to 2013 referred to the health centers of the province were studied. All information of patients, including age, gender, place of residence and patients’condition, were collected. Data was analyzed by Chi-square test using SPSS22 statistical software.Results: The mean age of patients was 54.01±21.75. Of patients, 425 individuals (50.4%) were female.2.1% of patients were infected with HIV, 579 (68.7%) with pulmonary TB and 412 (71.1%) were smear-positive cases. There was no significant relationship between gender and type of TB (P=0.81).Between place of residence (urban-rural) and the type of TB a significant relationship was found (P< 0.005). Age and type of TB, as well, showed statistically significant correlation (P<0.01).Conclusion: In this study, most patients with TB were in the age group of over 70 years old. Therefore, it is recommended to do more accurate screening in this age group to reduce the incidence risk of disease.Considering the high prevalence of TB and HIV at the same time, training and preventive Proceedings to control tuberculosis is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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