The purpose of this article is to examine the famous models of preschool curriculum in three areas of attention to the child agency, the nature and strategies of teaching-learning, and the professional competence of educators, which seems to distinguish the developed models from the less developed models of the preschool curriculum. To this end, the present article, using a descriptive method and qualitative content analysis, explores these axes in Reggio Emilia, High/Scope, Swedish and Te Whãriki (T/W) models. Findings of the study in the first axis indicate the realization of manifestations of child agency, such as viewing the child as a unique, competent and capable being, and providing some grounds for hearing the child’s voice in these models. In the second axis, the nature of learning is based on the perception of the child’s perspective and their learning style and progress, their active participation in learning and interaction with adults in the construction of their own meaning and knowledge, the visibility of child’s learning for themselves, and their guidance towards lifelong learning. Therefore, the teaching-learning strategies are based on participatory and communicative, exploratory, experimental, project-oriented, active and creative approaches. Also, regarding the third axis, most of the studied models emphasize the professional qualification of educators in various personal, ethical, social and professional dimensions.