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Hakim Journal

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Urinary incontinence is a prevalent urological problem that can cause major negative impacts on patient"s quality of life and their relatives. The use of artifical urinaty sphincter (AUS) is the most effective way on therapy of some neurological defect, low active sphincter and after prostatectomy. The most popular A US is AMS 800, which is expensive and has limited usage in Iran. In this article the designation and fabrication of the experimental AUS made up of memory shape Alloy (MSA) were introduced. This prosthesis can open and close the duct under the pressure equal to the human urinary bladder via the effect of electrical cwrent. Because this prosthesis ultimately used for implantation on animal study and ultimately human, the activator outside the body provides electrical current for receiver and amplifier inside the body through magnetic filed cuppling method. The mechanical part of prosthesis is cylindrical sphincter, which open and close the duct (similar to human urinary duct) following change in the length of MSA wire. Results indicated that by turning on the instrument 50 mm away from receiver the magnetic field current is produced in the receiver and using 3W amplifier electrical current produced which is able to warm the MSA wire and shorten its length The force produced following shorten the wire length will overcome the sphincter spring source (that already close the sphincter) and open sphincter. Followed by turning off the activator, the MSA wire became cool and spring force get the sphincrer to it"s original shape. In conclusion, the electromechanical artifical urethral sphincter designed in this study as a portable prosthesis working by 12V small battery may be cnnsidered as new model of artificial urethral sphincter for experimental animal study.

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Hakim Journal

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Study by other investigators show that increased values of creatine kinase- and lactate dehydrogenase patients with acute or chronic muscle disease in, the absence of detectable cardiac injury.Therefore, many investigators trkd to find more specific markers. Cardiac troponin is a cardiac regulatory protein found only in cardiac tissue, and in patients with myocardial infarction, troponin is mere sensitive on comparison with creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase. Increased values of this structural protein in blood is indicative of myocardial infarction. Troponin is not expressed in any tissue except the heart. Thus, elevated levels are highly specific for myocardial injury. In thili survey, blood samples were obtained from controls without myocardial infarction symptoms and from case groups with chest pain, high blood pressure and positive echocardiographic signs. .The troponin values were measured with. chromatography and enzyme activity with biochemical and enzyme kits. Our results indicate that serum troponin level is comparable to creatinekinase and lactate dehydrogenase for diagnosis of myocardial infarction, and it is more sensitive (82%) and has high detection value (78%) and therefor is a good diagnostic tool for thesepatients.

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Hakim Journal

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Diagnostic radiology provides valuable input to health care delivery. Effective use of this technology can only be assured through a planned and systematic approach of quality assurance. Quality assurance dealing wilh equipment peifonnance is a key element in this systematic approach. The objective of our research is to provide assistance and coordinate setting-up a local qualily assurance program. Such program results in assuring accuracy in routine assessment and control of diagnostic X-ray quality. One of the major steps is the measurement of X-ray tube kilovoltage (kVp). Because the conventional kVp meter is expensive and often not available in developing countries, a simple and reliable instrument is needed. Such an instrumentis a film penetrameter, recommended by Cameron,which has shown to possess many advantager such as;ponability,low price, speed and easeof use. We constructed such a simple penetrameter and measured the kVp of 9 X-ray unils in 7 radiology departments. These departments were in hospilals related to Tehran University Of Medical Sciences. The experiment was performed by placing the penetrameter on a conventional X-ray cassette and comparing the images of the penetrameter taken by 9 X-ray unils wilh the images on penetrameter taken by the refrence X-ray unit. This comparison is done to approximate the drop of kVp by least squaremethod. The results showed the drop of X-ray unit kilovltages which in turn proved the necessity of peifonning quality assurance program in radiology depannents throughout the country.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hakim Journal

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The present study investigates breast-feeding pattern of mothers residing in Shiraz (Iran), longitudinally. A co-hort of 329 mothers who gave birth at the 14 maternity clinics of Shiraz during two consecutive weeks in 1996 was selected randomly. The mothers must have been resident in Shiraz since their conception and delivered healthy neonates. The selected cohort fonned a 2.5% sample of all neonates who were born in Shiraz in 1996. Mothers were followed at 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24 months after given birth at their homes and interviewed face to face filling out a strnctured questionnaire. Almost 53.5% of mothers had been trained how to breastfeed. The main sources of mothers knowledge on duration of breastfeeding were friends and relatives (39.8%), while mass media played a minimal role (15.7%) in this regard. Mothers, their friends and relatives recommendations on nourishing child immediately after birth were the main sources of mothers knowledge (46.5%). Nearly all mothers (99.7%) stated that the mothers milk was the best food at birth for the neonate and 94.5% of them cited colostmms as the first nutrient to feed infants. Also 66.4% of mothers believed that infants should be breastfed immediately. About 81.3% of them said that infants, breastfeeding should be continued until 24 months. Breastfeeding continued until 1.5 months in 97.9% of cases. The figure decreased to 85.6% at six month, 77.3% at one year, and 26.4% at 2 years of age of the children. In 41.3% of cases, infants breast-fed until 1.5 months exclusively. This rate decreased to 9% at the age of 6 months. Complementary feeding was begun in 66.9% of cases at the age of 6 months. Predominant breast-feeding was performed at the age of 1.5 months in 82.9% of infants. Only 2.1% of infants were fed powder milk exclusively at the age of 1.5 months. The paper emphasizes on fundamental planning on breastfeeding promotion of mothers, which is economicallyjusti{lllble.

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Hakim Journal

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Commercial sequential culture media (GG2.21.2 as a new idea for in vitro culture ofpreimplantalion embryos were developed on the basis of newlyfmdings about embryo requirements during progressive development and changing of concentrations of metabolites along female reproductive tract. However, these media have a short half-life and are expensive. This study was done to prepare "in- house" sequentaial culture media (RI and Rz) as commercia I equivalents (G 1.2and G2.2) and doing qua lity controls by compa ring with mouse embryo development in them "In-houseu - R1 and R2 were prepared as description of others. The quality of "in house" R1 and R2 was compared with commercially G1.2and G2.2 and T6 as a simple control medium during 5 days by mouse in vitro development. Comparison of embryo development was assessed by Chi- square and Fisher"s exact test. There was no significant difference between embryo development in commercial and "in-house"-prepared media during 5 days. A lot of embryo developed to expanded blastocyst and hatching blastocysts (80% in both media), however, the rate of hatching blastocyst increased in sequential media in comparing with simple- T6 medium (P<0.001).On the other hand, some of hatched and hatching blastocysts collapsed in commercially G1.2and G2.2and "in-house" prepared media, but this event was rare in T6 (55-63% vs 3% in T6, P<0.001). These results showed that, "in-house"prepared R1 and R2 were as good as commercially G1.2 and G2.2 in mouse in vitro embryo development.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hakim Journal

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Streptolysin O(SLO) is produced by all streptococci belongingto groupA and some of group G and C.SLO is highly antigenic and produces antibodies which are used for obtaining history of the disease. Tests for anti-streptolysin O(ASO) is used for determination of SLO antibodies liter in sera of patients. The most important component of the kit is SLO antigen. In this study, SLO with a high anti- hemolytil: activity was produced by a standard Richard strain which was obtained from the Pasteur Institute of Paris (Code no. A78). This strain was cultivated in 11 differenr media with varying conditions of pH, temperature and aeration. The presence of energy providing factors, active toxin producers, and growth factors were the main criteria for selection of The microorganism. Presence or absence of these factors was studied in synthetil: and semi synthetic media. The media which produced the highest titer of SLO contained various growlh factors like proteose peplon as a stimulant for toxin production, veal infusion for nutrition including buffering salts and dextrose all prepared by the method of dialysis. The hemolylic activity produced in this media was approximately 27000 U/ml.

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View 1040

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Hakim Journal

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It is believed that couple"s relationship is the main point to improve male participation in reproductive health programs. This communication is necessary to taking responsibility and making correct decision. In a qualitative research in Zahedan, couple"s communicatin relatiomship has been investigated. The main groups of study were men and women from suburban, city center and Tollabfemales and males student ofShia and sunni One hundred arid twenty subjects who wereenrolledin this study, in 16 groups. Collection of data was performedbased on focus groupdecisionmethod. Results showed that the majority of people of the city center and shiite Tol/ab believe that the decision maker in a family are both men and women, while the suburban people mentioned the man as being the only decision - maker. All of the participants stated that they discuss the topic of family planning with their ~pouse once or twice a year. Most of the groups believe that men refuse to visit the health centers (of males) with their wives. The majority agreed with the necessity of male participation in family planning. Almost all of them mentioned that they know the views of their spouse about family planning. Sunnies suggested teaching role of Sunni leaders in improvement of males participation while others mentioned mass media. Shias and Sunnies believed in important role of religious comments about family planning and thought "There are ambiguous between family planning and some religious comments" that must be cleared up by religious leaders of both branches.

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Hakim Journal

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he present research tries to study the different solid waste materials of the industries in Tehran. Among 918 industrial units of Tehran province who had morc thon 50 staff, 389 units were chosen. From these units 54 were selected with attention to production line, existing solid. wastes, cooperation of health professionals and questionnaires. In this units the recycling methods, collection procedures, transportation and finally, the ultimate removal of the industrial waste materials have been analysed. Out of the 54 industrial units which were examined, 25.9 percent were governmental industries, 31.5 percent were under the semi-public management and 42.6 percent were the private factories. Industries were divided to seven categories based on ministry of industries classification, then selection rate of each group was mentioned as follows: 11.1 percem were the food industries, 16.7% chemical or drugs industries, 11.1% the electricalor electronic indu.stries and 7.4% wood or paper industries. The leather and textile industries covered 13 percent of the samples. The highest percentage belonged the metal industries with 24.1 percent rate followed by, the nin-ferrous mineral industries possessed 16.7 percem in this row. From the seven industrial groups mentioned above. the highest and lowest rate were obtaind from the metal industries and the wood and paper industries respectively.In 90 percent of the selected cases, certain personnels in charge of the collection of the industrial waste products, weresafety clothes. The last findings relate to the final removal of the waste products. In 55 percent of cases, this is done by the municipality and in 27.7 percent of cases, the private sector undertakes the job for the factories. In 16.8 percent remaining cases, the factories themselves take actions for the removal of their industrial waste materials

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Hakim Journal

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Essentiol oil of Zatarin multiflora was extracted by steam distillation and it"s antimicrobial effects on E.coli and S.aureus were studied. Disc diffusion method was conducted to evaluate the inhibitory zone of microbial growth for 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 and 1/64 diluti.ons of the essential oils at four stages of fresh, one, two and three months post extraction. The antimicrobial effect was also studied against 105, 105, 106 and 107 per ml of microbial load to pr~dict Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimal Bactericidal Concentration (MBC). Ampicillin was swdied under the same procedure and the results were compared with Zataria multifora. Fresh oil Fom Zatarin multijlora at 1/8 dilwion inhibited E.coli and S.aurew; growth with 30 mm and 22 mm inhibition zones respectively. Ampicillin at 4 µg/ml concentration was bactericidal against E. Leoli showing Ilmm zone of rnicrobial growth inhibition. Ampicillin was bactericidal againsl S.aureus at 6µg/ml concentration with 23mm growth inhibition lone. The essential oil showed bactericidal activity within shorter time than ampicillin. In attention to the limiting usage of chemical antimicrobial agents due to development of dmg resistance, it seems that essential oils are good antimicrobial sources in food preservation and in controlling of human diseases.

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Hakim Journal

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Denti"lts have important roll increasing the knowledge of patients about oral hygiene and the hannfull effects of smoking over the general health and oral soft tissue. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dental and gingival status, smoking habits and oral hygiene of smoker and nonsmoker dental students. In this cross sectionol study, 150 students between 25-35 years were selected randomly to whom 33% were smokers. The following clinical variables were recorded: number of decayed, missing and filled teeth, PLI(Plaque Index), GI(Gingival Index), PBI(Papillary Bleeding Index). In addition, each subject completed a questionnoire which was about their tobacco habits, oral hygienic habits and non-surgical periodontal therapy. Smokers exhibited a significantly larger number of decayed and fuled teeth than non-smokers (P<.0001)and also plaque index was greater in smokers. Non-surgical periodontal therapy in smokers were higher than non-smokers (P=0.003). GI in smokers were lower and PBI were higher; but the difference was not significant. others oral hygienic habits were similar in smokers and non-smokers. It is concluded that smoking is a significant risk factor for dental caries and plaque accumulation.

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