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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Introduction: Burnout is one of the main outcomes of job stress. It seems, burnout is one of the effective factors on quality of working life. If the relationship between these two variables become apparent, managers will be able to provide conditions for nurses to increase quality of working life and be more productive. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between burnout and quality of working life in nurses of AJA hospitals in Tehran.Materials and Methods: This research is cross- sectional (descriptive- analytical) study that carried out on 322 clinical nurses working in AJA hospitals in Tehran. The subjects were recruited by multi- stages random sampling method in 2012-2013. Data was collected by using the Persian version of Burnout Maslach's Inquiry and quality of working life's questionnaire, and then analyzed through descriptive and analytical statistics by SPSS software (version 19).Results: Findings showed a statistical reverse relationship between emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment with quality of working life’s nurses (p=0.006).Discussion and Conclusion: The majority ofof nurses had medium quality of working life score which require further follow-up in order to reduce burnout and increase their quality of working life raise.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: health promoting behaviors are one of the main criteria for determining human health and the way to achieve a better quality of life. The aim of this study was to evaluate the status of health- promoting behaviours and related factors among nurses in selected military hospitals.Material and methods: This research was a cross- correlation study that carried out on 400 clinical nurses working in AJA hospitals in Tehran The subjects were recruited by multi- stages random sampling method. Data was collected by using international health promoting behaviours (HPLP- II) questionnaire, and then analyzed through descriptive and analytical statistics by SPSS software (version 21).Results: 93.8% of nurses did not smoke. Average rate of health nurses score older than 45 years was 113.2±2.41.that was the lowest score among the age groups. They had BMI 24.48±4.1. At least once a year, 80% of them were aware of their health status. But among them, the highest percentage (19.5%) of reported illnesses related to musculoskeletal disorders (low back pain and foot). the lowest mean score in physical activity is obtained (13.88±4.53). one- way ANOVA test was used to investigate the differences between the marital status and different shifts. The T test showed significant differences between smokers and non- smokers' health scores. Mean of total health- promoting behaviours was 133.79±18.55. ANOVA test did not show significant difference in mean health- promoting behaviours in terms of the variable domains of the degree and type of ward.Discussion & Conclusion: The mean score of health- promoting behaviors among nurses in this study indicate that their exposure is at acceptable level. The need for health education programmes with an emphasis on physical activity among them is essential.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: According to the World Health Organization reports, road traffic accidents caused 30.3% of morbidity and 28.7% of deaths in worldwide. The purpose of this study is assessment age and sex character of traffic accidents victims in the Isfahan province during the year 2009.Materials and Methods: This study is a cross- sectional study, which conducted with using data recorded in accidents nationwide program in Isfahan in 2009. Injuries caused by traffic accidents in this study are divided into three categories that include injuries by car, motorcycle and pedestrian. In this study t- test, chi- square and ANOVA were used for data analysis.Results: During the study period, 31, 587 people were injured in a traffic accident, which (77.4%) was males and (22.6%) women. The sex ratio (male to female) was 3.43. Mean age of injured person in this study was 29.21±15.87, in men 28.8±15.45 and in women 30.63±17.15, this difference t was statically significant ((P<0.001). So, between type of traffic accident and gender, age, location of traffic accident Occurrence (urban and suburban), area of traffic accident was a significant relationship (P<0.001).Discussion and conclusion: Most of traffic accidents victims were the young men. More than half of the injury caused motorcycles and occurrence in young people in urban areas. So should pass strict laws and improve the culture to modify driving behaviors, particularly in motorcycle riders to reduce the incidence and injury of traffic accidents.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (2)
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Introduction: Spinal cord injury is a debilitating disorder that produces unanticipated physical, psychological, social consequences and it can influence on all of the quality of life (QOL) indicators. Thus, the present study was performed by the purpose of determining quality of life of people with SCI in Yazd in 2014.Material and Methods: This descriptive- analytical study was done on 84 persons with SCI in Yazd city. Data collection tools were demographic and standard questionnaire of SIP-68 that was regulated in 68 items and 6 dimensions including somatic autonomy, mobility control, psychic autonomy and communication, social behavior, emotional stability, and mobility range. Banville method was used for translation of SIP-68 into Persian. It's content validity and reliability appraised by Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha (r=0.91). Data were analyzed by SPSS software.Results: Age range of SCI Disabled was 16-64 years (39.38±14.11) and their age mean in time of injury was 26.00±13.76. 57.1% SCI Disabled (n=48) stated car accidents as their injury cause, 15.5% of them (n=13) stated falling and other events at work environment, disease, and medical treatments as their injury cause. The results showed that 22.6% (n=19) of SCI Disabled perceived their QOL as good, 67.9% (n=57) of them as moderate, and 9.5% (n=8) of them as poor (32.36±10.99). The mean score had weaker status in the dimensions of somatic autonomy, social behavior, and mobility range rather than the other dimensions. It is observed the significant relationship between quality of life, cause, and socioeconomic status (p<0.05).Discussion and Conclusion: In order to promote QOL of SCI Disabled, welfare indicators should be noticed. governments should facilitate the implementation of community- based rehabilitation programs with their participation to increase their self- efficacy. It is suggested to perform qualitative researches because exploring their perceptions about living conditions helps to design health promotion interventions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (2)
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Introduction: Poor sleep quality is one of the common problems in patients after coronary artery bypass surgery. The range of attitudes and levels of knowledge is recognized as effective on this problem of patients. To provide preventive services as effective, health care workers should be aware of patients’ knowledge and attitudes to effectively provide health education. The purpose of this study was to determine the status of knowledge and attitude in patients with poor sleep quality about sleep problems after coronary bypass surgery in 2013.Materials and Methods: This was a analytic-sectional study 100 patients with poor sleep quality referred to the cardiac rehabilitation clinic of Tehran Heart Center and selected through Conveinance sampling method and completed questionnaires Pittsburgh's standardized Sleep Quality and attitude (Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep) and researcher made questionnaire of knowledge. Data were analyzed by the SPSS 18 and Oneway- ANOVA, Independent samples T test and Pearson correlation coefficient tests.Results: The results indicated that knowledge of patients was low about the causes and ways to overcome poor sleep quality after cardiac surgery. Only 9% of patients stated fear of dying in sleeping and 24% fear of non recovery as causes of sleep problems and only 24% expressed the use of relaxation techniques are appropriate to overcome sleep problems after surgery. The result also showed that the attitude domain toward medication assets was high. Other domains of attitude were low. There was a significant relation between knowlege and attitude (P=0.03, r= 0.217). Also there was a significant relation between diabet and attitude (P=0.027).Discussion & Conclusion: This research emphasized patient's education, attention to their knowledge and attitudes, and providing accurate recommendations for them in the context of poor sleep quality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (2)
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Introduction: In recent years, cosmetic surgery has increased among young people. Given the importance of recognizing effective factors in intention of cosmetic surgery among young people, the present study aimed to determine predictors of intention of have a cosmetic surgery among female college students based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA).Material and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, a convenience sample included 233 girl college students were selected and filled out questionnaires demographic characteristics and TRA constructs. Statistical analysis of data was performed with SPSS software and independent- samples T test, One-Way ANOVA and Pearson correlation tests.Results: The mean and SD age of of participants was 22.45±3.20 years. 6.61 percent of participants Were going to do a cosmetic surgery in future. The attitude of 39 percent was predicted changing of intention to perform cosmetic surgery in the future (R2=0.32, F =147.68, P<0.0001). The results showed that there is a significant relationship between attitudes toward cosmetic surgery and intention of participants (P<0.0001). Age, discipline, education, body mass index and subjective norms were not significantly correlated with the intention of students to have a cosmetic surgery.Discussion and Conclusion: Given the importance of attitude as one of the predictor of cosmetic surgery' intention in the future, designing and conducting interventions to reduce attitude of elective cosmetic surgery perform among college students is essential.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (2)
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Introduction: Nowadays empowerment of patient has a main role in health care and it is based on individual's partnership in treatment process. Since patients' participation in self- care activities requires self- efficacy or in other words belief in their ability, so this study was conducted to examine relation between empowerment with self-care and self- efficacy on Gorgan hemodialysis patients.Materials & Methods: This study is a descriptive and analytical study was done in 2011. 106 patients treated with hemodialysis center Panj Azar by census method were studied. Instruments includes demographic information, empowerment Scale (ES), Strategies Used by People to Promote Health (SUPPH) and self-care scale. Data were analyzed by SPSS-16 software using descriptive and inferential statistics (correlation and regression) at the significant level (p£0.05).Results: The results showed that the mean level of empowerment (21.73±4.2) is low and also in regression analysis, Empowerment level has a significant relation with self-care (p< 0.048) and stress reduction dimension of self-efficacy (p<0.011) and there wasn’t significant relation between positive attitude (p<0.1) and decision making (p<0.28).Discussions and Conclusions: There is a relationship between self- care and self- efficacy with empowerment and it is necessary to pay attention to self-efficacy and self- care behaviors' education in order to improve of empowering patients.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

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    2 (2)
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Introduction: Regarding the ever increasing application and peaceful utility of nuclear energy resources and possibility of using non- conventional weapons, necessity of preparation nurses in military hospitals, especially in Exposure to nuclear accidents is undeniable. Preparation of nurses as caring staff would play an important role in reducing the event consequences. Therefore, the aim of this study is to familiarize the nurses to decontaminate nuclear accidents victims.Materials and methods: The present paper is review article which is conducted through library studies and searching websites as SID, Pub Med and Google as well as keywords including "Nurse, crisis, nuclear events" in 2000-2013.Finding: To encounter the great number of the nuclear events, it is required to have a precise planning and proper educations and training for nurses. Because they are the first responsible individuals in crises and the front line of relief and rescue. Morality reduces among injured people through adequate planning and education. In this paper we are going to discuss about triage, undressing casualty's clothing, decontaminating the polluted wounds, healthy skins as well as support and treatment of the injured individuals, in details.Results: Nurses readiness in recognition of nuclear events has a crucial share in crisis management. Nurses must have a strong scientific basis and skills in order to take rapid decisions and to explain them to others. Hence, it is required to provide the nurses with necessity educations in various ways including long term and short term retraining and workshop.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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