Introduction: Neuromarketing is an interdisciplinary field that is rapidly emerging in the world of consumer cognition research. Furthermore, it is an innovative field of marketing research which challenges the classic marketing model to improve our understanding of the processes associated with purchasing behavior. Neuromarketing is investigating the manner that consumers make the decision to purchase. Based on the neuromarketing concept of decision processing, consumer buying decisions rely on bi-systemic approaches. System 1 is based on fast automatic operations; in contrast, decisions driven by System 2 are deliberate, conscious reasoning, and slow. In cognition of the consumer behavior, these processes guide everyday purchasing decisions. Furthermore, neuromarketing is built on the top of at least three basic science fields, including neuroscience, behavioral economics, and social psychology. The aim of this review was to investigate the different aspects of neuroscience involved in neuromarketing. The signals from the human body and brain are important for understanding the origins and operations of neuromarketing measures. Body measures are contained the facial expressions, eye movements, eye blink, startle reflex, behavioral responses, electrodermal activity, heart rate, blood pressure, pupil dilation, and respiration. The human brain signals are captured by the blood oxygenation, positron emissions, electrical fields, and magnetic fields.Conclusion: Understanding the basic functions of human brain is crucial in investigation of consumers’ purchasing behaviors.