The present study investigates breast-feeding pattern of mothers residing in Shiraz
(Iran), longitudinally. A co-hort of 329 mothers who gave birth at the 14 maternity clinics of
Shiraz during two consecutive weeks in 1996 was selected randomly. The mothers must have
been resident in Shiraz since their conception and delivered healthy neonates. The selected
cohort fonned a 2.5% sample of all neonates who were born in Shiraz in 1996. Mothers were
followed at 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24 months after given birth at their homes
and interviewed face to face filling out a strnctured questionnaire. Almost 53.5% of mothers had
been trained how to breastfeed. The main sources of mothers knowledge on duration of
breastfeeding were friends and relatives (39.8%), while mass media played a minimal role
(15.7%) in this regard. Mothers, their friends and relatives recommendations on nourishing
child immediately after birth were the main sources of mothers knowledge (46.5%). Nearly all
mothers (99.7%) stated that the mothers milk was the best food at birth for the neonate and
94.5% of them cited colostmms as the first nutrient to feed infants. Also 66.4% of mothers
believed that infants should be breastfed immediately. About 81.3% of them said that infants,
breastfeeding should be continued until 24 months. Breastfeeding continued until 1.5 months in
97.9% of cases. The figure decreased to 85.6% at six month, 77.3% at one year, and 26.4% at 2
years of age of the children. In 41.3% of cases, infants breast-fed until 1.5 months exclusively.
This rate decreased to 9% at the age of 6 months. Complementary feeding was begun in 66.9%
of cases at the age of 6 months. Predominant breast-feeding was performed at the age of 1.5
months in 82.9% of infants. Only 2.1% of infants were fed powder milk exclusively at the age of
1.5 months. The paper emphasizes on fundamental planning on breastfeeding promotion of
mothers, which is economicallyjusti{lllble.