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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    1 (پیاپی 9)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (9)
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is content analysis of scientific and research articles published in the field of competitive intelligence. Methodology: The present study was carried out with a mixed approach and quantitative and qualitative content analysis methods were used. The first statistical population of this study is Persian articles published in the field of Competitive Intelligence (72 case). Due to the small size of the research community, there was no need for sampling. Quantitative data from this research were collected through a researcher-made checklist. In order to determine which subjects the articles were dealt with, it was necessary to use a standard plan in which the thematic categories of the field were specified. But due to the lack of this plan, researchers interviewed with competitive intelligence experts (another research population) about what matters in the area of competitive intelligence. Sampling from this population was targeted and 10 experts were selected. The interview was semi-structured and conducted electronically. A thematic plan was obtained for the separation of the articles, namely, qualitative content analysis was used in this part of the research. The researchers then categorized the papers based on this theme. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage. Findings: The findings of this study showed that the amount of articles in the Competitive Intelligence area was upward and male authors had more contributions (78. 81%). Co-authorship happened mostly with two or three authors (67. 41%) and most of the authors were university professors (22. 31%) and doctoral students (91. 52%). Commercial Management Journal and New Marketing Research (72. 9%) has the largest number of articles in this area. The dominant scientific-specialized discipline in this field of management is with the business orientation (88. 20%). Among the universities, the contribution of the University of Tehran is more than the other institutions (44. 19%). Most citations occurred in articles in 1395 (655 cases). Most studies were in the field of competitive intelligence on companies and organizations (89. 8%), the main tool used was the questionnaire (94. 81%) and the preferred method was quantitative research (50. 87%). Among the thematic categories of competitive intelligence, fundamental concepts were researched more (72. 2%). Conclustion: The results of the research showed that although in recent years growth has been made in the field of competitive intelligence, but despite the interdisciplinarity nature of this area, there is a deficiency in participation with other fields of study such as information science and social sciences. Also, there is no uniform expansion in the subject categories of this field.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (9)
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Purpose: The present study aimed at designing a conceptual and operational model for ranking the educational departments of humanities in universities and institutes of higher education in Iran. Methodology: The present study is applied and developmental by objective and uses a mixed research methodology, combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The research population, which was selected by non-random purposeful method, included experts in scientific ranking, assessment and evaluation. In order to answer the questions, the Fuzzy Delphi technique and the best-worst method (BWM) were used as a multi-criteria decision method. The research instruments were two author-made questionnaires and a data collection form Content validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by experts. Reliability of the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire was calculated with Cronbach's Alpha of 0. 785, which is acceptable. The inconsistency rate was calculated in order to validate the best-worst (BWM) questionnaire for each cluster of dimensions, criteria, and indices. Data were collected by library studies, reviewing the literature and expert opinions. The factors of the conceptual model were judged by the experts so that they can be weighted. A pairwise comparison was performed on the factors and the best-worst model was formed for each cluster of dimensions, criteria and indices. The weight of the factors and consistency rate were specified by implementing the model. Finally, the weight of the factors and the priority of each one were determined. Findings: Seventy indices were identified based on analysis of the literature, which were grouped into 6 clusters of criteria and 4 dimensions. After getting the expert opinions and performing fuzzy screening, 54 extracted indices were obtained and grouped into 6 clusters of criteria and 4 dimensions and provided in a conceptual model. The results of weighting the factors showed that the research dimension with the weight of 0. 491 and quality science production with the weight of 0. 427 had the top priority among the dimensions and criteria. Conclustion: Weighing was performed for the indices of each criterion and the priorities were determined and the operational model was designed for the scientific ranking of the educational departments of humanities. The multidimensional model can be effective in improving the decision making of the educational departments and universities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (9)
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Purpose: The present study aims to explain and elucidate the evaluating indicators ofscience, technology in Iranian Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization based on the analysis of high level documents and Persian and non-Persian articles relevent to activities of the organization that have been approved by the experts. Methodology: For this research, in the first stage, the Meta-synthesis was used. Out of 108 documents related to the research topic, 26 were analyzed. To analyse the indices obtained during the process, a survey of experts using the Delphi technique was used. Thus, the present research method is triangulation mixed method. Findings: In total, 8 main criteria including research and technology, products from technological research, genetic resources and biodiversity management, education, extension, human capital, financial and infrastructure resources along with 242 indicators for the evaluation of science and technology, were confirmed by the experts. Conclustion: In addition to the conventional indicators in high level documens, the science and technology indicators of the Organization derived from the Delphi study based on special two-tier of "products from technological research" and "genetic reserve and biodiversity management" demonstrated the highest level of consensus among experts and can serve as the indicators for assessing agricultural science and technology.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (9)
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Purpose: Objective of the current paper is to determine the rank of Iran's science competitiveness among Middle Eastern countries using science complexity index approach. Methodology: In terms of purpose this study is applicable, and based on the collecting method, it is a panel data since it includes time series data from 1996 to 2014 for 128 countries. Statistical population consists two levels. One for 27 science domain which include 307 subdomain. The other was related to countries which at first step included all the countries around the world and then for the sake of analysis it limited to Middle Eastern countries. Findings: The findings revealed that Iran has 40th ranking among the world countries and 8th in between Middle Eastern countries. Between 27 science domain under study, nursing and health achieved highest complexity ranks. Furthermore, the number of citations of Iran in science complex is mostly distributed between ubiquity domain rather than complex domain. In case of diversity of science of Middle East countries, Turkey ranked 1st and Iran 6th; from ubiquity average of science, after Turkey and Israel, Iran achieved 3rd position. In addition, based on our findings, the main science competitor of Iran is Turkey then Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt and Jordan respectively. Conclustion: To develop science in Iran, the country needs to increase quality and quantity of science subdomains. However, this study showed that any increase in the number of science domains can not necessarily help to develop the competition power of Iran. What we are suggesting is to focus on complex domains or subdomains. If so, the role of government is very crucial in this approach. Government needs to find complex domains and invest on them to improve globally. Finally, we need to mention, in order to achieve prosperity in a country we need to align science with economy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Ghaseminik z. | Gazni a.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (9)
  • Pages: 

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Purpose: This paper aims to investigate effect of research funding on the number of received citations and to find any difference based on the type of funders including national and international ones. It also examines the distribution of papers in journals with different degrees of quality in term of impact factors. Methodology: The paper uses a random sample of Iranian papers in Web of Science published during 2013-2015. This includes about 26000 papers divided into funded and non-funded groups. Findings: On average, funded research received more citations compared to non-funded ones; however, this results varies according to the finders or the field of the papers. Financially supported by international funders or simultaneously by national and international funders receive more citations than those research funded by only national funders, while the formers research also get published in the more prestigious journals. Conclustion: All funded research do not receive the same number of citations. It is recommended to consider this indicator with the number of received citations to have more qualified measure of research performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (9)
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Purpose: This research attempts to analyze scientific collaboration among Iranian medical researchers based on social network indicators. Methodology: This is an applied research conducted using scientometrics methods, by analyzing the co-authorship network among researchers using the social network analysis indicators. 57460 articles published by Iranian medical researchers from 2003 to 2013 in Web of science were surveyed. To analyze the data from existing functions Bibexcel, Pajek, Vosviewer and UCIinet software were used and to test the hypothesis Spearman correlation test was employed. Findings: The network density was 0/097, network clustering coefficient of 1/000, the mean distance of 2. 5 and the network components index was calculated for 4 factors including a major factor with 1005 nodes and three minor factors with 20, 5 and 8 nodes. The results for centrality measures (micro), in degree centrality, network concentration of 0/573%, betweenness network centrality of 4. 39 percent and the index of centrality closeness or the average of adjacent nodes of 40. 382. In general, there is a strong and effective network of collaboration between Iranian researchers in the field of medicine. Conclustion: Iran should make more efforts to accelerate international scientific development. To publish the article on proceedings, criticisms, corrections, letters, editorials and conferences in international journals, more research and budget allocations should be made. Appropriate budgeting should be determined in all medical fields, especially those with less scientific articles than other fields.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 852

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    1 (9)
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Purpose: This research has investigated and demonstrated the scientific structure and knowledge map of the researches of wisdom. Methodology: the study used scientometrics approach. The statistical population of this research consisted from all scientific documents registered at the Scopus. In this research, scientific documents were extracted from Scopus and their co-word analysis was done after standardization. For each subject area and the keywords, a column diagram was formed, and then neighboring and co-neighboring graphs were performed. Findings: The findings showed that the fields of social sciences, computer science, business, management and accounting, economics, econometrics and finance, environmental sciences, engineering sciences, mathematics and decision-making sciences have done the most research work related to the study of wisdom. The most common words were wisdom, knowledge, ethics, education, leadership, technology, personality, and business. It is also proposed to develop the knowledge map of wisdom research, the main structures of "wise leadership, " "living with universal culture, " "teaching Practical wisdom" and "wisdom-based creativity ". Conclustion: The results showed that the concept of wisdom with regard to large capacities, especially in Iran, was not considered for the basic needs of society.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (9)
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Purpose: This paper aims to analyze the research trends in smart cities all around the world, in order to demonstrate the most and the least active fields as well as drawing the map of the most active countries in this scope. Methodology: The bibliometric data of 4696 indexed scientific work were collected from Web of Science, within 1970 – January 2018. The data were analyzed using content analysis and visualized by tables, charts and atlases from geographical and thematic aspects. Findings: The results showed some countries had focused on a special aspect of smart cities and more than half of the studies were in smart IT infrastructure. Conclustion: Highly cited fields in the area of smart cities in order were: smart information technology infrastructure, smart government, smart environment, smart mobility, smart energy, smart economy and smart citizen. Conducting 0. 4% of the whole rstudies, Antonio J Jara was found to be the most active author, and “ natural science foundation of china” was the most active funding institution. The Atlas showed that the frontier countries in research on smart cities were China, Spain and Italy. China`s main focus was on smart infrastructure while Spain’ s was smart citizens and smart energy. Italy`s research were mostly concentrated on smart government, smart mobility, and smart environment. In general, it can be concluded that "smart IT infrastructure” was the most noted among components of smart cities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (9)
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Purpose: Using two scientometric techniques named RPYS and RPYS-Co, this research tries to discover the evolutionary and historical development of research in the field of occupational therapy. Methodology: The research is applied in terms of goal, and is descriptive in terms of data gathering. The research data consists of 7592 articles in the field of therapeutic work. Which are indexed over the 20-year period (1998-2017) in Clarivate Analytics Indexes (SCI-Expanded, SSCI, A & HCI and ESCI). After extracting all the works included in the resource list of these articles, the results were analyzed using the CRExplorer software. Findings: Findings showed that during 1900-2000, in total, the occupational therapy field witnessed 11 historical mutations in 1910, 1919, 1922, 1943, 1948, 1965, 1969, 1972, 1975, 1979 and 1998, respectively The title of the most valuable work in the period under review is attributed to the World Health Organization (WHO), Occupational Therapy for Dementia Patients and their Care (2006), and Mini-mental State: a Practical Method for Grading the Cognitive State of Patients for the Clinician (1975). Conclustion: The results showed that all mutations introduced by both RPYS and RPYS-CO in the field of occupational therapy were paper-based.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (9)
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Purpose: This study aimed to explore the field of collaborative information seeking (CIS) researches and drawing the co-word map based on the articles indexed in Web of Science. Methodology: The research has been done by quantitative method and scientometric indicators. All 125 Web of Science records were retrieved using the term “ collaborative information seeking behavior” . VOSviewer was used to construct and visualize the network. Findings: The research findings indicated that the articles were the main document type of the total CIS research production. The results of the SNA also showed that Information Research-an international electronic journal-was the top journal where most of the CIS researchers published their articles. Also, the results showed that the most popular terms among the researchers are etrieval, Seeking, Model and Searching Process. Conclustion: It is an appropriate source to show the intellectual structure, academic foundation, knowledge domain, and social structure of the field to rank the most constructive scholars, institutions, and publications. So, it will provide a roadmap and support future guidance of research in this field of study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (9)
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Purpose: Scientific institutes repeatedly emphasize that strategies shall be implemented for recognition of research impact. The important problem is how we can evaluate the impact of research with logical and recurrent planning. The purpose of this research is recognition of different dimensions of research impact. Methodology: The present study was conducted through systematic review in eight steps: assigning topics to the reviews, determining the inclusion/ exclusion criteria, syntax control (using the tools available in the database and related standard keywords), locating studies (on Web of Science, Scopus, Lisa, Ovid, Proqest, Ebsco and Persian language database of Ganj, SID, Magiran, Noormags), selecting studies (28722 articles abstracts), assessing study quality (in this stage, after designing a quality evaluation tools, the resources extracted by two researchers were independently studied and scored (112 relevant papers), extracting data, and finally, the analysis and presentation of the results. Findings: The research results showed ten different dimensions: Academic, Altmetrics, Healthcare, Economy, Security and defense, Social, Culture, Ecology, Policy, and Services. Among them, the most emphasis was on economic, social and health dimensions, with the least emphasis on services, and security and defense. Conclustion: Ten effective dimensions Identified in this study are used to ensure the effectiveness of research and can be used in the form of an effective research evaluation system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: This study aims to investigate the scientific studies of Iranian scientometrics researchers from the perspective of the diversity of scientific journals published these works. The purpose of the meta-analysis is to combine the effect size of the studies conducted in Iranian scientific Journals. Methodology: The research population consisted of 170 research articles in the field of scientometrics which were based on the criterion of internal validity (quality, year, authors and type of research) in the period of three years from autumn 2013 to summer of 2016. In first step, the assumptions of homogeneity were checked; effect size was interpreted according to Cohen’ s model. Findings: The results show that based on the Meta-analysis of the articles, 14 specialized journals and 52 non-specialized journals have been involved in the publication of scientific research. The Journal of Information process and management (0. 237) has the largest share of publication among the journals. Health Information Management (0. 149) and the International Journal of Information Science and Management (0. 096) are in the next ranks. The random effect size of the prevalence of the publication of scientific articles in non-specialized journals at the (P-value=0. 013) is 0. 448. The evaluation of the standard Cohen model's score shows that the effect size of the non-specialized journals (d = 0. 5) is estimated to be moderate. Conclustion: The findings indicate the heterogeneity of the effect size in specialized journals and homogeneity in the case of non-specialized journals. The tendency to publish articles in non-specialized journals compared to specialized scientific journals is significant. But the tendency of knowledge and information science journals to tend to publish scientometric articles is significantly different.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (9)
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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyze the collaboration of faculty members in the field of engineering in research Institutes in Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in Tehran during 2011-2015. Methodology: The research method is scientometrics and social network analysis. The population is scientific production of 7 institutes, which are extracted from databases. Findings: the researchers with high scientific production were identified. There are also more scientific productions with more than 3 authors. Nearly %26 of researchers have collaborated with each other. Based on the SNA indicators, NIGB is the most active institute in the formation of scientific networks of research and technical areas. Conclustion: Subject field can be one of the factors of high scientific production for IIPPI and NIGEG. The result showed that in scientific interactions, the trend of group work in TETRI is weak. One of the reasons might be paying attention to the basic topics of each discipline and lack of attention to the solution of interdisciplinary issues. The NIGEG has a privileged position among other research institutes and has more power and influence in the network. The United States has been the focus of the researchers' attention, and this could be due to fewer obstacles in the country.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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