Medical tourism is a form of health tourism commonly referring to the travel of people to another country for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment in that country. In more cases, aim of medical tourism is to impart low cost of medical service or taking emergency service than other place. The purpose of current study was to survey medical tourism capacity & prioritizing of them with AHP technique. Statistical society consisted of all physicians, expertise & all employees of International hospital in Tabriz city as whole 247 persons. To select the samples, census sampling method was applied. To gather information, a researcher made questionnaire (with use of capacity measure indexes) and paired comparison questionnaire were used. Then, validity & reliability were selected and given questionnaires. In inferential analysis, to test of hypothesis, & drawing figure & tables, SPSS software was applied. For prioritizing research dimension, AHP Master Software was applied. Kolmogrov-Smirnove had been used for data normality analysis. Consider to normality of them data were analyzed by parametric test (t-tests). Results of sample T test indicate that presence of multiple surgery, medical equipment, surgeon's & expert's & medical tourism department had direct (significant) effect on sample population. In a way that, after prioritize this dimension by AHP Master software concluded surgeon's fame had one place, presence of multiple surgery practice had two place, medical equipment had third place, medical tourism department had four place.