Introduction: Spinal cord injury is a debilitating disorder that produces unanticipated physical, psychological, social consequences and it can influence on all of the quality of life (QOL) indicators. Thus, the present study was performed by the purpose of determining quality of life of people with SCI in Yazd in 2014.Material and Methods: This descriptive- analytical study was done on 84 persons with SCI in Yazd city. Data collection tools were demographic and standard questionnaire of SIP-68 that was regulated in 68 items and 6 dimensions including somatic autonomy, mobility control, psychic autonomy and communication, social behavior, emotional stability, and mobility range. Banville method was used for translation of SIP-68 into Persian. It's content validity and reliability appraised by Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha (r=0.91). Data were analyzed by SPSS software.Results: Age range of SCI Disabled was 16-64 years (39.38±14.11) and their age mean in time of injury was 26.00±13.76. 57.1% SCI Disabled (n=48) stated car accidents as their injury cause, 15.5% of them (n=13) stated falling and other events at work environment, disease, and medical treatments as their injury cause. The results showed that 22.6% (n=19) of SCI Disabled perceived their QOL as good, 67.9% (n=57) of them as moderate, and 9.5% (n=8) of them as poor (32.36±10.99). The mean score had weaker status in the dimensions of somatic autonomy, social behavior, and mobility range rather than the other dimensions. It is observed the significant relationship between quality of life, cause, and socioeconomic status (p<0.05).Discussion and Conclusion: In order to promote QOL of SCI Disabled, welfare indicators should be noticed. governments should facilitate the implementation of community- based rehabilitation programs with their participation to increase their self- efficacy. It is suggested to perform qualitative researches because exploring their perceptions about living conditions helps to design health promotion interventions.