Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is one of the most common nutritional problems among children under 5 years in the country. Based on the national survey in 1999, 15.4% of children under 5 years suffered from moderate and severe stunting, 10.9% were underweight and 4.9% were wasting. Considering the consequences of PEM including decrease in physical and mental performance, increasing the mortality and morbidity among children, prevention and control of malnutrition is one of the priorities of nutritional programs in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. The main objective was to design an appropriate interventional model to decrease malnutrition among children in rural areas.This study was conducted in rural areas of Ilam, Bardsir and Borazjan from three provinces of Ilam, Kerman and Boushehr, during 1996-1999. The study was carried out in 3 phases included situation analysis, designning intervention and implementation and evaluation. In situation analysis phase, 1703 children 6-35 months old in the rural areas of Ilam (n=659), Borazjan (n=532) and Bardsir (n= 512) were selected by random sampling (systematic). Data were collected in the terms of knowledge, attitude and practice of mothers about child feeding, growth monitoring, family planning, sanitation, safe drinking water, food consumption pattern of households, food production and socioeconomic conditions. Also, anthropometric data for children 6-35 months old included weight and height were collected and the main causes of malnutrition were determined. Based on the causes, appropriate strategies such as improvement of sanitation, safe drinking water, breast feeding, complementary feeding by demonstration for mothers, growth monitoring, home gardening, income generation, increasing accessibility of foods and illiteracy elimination were implemented. Different sectors like agriculture, education, rural development, social welfare and Literacy Movement Organization co-operated to the program.Three years after intervention, the results showed that the prevalence of underweight decreased from 23 to 11% in Borazjan, from 28 to %14.5 in Bardsir, and from 21 to %10 in Ilam. Stunting also decreased from 25 to %12 in Ilam, from 41 to %13 in Borazjan and from 31 to %14.9 in Bardsir (P<0.0001).
This study showed that because of multi-disciplinary character of protein-energy malnutrition, intersectional collaboration, political commitment and community involvement are very important for improving nutritional status of children. By designning an intersectional intervention model, nutritional status of community could be improved.