The researcher has identified five distinct mindsets in this field: Emphasizing the important status of internal factors in gatekeeping, and believing in a more nation-oriented relative objectivism, mindset one state that the social responsibility is to avoid demagoguery, fight against the colonial culture of the West, and religious deviations in the society. Emphasizing the important role of extrinsic factors in gatekeeping of contents and its belief in pro-government relative objectivism, mindset two states that the social responsibility of Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran is to support the policies and programs of the state, especially the government. Believing in absolute objectivism, prefers the objective descriptive critical method over the other ones, mindset three states that the social responsibility of Voice of Islamic Republic is to reflect the facts completely, analyze and describe event in complete independence from the will of others, be they government of people. Although mindset four apparently prefer an objective-development method, due to its negligence of the critical spirit as a requirement, in fact, it believes in objective-quasi-development method and sees the social responsibility of Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran from this angle. Although mindset five seems to prefer the development method, due to its superficiality and inattention to its requirements, including ensuring professional independence and job security of programmers as well as programming based on the theory of developmental media, in fact believes in a quasi-development method and does not consider the social responsibility of Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran anything more than this.