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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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One of the main concerns in policy making in general and foreign policy making in particular is the problem of inappropriate decisions, i. e., a decision that is unlikely to lead to set objectives and may even result in negative consequences. There is no guarantee for the success of decisions due to feedback aspects and the multiplicity of other actors whose actions and reactions are not totally predictable. Yet it is possible to reduce the possibility of irrational/inappropriate decisions through recognizing the factors that can lead to bad decisions. This article suggests a rational model of decision making in foreign policy and then, on the basis of IR theories and theories of foreign policy shows the factors that can interfere in rational policy making. It is argued that cognitive factors are more influential because most other elements can be reduced to cognitive ones.

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The title of “ the impacts of foresight on policy” Implies that foresight as a Strategic intelligence. The title suggests the need for policymakers to assess the position of foresight in the policy system and ways to improve its impacts. Also, a prerequisite for successful design of foresight activities is a clear understanding of the types of foresight impacts on policy making and this is the aim of this study. In this regard, we are enjoying a thematic analysis to identify and classify the policy impacts of the world's foresight programs. Then, based on the identified impacts, a questionnaire have been designed and distributed among the actors of national foresight projects using snowball sampling to evaluate its policy effects. The results demonstrated that impacts such as networking, collective learning and knowledge creation, improvement of relations among actors, strengthening the role of community in development policy and foresight culture have a high weight and their realization is almost complete but the realization of an impactsuch as improved decision-making and policy making was not very good. An advantage of studying the experiences of foresight different countries, creating a codified knowledge about the policy impacts of foresight programs which can be instructive for those involved in foresight and policy making.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Governance layers don't succeed in policy making that we can attribute this to inattention to rationalities in policy making process. The aim of this paper is deriving rationalities in whole process. We uses Mixed research methods (thematic analysis – survey), for deriving rationalities and specifying the present and favorite status in attention to this rationalities. . Initial assumption of this research is that there is much difference between attention to this rationalities in present and favorite status. The conclusion of this research indicates that present attention to all of derived rationalities is lower than average but favorite attention to them is upper than average. Also the conclusion indicates that priority of rationalities in present status isn't according to favorite status. So we can know neglect of rationalities in policy making process as one of reason that policies don't succeed in practice.

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All decisions in politics and policy are always to be taken with regard to the various considerations which one of the most important is, the achievements in the field of science and research and utilization of them, in order to strengthen and improve the quality of the decisions. Special considerations in the public domain increase the importance of relying on knowledge base of decisions in this field. However the fundamental differences between the two fields of knowledge and research with politics and policy, always makes it difficult to conduct relevant and appropriate research and communicate it to political and policy processes. Thus, it raises the demand for the detailed architecting of the interface in-between and required intermediary functions. So in this paper, the intermediary concepts and institutions in politics and policy, the supply-demand relationship of knowledge in governance processes and diverse functions of academic centers and advisory institutions is discussed. Then, concepts around and functions of academic centers and advisory institutions will be elaborated and based on an innovative combination of these functions a comprehensive and integrated typology of functions is presented in five categories: "Facilitating access to research, " "organizing and appropriating of research", "promotion and facilitation of dialogue and exchange of views", "linking, networking and issue advocacy" and "increasing the policy capacity".

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The development subject is something that is on the effective management of economic by market institutions or state bureaucracy. This commentary is the mainstream in Development Studies. Using documentary research, this paper tries to discuss the hypothesis that political coalitions can make economic development possible or impossible. The paper argues the study of the role of state in economic development should be change to the study of the role of political coalitions in economic development because the political arena is a coalition actions arena and also the state in developing countries is fragmented. The paper presents an analytical framework of political coalitions (tactical-strategic) and then analyzed three coalitions (coalition for development, coalition for non-development and coalition for anti-development). Theoretical studies and empirical evidences show that only useful political coalition for economic development is a comprehensive and strategic coalition for the development. This theoretical framework offers a new perspective to address the obstacles of economic development in developing countries.

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The unmatched divine status of family midst of Iranians and sensitivity of government about this issue lead to family is counted as one of the most significant influential parameters in political decision-making processes. Over the passage of time, Social changes have been occurring in labor market for the reason of service sector development. Accordingly, the nature and context of the traditional family lately has changed. Therefore, in this article, we have tried to design conceptual models to identify and evaluate family policy in Iran. In order to help the proposed model, a comparative study related to the role of family policy among the three countries in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Germany and Great Britain is used. As a result, the policy documents of the three countries in ​ ​ family policy have been evaluated by means of interpretation and comparative approach.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Due to the presence of more than five hundred definitions of culture, And referring them to, Components, elements and different levels of abstraction, In this paper we want to, answer this question: how Native understanding of meaning and geometry of culture will be effective In integrating the different meanings of culture as well as the preparation and formulation ofaboriginal cultural policy model. The current study was conducted with Grounded Theory method. In this article over 40 definitions of culture has been analyzed and Among 237 initial concept and 20 central concepts, three common issues have achieved. Following this study, Common components of chosen definitions of culture, were regulated three degrees of understanding of the geometry of culture, based on the principles and philosophical foundations of Transcendent Wisdom (native approach of the study) and philosophical ideas of thinkers such as Allameh Tabatabaei, martyr Motahhari, some students of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli And theoretical efforts of some non-native scholars. And at the end, three spheres approach to the meaning of culture, underlying the quasi models that they help to answer main question of research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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There are three types of voters in any election: A) those who indicate they voted for the current party or candidate, B) those who indicate they did not vote for the current party or candidate and change their attitude in different elections, and C) those who have not previously voted. The main question in present study is: "If the kind of the relations of These three groups of voters affect their decision making factors (1-involvement, 2-information seeking, 3-knowledge, 4-loyalty, 5-certainty, 6-satisfaction and 7-stability)? " the object of present study is to "investigate the effect of the decision making type and style of the voters on the factors which impact this decision making through using marketing technics and customer behavior analysis. The survey population is 320 youth from 18 to 25 in Esfahan city, selected using cluster sampling method. The results indicate that the relationship between "involvement", "knowledge", "loyalty", "satisfactory" and "stability", and the above three groups of voters there is a significant, But other variables It is not significant.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Policy Making for Education Reform in Developing Countries aims at helping policymakers in developing countries better understand the processes and strategies for education reform, and the policy options available to them. This text focuses on the content of options and strategies for achieving educational improvement at different levels of the system, e. g., primary, secondary, tertiary; for different sub-sectors, e. g., management, teachers; and for different purposes with which education systems are tasked, e. g., reaching peripheral groups of students. A holistic approach is increasingly recognized as essential to realizing the promises of education for the development of social and human capital-innovation in a global economy, sustained economic growth, social harmony and greater civic participation, and increased equity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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