Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality in Iranian population and the most common cause of contacting with prehospital emergency system in Iran. Considering the weak role of number 115 in transportation of patients with chest pain to hospitals, only half of them really require it. For making a correct diagnosis and qualitative and
quantitative improvement in providing emergency care, this study was designed to evaluate of
using questionnary for determining the real cardiac patients, effect of attendance of highly educated Health Care professionals in screening patients and comparing this method, with the current method which is already used in EMS. This cross- sectional study was performed on 355 patients with chest pain that contacted with the Tehran EMS system with randomized selection and by using two types of questionnaire. Personnels involved in this study were E.M. Ts, nurses and general physicians. The relation between" chest pain features, cardiovascular risk factors, consciousness level, history of cardiac problem and patients outcome were examined and the sensitivity, specifictity and accuray of personnel function were compared by using of Spearman, Chi- square and T-test. The 45.5% of patients had Positive outcome and 54.5% of them had negative outcome. Age average of patients with positive coutcome was 6 years more than negative outcome patients. The relation netween chest pain severity and outcome was 33% Relative that of risk of having positive outcome in patients. with consciousness disorder was 1.4. With regard fo 3 question in question nary about chest pain, Consciousness disorder and heart disease history had 98% sensitivity and with 16% specificity. EMS rescuers performance had 96% sensitivity, 41% specificity and 65% accuracy (in general physicians, 100%, 70% and 85% respectively) Considering the limitation in the usage of more advanced resources in Iran for screening and
earlier initiation of therapeutic measures - especially Telecardiography - simultaneous use of
screening questionnaire and physicians attendance on patients bedside, not only causes the lowering of EMS system expenses, unneccessary missions and increasing role of EMS System in transportation of emergency patients, but also comparison to pesent situation, don"t produce
significant difference in the rate of missed patients.