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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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از آغاز تا امروز1396 و جلسوه کمیتوه تخصصوی /2/ به استناد مصوبه یکصدوهفدمین جلسه کمیسیون نشریات علوم پزشکی کشور مورخ 24/2/1396 و جلسه کمیته تخصصی 13/6/1396، فصل نامه کاملا خصوصی «سلامت روان کودک» پس از چهار سال تلاش شبانه روزی و صادقانه جمعی از دانشجویان و دانش آموختگان دانشگاه گیلان و با بهره گیری از برجسته ترین متخصصان روان شناسی کودک و روان پزشکان اطفال از دانشگاه های معتبر کشور بدون هیچ گونه حامی مالی و علمی موفق به کسب رتبه علمی پژوهشی شده است...

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Background and Purpose: One of the factors that are important in interpersonal relationships and the psychosocial context of children and parents in the field of chronic pain is the catastrophic thinking model. The aim of this study was to investigate the gender-related differences in the rate of catastrophizing of mothers and fathers by controlling the effect of headache in children.Method: This research was a causal comparative design. The statistical population included all parents of children with headache in Tehran in 2016. In this study 210 parents (117 mothers and 93 fathers) of 132 children with chronic or recurrent pain participated and answered to the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (Goubert et al, 2006) and Numeric Pain Rating Scale, asking for the average of pain severity in last three months before the research. Data analysis was performed using independent T-test, multivariate analysis and one-way variance analysis as well as covariance analysis.Results: Results indicated a significant difference between mothers and fathers according to their levels of pain catastrophizing (P=0.018). Multivariate variance analysis showed no statistical significant difference in subscales of catastrophizing (rumination and magnification/ helplessness) according to the sex of parents; but univariate variance analysis showed a significant difference in using magnification/helplessness thinking patterns between mothers and fathers (P=0.02).Covariance analyses demonstrated that, by controlling the effects of pain severity, still mothers were significantly higher in catastrophizing about their children’s pain (P=0.037).Conclusion: Results of this study indicated that the difference in levels of parental pain catastrophizing between mothers and fathers can be due to other than child's pain intensity.

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Background and Purpose: Regarding the problems of children with conduct disorder in social cognition and theory of mind, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of intervention based on the theory of mind and social skills training on the symptoms of these children.Method: The research method is a semi-experimental with pre-test and post-test with control group. The statistical population consisted of all children with conduct disorder aged 11-7 years old in Mashhad in 2017, thdt 22 of them were selected using multi-stage random cluster sampling.The research tool includes the theory of mind test (Styrmanman, 1999) and the social skills scale (Matson, 1983). Subjects were trained in group sessions in 12 sessions. Data were analyzed three weeks after the training by ANOVA.Renaults: The findings of this study showed that the intervention of mind theory and social skills training increased social skills and components of the theory of mind (P<0.001).Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the training of the theory of mind and social skills by increasing social cognition and interpersonal skills reduce the symptoms of conduct disorder in children.

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Background and Purpose: One of the basic and new explanations for the treatment of learning disabilities is the model of executive functions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of executive functions (transfer, inhibition, updating, continuous functioning and planning organizing) in predicting the learning performance of students with learning disabilities.Method: The present study is a descriptive-correlational study. The statistical population consisted of all primary school students with learning disabilities in Mashhad in the academic year of 2016-2017.116 students were selected through a random sampling method. Wisconsin test (Heaton et al., 1993), the stroop complex assignment (Stroup, 1935), the London tower test (Shallis, 1982), the working memory test (Wechsler, 2003), and continuous performance test (Rooseveld et al., 1956) were used as research tools. To evaluate the predictive power of academic performance through the variables of executive actions, the LaserL structural model was used.Results: The results showed that the model is fitted with research data. The results of structural analysis showed that among executive functions, response inhibitory variable and active memory have a greater role in predicting the academic performance of students with learning disabilities in reading, writing and maths (P<0.01).Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, executive functions such as responsive inhibition, working memory, and mental flexibility are required as cognitive activities in reading, writing, and mathematics, which should be considered in the educational and rehabilitation curriculum of these students.

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Background and Purpose: According to teachers’ experience, there is assumed that the name and reputation through which students are addressed to could be effective on their emotions, affections and performance. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of satisfaction with the first name on classroom anxiety, self-esteem, shyness and academic performance of students.Methods: This study was conducted cross-sectional. The population consisted of all boy and girl students of the junior high school in Rasht during 2015-2016.521 students were selected by using cluster random sampling method and responded to self-esteem questionnaire of Rosenberg (1979), shyness questionnaire of Stanford-Zimbardo (1977), and questionnaire of anxiety in the classroom which was constructed by Richmond (2013). Satisfaction of the name was also determined by a measure for low, mild and high scores. The last Acquired students' GPA was considered as an indicator of their academic performance. The data were processed by univariate analysis of variance in the form of a 2´3 factorial design.Results: The results revealed that less satisfied with first name is paralleled with more anxiety in classroom, less self-esteem, higher level of shyness, and weaker academic achievement. The analysis of gender classes revealed that with the exception of assessments of academic performance (in which boys’ group is weaker than girls’ group); there is no significant difference in other dependent variables in terms of gender.Conclusion: According to the results, it could be said that satisfaction with the first name can be used in some cases as a source for the improvement of classroom anxiety, self-esteem, shyness and academic performance in the school environment.

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Background and Purpose: The birth of a child with intellectual disability as a crisis can have adverse effects on mothers and place them under physical, psychological and social stress. The purpose of the research was to examine the effectiveness of quality of life therapy on psychological capitals and its dimension among mothers with children with intellectual disability.Method: The present study was a quasi-experimental with a pre-test post-test design with control group. The statistical population of this study was all mothers of children with intellectual disability in Semirom in 2016. The sample consisted of 30 mothers of children with intellectual disability who were selected by convenient sampling and assigned to the experimental (15) and control group (15) randomly. The experimental group received quality of life training during nine 90-minute sessions, while the control group was on the waiting list.Both groups were evaluated in two stages of pre-test and post-test by Psychological Capital Inventory (Lotans, 2007). For data analysis, covariance analysis was used.Results: The results of data analysis using covariance test showed that quality of life therapy was effective on improving the psychological capital and its dimensions except optimism and resiliency (P<0.01).Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it can be concluded that education based on quality of life by strengthening the mother's problem solving skills and encouraging them to positive thinking improve the mental health indicators.

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Background & Purpose: Having a child with a special need creates tensions for the family and negatively effects on family functioning and parent relationships. Therefore, the aim of this study is investigating the quality of life of parents with more than one child with special needs.Method: This study was a causal-comparative study. The statistical population consisted of 160 couples of parents (82 couples of parents of children with special needs and 78 couples of parents of children without special needs) from Kurdistan province in 2015-2016, who were selected through convenience sampling method. Quality of Life questionnaire (World Health Organization, 1996) was used to collect of data. Data analysis was carried out by MANOVA test.Results: Findings showed that the quality of life of parents with more than one child with special needs had a significant difference compared to normal children's parents. Parents of children with a specific need for quality of life in the dimensions of physical health (P<0.0001), social relationships (P<0.0001), mental health (P<0.0001) and environmental health (P<0.0001) have significant difference compared to the parents of normal children.Conclusion: According to the results of this study, the presence of children with special needs in the family has a negative effect on the mental health and quality of life of parents and other family members, thus identifying the needs of these families and supporting them is important.

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Background and Purpose: Family drawing test is useful for investigate family performance, quality of child-parent attachment, and child relationship with other family members. The purpose of this study was a comparison of drawing characteristics of children in single child and several child families based on family drawing test.Method: Current study was causal-comparative and the statistical population consisted of all single child and several child families (girl and boy) referred to counseling and psychological services center in Sari city during spring of 2017. The sample consists of 14 single children and 16 children with brothers and sisters that were selected according their desire to draw a family drawing. The research tool was a family drawing test. Chi square was used for data analysis.Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference in the first person is drawn (P=0.04) and drawing a new person (P=0.011) between children in single child and several child families.Conclusion: The order of birth and the number of children is one of the effective factors in the formation of personality, emotional and behavioral characteristics of children, and the family drawing test is an appropriate tool for children expressing their motives, fears and their desires in a safe environment.

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Background and Purpose: The occurrence of autism spectrum disorder causes severe deficits in social skills, cognitive and psychological functions of children. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of emotional regulation training on social cognition and executive functions in children with autism spectrum disorder.Method: The research method was experimental with pre-test-post-test design with control group.The statistical population of the study included all children with autism spectrum in Isfahan in 2016. For this purpose, 30 children with autism were selected by convenient sampling and assigned into two experimental and control groups randomly (each group 15). The experimental group received emotion regulation training in 9 sessions (Every week 2 sessions for 60 minutes), while the control group did not receive training. All subjects completed Nero psychological test (Abedi and Malekpour, 2010) and the task set of the theory of mind (Hutchins, Prelock & Chace, 2008) before and after the training. To analyze the data, covariance analysis was used.Results: The analysis of the data showed that emotional regulation training resulted in a significant increase in the components of social cognition and executive functions (score, time and error) in children with autism spectrum disorder (P<0.05).Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, emotional regulation can be used to improve social cognitive and metacognitive skills of children with autism spectrum disorder.

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Background and Purpose: The warm and emotional relationship between parents with children and the management of tension in the family can play an important role in children's reconciliation.The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between father’s humor and coping styles with adaptation of students.Method: The present study was a descriptive-correlational study. Statistical population of this study consisted of all elementary students have been studying in Galikesh city in the academic year of 2016 -2017. The sample consisted of 250 students (122 boys and 128 girls) selected by sampling method. The participants responded to coping inventory for stressful situation (Endler & Parker, 1990), social adjustment scale (Paykel and Weissman, 1999) and sense of humor scale (Martin & Lecfort, 1983). The data were analyzed by correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis.Results: The results showed that there is a significant positive correlation between father humor with students' adjustment. Also, there is a positive correlation between problem-oriented coping style with adaptation of children, and avoidant and emotional coping styles with adaptation have a significant negative relationship (P£0.05). There is also a significant positive correlation between problem-oriented coping style with humor, and a significant negative correlation between humor with avoidant coping styles.Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, it can be concluded that increasing the level of humor and problem-solving styles in fathers leads to improvement of children's.

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Background and Purpose: The function of families with a child with a anxiety disorder may be at risk. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of parenting styles training based on acceptance and commitment therapy to others on decreasing sepration anxiety and oppositional defiant disorder of children.Method: The research was quasi-experimental and pre-test, post-test, follow-up with the control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of all mothers of preschool children in Isfahan city during 2015-2016, that 40 of them were selected by convenieat sampling method and assigned in control and experimental groups randomly (20 mother in each group). The research tools was clinical syndrome scale (Sprafkin and Gadu, 1994). the experimental group were recived parenting style training based on acceptance and commitment in eight 90-minute sessions, while the control group were in the waiting list.Results: The results showed that education of parenting style based on acceptance and commitment to mothers were effective in reducing the severity of anxiety and oppositional defiant disorder (P<0.01).Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be said that since the majority of behavioral disorders of children can be related to the parenting style of mothers, therefore, by educating parenting styles, mothers can improve their Style of raising children.

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Background and Purpose: Aggression is a behavioral problem that occurs during childhood and can seriously harm empathy with others. Accordingly, the present study aimed to compare cognitive empathy between two groups of relational and explicit aggression.Method: The study design was descriptive and causal-comparative. The statistical population of the present study included all high school students with aggression in Isfahan during the academic year 2013-2014.120 high school students with aggression were selected through clustere random sampling method. The tools used were basic empathy scale (Jolieff and Farlington, 2006) and peer selection scale (Kirk's and Gratt, 1995). Data were analyzed using ANOVA.Results: The results of this study showed that there is a significant difference between the score of cognitive empathy in two groups of relational and explicit aggression (P<0.05); this means that the cognitive empathy level in the students with relational aggression is more than other group.Conclusion: Based on the findings of this research, cognitive empathy in the explicit aggression group was less than relational aggression group that could be due to the fact that people with explicit aggression exhibited more aggression due to lack of adequate empathy.

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Background and Purpose: Regarding the important role of test anxiety in the emergence of some high-risk behaviors, the purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of the test anxiety in relation between procrastination and high risk behaviors in students.Method: The research design was descriptive and correlational. The statistical population of this study included all the high school students in Karaj during the academic year of 2011-2012 that 320 of them were selected through a purposeful sampling method. Data collected by Academic procrastination scale (Solomon and Ruth Bloom, 1984), Test Anxiety Inventory (Abolghasemi, 1375) and high risk behaviors scale (Brenner, Kan and McManus, 2002). Regression and path analysis were used to analyze of data.Results: The results of regression analysis in a simultaneous way and using the proposed steps of Baron and Kenny showed that test anxiety can play a significant role as a mediator in the relationship between procrastination and high risk behaviors (P<0.01).Conclusion: Test anxiety can provide conditions for high risk behaviors along with procrastination; therefore, it is suggested that special attention should be paid to the predictive role of these factors in the study of high risk behaviors.

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Background and Purpose: Strategies and quality of attachment are important variables in mental health of children and adolescents. The aim of this study was to compare quality of attachment and coping strategies in students with and without Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder (OCD).Method: The design of study was descriptive of causal-comparative type. The statistical population was consisted all elementary school female students of fourth and fifth grades in Shiraz city in 2016.In this study, 60 female students including 30 with and 30 without OCD were selected via the convenience sampling method. To collect the data, Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Goodman &, 1989), Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment Revised for children (IPPA-R) (Gullon & Robinson, 2005) andChildren’s Coping Behavior Questionnaire (Brittany & Hernandez, 2008) used. Data were analyzed using Multivariable Analyze of Variance.Results: Result of independent sample t-test showed that there are differences in quality of attachment between the two group students (P<0.05 (.In other words, children with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) had lower scores on quality of attachment variable to the children without OCD. In addition, results of MANOVA revealed that children with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) have greater self-alienation (P<0.05 (and destructive coping and also lower trust and ameliorative coping than healthy students (P<0.05).Conclusion: Diagnosis of coping strategies and quality of attachment in sufficiency and planning suitable interventions accordingly can have a positive effect in prevention and treatment of OCD.

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Background and Purpose: Auditory discrimination deficiency is considered as one of the effective factors in spelling disorder. According to brain modality, mirror neurons are involved in transferring the motion concept from visual to auditory system. This study examined the effectiveness of visual stimulation on auditory discrimination and development of writing skills in students with spelling disorder.Methods: The present study is an experimental study and research design is pretest-posttest with control group. The study population consisted of all male and female students with spelling disorder in district 4 of Tabriz in the academic year 2015-2016 in age ranging from 7-9.30 of these students (14 girls and 16 boys) were randomly selected and assigned into two groups (each group was 7 girls and 8 boys). First, Auditory discrimination test (Wepman, 1958) and writing skills development test (Ragheb, 1384) was conducted on the sample group. The experimental group received visual stimulation in 12 sessions of 30 minutes for four weeks. At the end, both groups were evaluated and the data analyzed using multivariate covariance.Results: Findings showed that the implementation of visual stimulation can reduce auditory discrimination errors and improve spelling performance in students with learning disabilities (P<0.0001).Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, visual stimulation with strengthening of the underlying psychological processes in children reduces the learning problems of students. Therefore, this new therapeutic approach can be used to improve spelling difficulties in students.

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