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For survey of climate change effects In this research fifteen GCMs models are used. By using downscaling method of LARS-WG large scale projections of GCMs output subgrided from high resolutions to local coordinate. For this aim, observation data (1990-2010) of synoptic stations in province are collected and was assumed as base period. Trend was fulfilled by Man-Kendal as well as uncertainty was carried out by bootstrapping function. Annual simulations of rainfall and temperature were used as entrance to Bootstrap. Confidence interval for each station was determined in 0. 09 levels. Results about performance of GCMs showed that almost all models haven’ t high ability to simulation of behavior of precipitation pattern. However performance of these models for simulation of variation of least and most temperature was very good. Results of trend analysis for stations and province showed that decrease of rainfall and increase of average temperature. By comparison of variation of temperature in future than historical period it is founded that minimum and maximum temperature will have 0. 6 decrease and 2 increase respectively. also uncertainty analysis showed that there are significant sources of uncertainty in simulation of meteorological components. Also annual precipitation variations in future are more severe than historical period.

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River runoff prediction because of its high importance in planning, reservoir operation and management of surface water has always attracted the attention of officials, planners and water engineers and water resources. On the other hand because of availab temporal and spatial changes, non-linear relationships and uncertainty, and many other factors to predict rainfall-runoff relationship is very difficult. But todays the use of intelligent systems can be useful for predicting such complex phenomena. In this study, using meteorological and hydrometric data for the period 1970-1971 to 2011-2012 to estimate runoff in the watershed Amameh using MLP, RBF, and ANFIS were used. The results showed that out of models ANFIS has the best function and can predict runoff very well. So that according errors, the structure model number 54 with eight inputs including rainfall and runoff to delay for two days and temperature, evaporation and relative humidity and cluster seperation and its errors was 0. 001, 0. 025 and 0. 008 in training stage and 0. 001, 0. 026 and 0. 008 in test stage was the best model in Amameh Watershed.

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The water table fluctuation (WTF) method is based on rises of a water table are caused by recharging groundwater. To apply this method, an appropriate estimate of the specific yield in the zone of the groundwater level fluctuation is required. In this paper, the specific yield are estimated these methods include Drilling Well Logs (DWL), Envelope Straight Line (ESL) and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) method. To evaluate and choosing the best method, specific yields value by hydrologic and hydrogeological data during eight years (2006 to 2013) of Golgir plain with correlation coefficient between recharge-rainfall and recharge-baseflow in ESL method respectively was obtained r2=0. 79 and r2=0. 90. Also, attention to appropriate correlation coefficient in ESL method the specific yield optimized amount equal 0. 12 for Golgir plain estimated. The coefficient correlation obtained from the relation between recharge groundwater value, base flow, and rainfall by using DWL, ESL and VES methods indicated that ESL method with r2=90 is the best method to estimate the specific yield. Hence, attention to importance of recharge value in planning and management of groundwater and high affection of specific yield value in WTF method, groundwater recharge estimation by using specific yield optimal value help to the water science researchers.

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Rivers has important roles in providing drinking and agricultural water supply. In this study, single and hybrid-wavelet methods of artificial neural networks, adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system and Gene expression programming were validated total dissolved solids modelling of Nazluchay Basin. Therefore, water quality data with 19 years length (1993-2011), four hydrometric stations at Nazluchay Basin, were used. After validating of data and selected stations, the data were analyzed by using Daubechies-4 wavelet transform. For modelling 80% of data for training and 20% of data for testing of the model were used. The evaluation of models performance is applied based on different statistical tests, correlation coefficient, and mean root of error squares and mean absolute error. The results indicate acceptable performance of all single and hybrid-wavelet methods of artificial neural networks, adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system and Gene expression programming for modeling the total dissolved solids in the Nazluchay basin. Based on WGEP, GEP, WANFIS, ANFIS-SC, WANN, ANFIS-GP and ANN have best performance, respectively. In addition Gene expression programming-wavelet hybrid model with the minimum RMSE amounted 21. 078 has best performance compared with other single and hybrid models.

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Water resources scarcity is one of the biggest multidimensional issue of current century that could be the source of many positive and negative aspects of developments. The need for a comprehensive and multi-dimensional indicators to assess the condition and to predict the future status of surface water resources has become increasingly important. To this end, Water Poverty Index(WPI) is proposed to assess the availability of water resources. In this study, the amount of WPI, taking into account the resources, access, cost, environmental and socio-economic capacity criteria were calculated in Ardabil Province subwatersheds. Then, the different weighting approaches (equal weight to all criteria and one-at-a-time emphasizing on different criteria), were used to examine the WPI values and the sub-watersheds of the study area were ranked in terms of water poverty degree. The results showed that the values of water poverty index ranges from 22 to 65, acording to the different weighting approached in the study area. Considering equally weighted Water Poverty Index, the Shamsabad watershed had a higher water poverty index (29), while the Polesoltan watershed had the best condition with respect to water poverty condition compared to other watershed in the Ardabil Province.

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Organizational stakeholders network Analysis can be considered in integrated and participatory water resources management approaches. The aim of this research was to use the network analysis model for understanding the role and position of organizations related to the executive level of water resources management In Garmsar plain. Accordingly, 29 organizations were identified as the network boundaries. Based on the role and position in the network management of water resources, these were divided into three developmental, protective and intermediate groups. The coherence and sustainability of this network were studied based on network level indicators. According to the results of indicators at the network level, the link density of information exchange and cooperation is poor and does not benefit from a proper distribution among the subgroups. Based on the subgroup level indicators of the network, the density rate of the central actors is equal to 82. 2%, while the density between the periphery actors accounts for 5. 6%. The results also emphasize the need to reduce centralization within the network and to strengthen the relations between intermediate and peripheral actors to achieve the integrated and participatory management of water resources.

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In this study, bat algorithm is used as an algorithm based on velocity and location of bats to optimize the parameters of Muskingum's nonlinear model for flood routing. The case study of Wilson flood as well as a historical flood from Lighvan area were selected for flood routing and calculating the parameters of Muskingum's model, with the aim of examining the efficiency of this algorithm. The sum of squares of deviations and the sum of the absolute values of deviations between routed and observational flows were considered as the objective functions. According to the results obtained from the Wilson flood routing using the bat algorithm, the values of these objective functions are equal to 35. 14 and 22. 76 m3 per second, respectively. The results of routing of Lighvan flood by using bat algorithm also indicated that the sum of squared deviations, the sum of absolute values of deviations, and the difference between observed and routed peak flows are equal to 7. 24, 6. 23 and 0 m3/s, respectively. In the present study, the performance of the bat algorithm was compared with evolutionary algorithms such as genetic, particle swarm, and harmony algorithms.

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Climate change affects runoff flow of the basin by changing in hydrological cycle parameters. Knowing the possible changes in the amount of precipitation and runoff of the basin will help to better planning and management of water resources. Precipitation changes due to climate change can be simulated using atmospheric general circulation models under different scenarios. Assessment of runoff needs using precipitation-runoff models. The aim of this research is flow modelling in some parts of the Great Karun Basin as a result of possible changes in future climate. For this purpose, temperature and precipitation changes of the Great Karun Basin are simulated for years 2011-2030 and 2046-2065 using two general circulation models and downscaling process under B1 and A2 scenarios. Then, the output flow of Andimeshk, Ahwaz and Yasouj sub-basins was predicted by IHACRES rainfall-runoff model and using precipitation and temperature data predicted under B1 and A2 scenarios. Compare revealed that, the amount of precipitation, maximum temperature and minimum temperature will increase in future periods under both scenarios. The results of flow simulation also show that the runoff of future periods under both scenarios will decrease in spring and summer and increase in autumn and winter in study area.

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This study was done to investigate the physicochemical and hydrogeochemical properties, hydrochemical features, thermodynamic equilibrium, controlling mechanisms of 7 springs and 15 wells water chemistry in Zarivar Lake in Kurdistan province by the 15 water quality data variables from 1998 to 2013 and also compare the quality of water in springs and wells and their seasonal variation. Piper, Schoeller, Durov, Ludwig-Langelier, Wilcox and Gibbs diagrams, calculating different ionic ratios, saturation indices, Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests were used. Abundant ions are bicarbonate, calcium and magnesium, and the dissolution of carbonate rocks in the ground water recharge area caused to increase them. The ratio of Ca/Mg in all springs and wells duo to dissolution of silicate minerals are between 2 and 9. Total hardness is greater than 300 mg/l based on CaHCO3 or very hard water. Two main hydrochemical facies are Ca-Mg-HCO3 and Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4 that are the result of changing water chemistry processes along the flow path and lithology of underlying geological formation. Ion ratios of Mg/Ca to Cl and Gibbs diagram showed the dominant mechanisms of interaction between rock and water, cation exchange and dissolution of carbonate and silicate minerals in determination of the chemical quality of springs and wells water.

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This study aims to investigate monthly changes in runoff quality and quantity under the influence of Vermicompost and urea in Northern Iran. For this purpose, 18 runoff measurement plots of 1× 5 m were installed on 14% slopes under natural rainfall during 5 months (from January 2014 until April 2015). In total 12 rainfall events and their runoff were considered. Treatments in this study included control (without organic and chemical fertilizers), 100% Vermicompost, 100% Urea fertilizer, 100% Vermicompost + 50% Urea chemical fertilizer, 75% Vermicompost + 50% Urea chemical fertilizer, 50% Vermicompost + 50% Urea chemical fertilizer. The results showed that sediment yields, nitrate amount, pH and EC of runoff were not influenced due to applying Vermicompost and Urea fertilizer. But using Vermicompost reduced volume of runoff overfirst month of the experiment (sig=0. 002) which shows the positive effect of Vermicompost on runoff quantity but it has a limited impact on runoff management on steep terrain.

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Nowadays, one of the most important concerns in many countries is water supply for sustainable development. So for efficient management of groundwater resources, on the one hand, we need an appropriate tools for modeling, on the other hand, we need measure sustainability to check the performance of scenarios. This paper analyzes the sustainability condition using an integrated modeling framework that consists in sequentially a watershed agriculturally based hydrological model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool, SWAT) with a groundwater flow model developed in MODFLOW, and with a TDS mass-transport model in MT3DMS in Esfahan-Borkhar in Iran. SWAT model outputs are used as MODFLOW inputs to simulate changes in groundwater flow and storage and impacts on stream– aquifer interaction. MODFLOW output (groundwater velocity field from MODFLOW) are used as MT3DMS inputs for assessing the fate and transport of TDS. Heads and concentrations of each cell of model (MODFLOW and MT3DMS) are used to calculate the developed Sustainability Index (whith 3 performance criteria, Reliability, Resilience and Vulnerability) under three scenarios. The results indicate that SI in simulation period is 0. 052 and under first, second and third scenarios are respectively 0. 040, 0. 033 and 0. 050.

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Due to population growth and agricultural development and mining activities in the plain Varzeqan where nitrate concentration exceeds from 5 times the standard World Health Organization (WHO). So, Evaluation of vulnerability and protection of groundwater resources are very important in this area. The DRASTIC method uses seven effective environmental parameters on assessment of aquifer vulnerability such as Depth to groundwater level, net Recharge, Aquifer media, Soil media, Topography, Impact of vadose zone and hydraulic Conductivity, as seven layers were prepared separately for unconfined and confined aquifer by corresponded the rate and weighting. The DRASTIC index value was evaluated for unconfined, confined aquifer 92-163 and 48-93 respectively. The artificial neural network model was used to optimize the DRASTIC method. In these model the DRASTIC parameters were considered as input, and conditioned DRASTIC index were used as output, and the data were divided into two categories of train and test. After model training, the model results were evaluated by the nitrate concentration through coefficient of determination (R2) and correlation index (CI) creteria. The results showed that artificial neural network model show high capability to improve the results of general DRASTIC and reduce subjectivity of model, especially in multiple aquifer.

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The aim of this study is to determine the best strategy for restoration of a seasonal-urban river. Brainstorming sessions were held and SWOT method was used to determine the strategies and effective criteria. Then, the strategies were ranked by using the hybrid model of Analytical Hierarchy Process and Modified Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution and the best strategy was selected. In this study, two basic goals of river's restoration were considered separately which are restoring the quality and quantity of water flow and recharging its aquifer and securing and reduce the risk of floods. The results showed that the best strategy for restoring the quality and quantity of aquifer and water flow is balancing the sources and uses of river and groundwater. On other hand, for flood risk management, only management strategy (flood plain management including control of development and construction) was recognized as the best strategy. The results showed that for restoration of a seasonal-urban river, the management strategies have higher priority compared to structural strategies. The proposed framework of this paper can be used in the strategic management of river restoration in other seasonal-urban rivers.

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Sensitivity analysis is a common tool to study how changes due to uncertainty in the inputs or parameters affect on the output of the simulating model. The aim of this study is to perform sensitivity analysis and model calibration for the HEC-HMS model with soil moisture accounting (SMA) algorithm. In this research manual and automatic parameter sensitivity analysis was used to calibrate and validate the model in the Beheshtabad Basin. The data (1998 to 2015) was separated into 2 parts, the first 13 years daily data set including discharge, rainfall, temperature and evapotranspiration were used for calibration. While, the second period of 2012 to 2015 was used to test the model validation. The evaluation was based on model efficiency coefficient and root mean square error indexes. The model efficiency coefficient values 0. 696 and 0. 63 were resulted for both calibration and validation respectively. The root mean square error were found to be 13. 2 m3/s and 7 m3/s for corresponding stages. The results of performed sensitivity analysis in both form of automatic and manual have showed the parameters soil storage, tension storage and recession constant have highest sensitivity. This is an indicator for the importance of these factors in continuous modeling in specified catchment.

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The waves is important, because of it’ s energy and high impact in maritime activities. Considering the effect of wave on marine activities in Chabahar, different factors influencing the wave height were considered in the present study. In this paper, the Wolf Search Algorithm (WSA) was used to predicting wave height in two categories, daily and hourly. For this purpose, the daily data of the year 2007-2011 and hourly data consisting of two month data of the year 2006 were employed. The results of the WSA were compared with Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Harmony Search Algorithm (HS). The WSA had a better performance for both hourly and daily data. So that R2, RMSE, d And MAE predict 0. 9497, 0. 0704, 0. 987 and 0. 0483 for hourly prediction and 0. 8558, 0. 1742, 0. 9599 and 0. 1138 for daily prediction respectively. The results show the high ability of evolutionary algorithms in wave height prediction in this Region.

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Obviously, in any planning for qualitative and quantitative management of water resources, estimating the water balance and values of the input and output components that will play an important role. Several studies in the field of evapotranspiration most complex component of the water balance in the world and many models offered and developed. Remote Sensing due to the superiority of meteorological methods based on measuring point and water balance is more in the works. In this study, performance of Surface Energy Balance (SEBS) model to estimate actual evapotranspiration in Sistan plain is studied. For this purpose data from Zehak meteorological stations and the technology of remote sensing and MODIS sensor images used. Surface flux of energy balance is calculated for each image pixel and actual evapotranspiration were estimated by the remaining amount of the energy balance at the level. The results were compared with results of two point ground-based data consist of the hay grown on the sidelines of Zahak synoptic station and water level of reservoir of Chahnime1. Model showed good performance for both land and water based on correlation coefficient value with 0. 78 and 0. 89 respectively.

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To analyze surface water quality in the Haraz River, 12 water quality variables accompanied by hydro-climatologic parameters analyzed by Mann-Kendall Non-parametric test during the period of 1991-2015. To detect probable effects of land use changes, these changes also analyzed by GIS in 1991, 2006 and 2015 years. The results showed that most of time series of water quality have significant increasing trend that represents severe reduction in water quality of Haraz river. According to the results of Mann-Kendall test (trend analysis of hydro-climatic parameters, detection of abrupt change point and Kendall τ correlation test) and also land use changes trend, it was concluded that both climatic and land use change can be effective on reducing the quality of water resources so that temperature increase and precipitation decrease on one hand can be led to decrease of some parameters such as Ca2+, HCO3-and TH, and on the other hand, these changes together with land use changes can be the main reason of increase in most of parameters such as TDS, EC, Na+, Cl-, SAR etc.

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This study was performed in order to monitor and recognize the condition of transported suspended particulates and absorbed heavy metals in Dez river between Shahid Abbaspour Dam and Shotate river Junction and the effect of inflow from two tributaries in Kouzestan province, Iran. We took 38 samples in three steps including a base flow period and two flood events from four gauging sites including Dokouheh on Balaroud, Zourabad on Kohnak, Dezful on Dez upstream and Harmalah on Dez downstream. After sediment filtration, some samples were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma to determine 12 heavy metals. The results showed that the river suspended sediment classified as not polluted by heavy metals for agriculture purpose at least for studies samples. However, the amount of three heavy metals including Cobalt (20-22 ppm), Chrome (88-96 ppm) and Nickel (76-91 ppm) are more than environmental safe thresholds. In addition, the concentration of those heavy metals in downstream station is more than tributaries which is probably due to deposition of coarser sediment particles. Therefore, it can be concluded that the suspended sediments between Dokouheh to Haramalah reach and Zourabad to Haramalah reaches are polluted by three mentioned heavy metals.

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In this research for choosing the best distribution function for the annual maximum discharge (AMD) in the southern provinces of Iran; The daily discharge of 108 hydrometric stations (1983-2012) were used; Data were fitted with 65 probability distribution functions. After the goodness of fit tests using the statistical calculations, the best distributions function for the AMD was determined and eventually the discharge amounts were calculated with different return periods and compared with the result of the common distribution functions like log-Pearson (III), log-normalIII and Weakby. The result shown, the Waekby distribution functions with the 2. 43% and the first rank, the log-PearsonIII with the frequency of 6. 13% and the second rank and log-normal III with the frequency of the 5. 6% and the third rand, gained the best statistical distribution. The MBE in AMD estimation showed that in 2. 5 and 10-year return period, the Weakby statistical distribution and in the 25. 5 and 100-year return period. The log-Pearson III statistical distribution has a better estimation. Comparing the RMSE with MAPE in both Weakby and log PearsonIII statistical distribution, it is found that Weakby statistical distribution has a better estimation in the different return periods in this index.

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SAEEDPANAH IRAJ | Mohammadzade Roofchaee Somayeh

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In this paper, groundwater response to tidal effects in a Coastal Leaky Aquifer is simulated via analytical solutions. The solutions are obtained by application of separation of variables method and Fourier transform method. It is shown that those points of the aquifer near to the coastal shore are much more influenced by the tidal fluctuations in the boundary than the rest of the aquifer. The amplitude of tidal change is significant at points of the aquifer near to the coastal shore and gets smaller with distance from the boundary. In addition, it is shown that groundwater level increases with rises in transmissivity. This phenomenon is more significant when transmissivity is less than 400 m2/hr. Also, the groundwater head rises with rises in recharge rate. The effect of variations in transmissivity and recharge rate on hydraulic head is more significant at points located between 30 and 75 meters and less significant at points near to the coastal shore. The presented analytical solution is compared and verified with those results obtained from MODFLOW.

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Mahmoudi Jam Sasan | Ghoreyshi Najaf Abadi Seyed Hossein | VAFAEINEJAD ALIREZA | MORIDI ALI | Khazaee Safa

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One of very important problems in correct managing of groundwater resources is finding potential of this resources to correct planning and deciding for use of them. The purpose of this research is potential evaluation of groundwater resources with the hybrid approach to particle swarm optimization algorithm and geographic information systems in Mehran plain. In this regard and due to evaluation of groundwater resources potential in this area, 13 various factors which have a great impact on level of water permeability in ground and groundwater resources formation Including the slope, height, drainage density, fault density, T map, K map, recharge map, landuse map, lithology map, Sy map, depth of groundwater map, well density map and Cl map, were prepared and classified. Then, by PSO algorithm, each map was assigned weight and with overlay method in GIS combined with each other and at the end 2 final groundwater potential map were obtained, once when that optimization equation equal to the well density map (PSO_chah), and once again when that optimization equation equal to the Sy map (PSO_Sy). In this context, PSO_chah map, 2. 56% and PSO_Sy map, 2. 40% of area determined as areas with very high potential in case of groundwater resources.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The physically-distributed models lead to more reliable results for surface runoff process simulation in basins with complicated physical condition. In this study, rainfall-runoff modeling in Ziarat mountainous basin is investigated using GSSHA physically-distributed model. Digital elevation model, soil type and land use maps prepared and three and two events are considered for calibration and validation. Fitness precision criteria including Nash-Sutcliffe (NSE), Percentage Error in Volume (PEV), Percentage Error in Time to Peak (PETP) and Percentage Error in Peak (PEP) beside visual criterion used for results analysis. Median of PEV, PEP and PETP for calibration and validation steps were (25. 3 and 61. 5), (5. 5 and 11. 8) and (4. 8 and 0) that indicated underestimation for volume, suitable precision for peak and excellent precision for time to peak estimations. Also, evaluation of simulated hydrographs using visual and NSE criteria confirmed model precision for hydrograph simulation. The results show although soil initial moisture selected based on initial estimation in validation step but the overall precision of model in runoff characteristics estimations is suitable.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study is to preserve the sustainability of the Doiraj watershed in RCP scenarios. The observation and future period in this study is (1987-2015) and (2044-2016). For this purpose, the combined weight of 5 models of Fifth Report (AR5), rcp8. 5 scenario, used to assess changes in temperature and precipitation in the coming period. MOTP weighting method to reduce uncertainty of GCM models were used Meteorological drought monitoring in monthly, Seasonal and yearly intervals using Markov chain, frequency analysis and drought indexes SIAP, SPI, Z score and BMDI was calculated. The results showed that long-term average monthly rainfall and temperature at a rate of 14 percent and 2. 1 degrees Celsius as compared to the baseline. Markov chain probability of uncertainty precipitation showed, two months without precipitation in winter, spring and autumn, respectively 56, 63 and 52 percent and the chance of precipitation after a month of dry seasons, respectively 44, 35 and 47 percent. Based on the analysis of the indices during the years 2017-2018 than in 2016-2017 wetter and future years in the period 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 wettest years on the basis of this research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the strategies, is conducting artificial recharge, which is required to be evaluated using sustainability indexes in order to quantify the effects. In this research, a new approach is utilized for evaluation of groundwater system sustainability, combining the indexes, reliability, vulnerability and desirability considering the effect of artificial recharge scenario. First, the effect of Shurab Sivjan artificial recharge project on Birjand aquifer is simulated for a nine-year period, projected to 1404 Hijri (2025 Gregorian) with normal climatic condition, using MODFLOW model. Simulation results show that aquifer system sustainability is higher in the downstream parts, where the Khusf observation well is located, justifying by the groundwater recharge flow direction, low difference between optimum and measured groundwater level, and thin saturated thickness with 55 percent. Evaluation of indexes over the aquifer shows that the artificial recharge project could enhance the system sustainability between 21 to 25 percent according to reduce, constant and increment discharge scenarios. The proposed index in this research can be utilized for the other aquifers as well as in decision-making, because of its ability to define in distributed manner and possibility of evaluating the effects of different scenarios.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The necessity to preserve the environment and the depletion of fossil fuels for energy production have concerned human attention to the use of alternative and renewable sources. Hence, hydropower plants development is one of the solutions that are using in countries. Since the hydropower plants division into small and large scale, economic and environmental factors plays an important role in choosing the optimal scale of hydropower plants. In this study, an analytical and comparative method use in order to determine the economic and environmental effect of the construction of small hydropower plants and their comparison with large hydropower plants. The results indicate that small hydropower plants; in addition to being able to use the minimum potential of water; are economically and environmentally advantages of in comparison with large hydropower plants. Some of the main advantages of small hydropower plants that differentiate them from large hydropower plants are: low investment costs, shorter construction time, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, the proper dispersal of units, enabling capacity for technology transfer and private sector investment capability. These advantages have led small hydropower to be considered as a good alternative to large hydropower plants.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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