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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Salmonella and Escherichia coli (E. coli) are among the most important agents causing bacterial infections in commercial poultry flocks. Based on samples received from broiler breeder flocks, in this survey, the infection rate of these flocks to Salmonella andE. coli was evaluated. For this purpose, during 2010-2012, samples received from un-hatched eggs and day-old chicks of 28 and 132 broiler breeder flocks, respectively, from six province of Iran including East Azarbaijan, West Azarbaijan, Zanjan, Kermanshah, Gilan and Mazandaran were cultured for isolation of Salmonella andE. coli.In total, from 160 sampled flocks, 54 (33.75%) and 88 (55%) flocks were infected to Salmonella and E. coli, respectively. From egg samples, Salmonella and E. coli were isolated from 4 (14.28%) and 7 (25%) flocks, respectively. However, day-old chicks cultures resulted in isolation of Salmonella and E. coli from 50 (37.87%) and 81 (61.36%) flocks, respectively. Among 50 Salmonella isolates from day-old chicks, serogroups B and D were identified in 4 (8%) and 46 (92%) cases, respectively. In antimicrobial resistance test on bacterial isolates form day-old chicks, the highest resistance among Salmonella andE. coli isolates was found to sulfamethoxazol+trimethoprim (16%) and Fosomix® (70.37%), respectively. Imprudent use of various antibacterial agents in poultry flocks leads to increased antimicrobial resistance that is important for public health.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study was designed to optimize the vitrification of ovine embryos and achieve the highest survival rates after freezing-thawing pre-implantation embryos, in this species. Therefore the effect of different concentrations of permeable cryoprotectants such as ethylene glycol (3.6, 4.5 and 5.4 mmol per liter) and glycerol (2.8, 3.4 and 4.2 mmol per liter) in the vitrification medium and the type of cryoprotectant used in equilibration media were studied. In conventional vitrification method in 0.25 ml straws, ovine in vitro produced blastocysts on day 6 were equilibrated in equilibration media containing ethylene glycol or glycerol and then the embryos of each group were transferred to thevitrification solution containing 20, 25 or 30% ethylene glycol and glycerol. Blastocysts survival and hatching rate were recorded after 24 and 72 hours, respectively, after thawing of embryos in each group. In spite of higher permeability and lower toxicity of ethylene glycol compared with other cryoprotectants, a trend of higher survival and developmental rate was obtained in vitrified/warmed blastocysts that equilibrated in medium containing glycerol (p<0.05). Moreover, higher survival and developmental rate can be achieved when vitrification medium containing 25% ethylene glycol and glycerol were used compared with 20 and 30% concentrations of these cryoprotectants (p<0.05).

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In order to investigate the noncaloric effect of some fat supplements in pre-mating diets on the number and size of ovarian follicles and reproductive performance ewes, thirty two Afshari ewes were synchronized for estrus during breeding season and were assigned to four diets in a completely randomized design. Experimental rations were regulated with 3% supplemental fat Sunflower oil (SFO), Fish oil (FO), Calcium salt of palm oil (CaPO) and an equal blend of SFO+FO with similar Metabolisable Energy (2.43 Mcal/kg). Ewes were adapted with basal diet for 12 days and then received the experimental diets for two weeks. Ultrasonography was conducted on ovaries in CIDR removal and mating days (estrus) to study the number and size of follicles. Adding fish oil increased number of large follicles in days CIDR removal (1.50mm) and mating (2.25mm) and also increased size of large follicles in day mating (5.70mm). Mixture of unsaturated oils reduced the number and size of follicles compared to using them alone in pre-mating diets (P<0.05). Lambing (175%) and twining rate (75%) were highest in ewes fed FO and lowest (114.3% and 33.3% respectively) in ewes fed SFO+FO (P<0.05). Generally, in this experiment unsaturated oils especially fish oil alone in premating diets increased the number and size of large follicles and subsequently improved lambing and twining.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present study was conducted with 4 dietary treatments including: 1. diet containing 5% soybean oil, 2. diet containing 5% soybean oil with vitamin E, 3. diet containing 5% flax oil and 4. diet containing 5% flax oil with vitamin E were used. Flax oil and Soybean oil were used as n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) sources, respectively. A total of 192 day-old broilers (Ross 308) were randomized across 16 floor pens (12 birds per litter pen). The dietary treatments were applied from 1 to 42 d of age in which growth performance was measured. At the end of trial, blood sampling was done and carcass characteristics and gut morphology were recorded. There were no significant difference between treatments in terms of growth performance, total feed intake, weight gain, FCR and carcass characteristics. Birds fed flax oil had lower serum triacylglyceride, cholesterol and they had significantly lower liver and abdominal fat pad weights (P<0.05).There was a significant difference among the treatments in terms of gut function (villus height and surface area as well as villus height: crypt depth ratio) in duodenum. Treatment groups received flax oil with vitamin E and soybean oil had the highest and the lowest gut function, respectively (P<0.05). The findings indicate that n-3 fatty acids compare to n-6 fatty acids have antihyperlipidemic effect in broiler chickens and they improve gut function as well.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this study, the changes of some biochemical profiles were measured in 50 cows with metritis septic (SM), 50 cows with post-parturient metritis (PPM) and 50 healthy cattle, using commercial kits. The results indicate significant decrease of calcium in cattle with metritis compared to healthy recently calved cows. Serum levels of magnesium were significantly lowered in SM group compared to PPM and control groups. Although serum concentration of phosphorus in sick animals was lower than healthy one, this decrease was not statistically significant. Lowest level of zinc of serum was reported in SM cattle (152.22 ± 8 mg/dl), which was significantly lower than PPM (168.04 ± 13 mg/ dl) and control (192.25 ± 18 mg/dl) groups. Cattle with metritis (SM and PPM) had significantly lower serum levels of copper than healthy ones. Based on Pierson correlation analysis, there were significant negative correlation between calcium of serum and rectal temperature and with heart rate.Also there were significant negative correlation between zinc of serum and rectal temperature, with heart rate and with respiratory rate. Reduction of serum mineral elements and its relationship with the animal’s vital signs, suggested that administering these elements sup to peri-parturient cattle with meritis is recommended.

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In the present study efficacy ofEugenia caryophilla and Rheum officinale extract have been investigated on the wound healing. Forty Wistar rats, weighting 200-250 g, were taken for this study.A full thickness wound in 1 cm length was created on the paravertebral region of each animal. Then animals were divided to experiment (n=20) and control groups (n=20), randomly. Wounds of animals in experiment group were treated with combinedEugenia caryophilla and Rheum officinale extracts twice a day for 3 days. On days 3, 7, 10 and 14, after assessment of wound contraction rate, 5 rats of each group were euthanized and tissue samples were obtained for histopathologic examination. In this study wound contraction was more evident in experiment group than control group in all days, however there was no significant difference between them (p<0.05). Histopathologic examination showed that inflammation has been reduced significantly on days 3 in experiment group when compared to control group. Other indices of wound healing were better in experiment group in all days, but there were not any significant differences between 2 groups. Results of the present study showed that using ofEugenia caryophilla and Rheum officinale extracts gel to skin wound in rats, causes significant reduction of inflammation, particularly in first hours after wound creation that resulted in acceleration of wound healing.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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PIn order to evaluate clinical sings, mortality rate, serologic responses and virus shedding in quail infected with Low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) viruses H9N2, 100 Japanese quail were divided randomly into four equal groups. Group 1 and 3 chicks were vaccinated by avian influenza H9N2 killed vaccine. Group 1 and 2 chicks were infected by 0.1 ml allantoic fluid containing 5×10 5.5 ELD50 Low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) viruses H9N2 isolated from chicken, A/Chicken/ Iran/772/99 (H9N2). Group 4 quails were kept as unvaccinated uninfected control group. Four quails from each group were randomly collected at 1, 2, 3 and 10 days after infection and trachea, lungs, caecal tonsil and pancreas were collected in sterile microtube. RNA from tissue samples were extracted and subjected to reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using specific primers. The PCR products were sequenced and analyzed. Blood samples collected at 8, 31 and 48 days and antibody titer against influenza disease was measured by Hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test with 4 HA unit influenza antigen. The data were analyzed with SPSS software version 16. The results of the present study showed that quail have a key role in evolution of AIV as intermediate host and influenza virus in quails can be amplified and transmitted avian influenza virus to other animal species and Killed vaccine could not protect quail against influenza infection and propagation of Low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) viruses H9N2.

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Oxidative stress is win of free radical on the antioxidant defense system. In the body, there is a balance between production of free radicals and the components of the antioxidant defense system.When the production of oxidant exceeds the capacity of antioxidant defense, a condition of oxidative stress is developed resulting in oxidative damage of vital molecules such as DNA, lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. The aim of this study was comparison of oxidative status of blood collected from jugular, mammary and coccygeal veins in dairy cattle. eleven dairy cattle with similar history , management and nutritional condition were used and blood sample were collected from jugular, mammary and coccygeal vein.Biomarkers of oxidative stress including SOD, MDA, Catalase were measured. The MDA level of milk vein was significantly higher than jugular and coccygeal vein.SOD activity in coccygeal vein was significantly higher than 2 other veins. Activity of this enzyme was also significantly higher in milk vein than jugular ones. These finding, indicate that collecting blood samples from coccygeal vein is the best way for measurement of oxidative status of blood.

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Salmonellosis is one of the most important food-borne diseases. Outbreaks of Salmonellosis are related to the consumption of contaminated eggs, egg-products or poultry meat. Salmonella has the unique ability to contaminate eggs without causing discernible illness in the birds infected. In this study, two groups of fertile eggs were inoculated with 170 (A) and 17 (B) CFU of parent strains ofS.Enteritidis (S.E). Contaminated eggs were incubated in different setters and survived chickens were hatched. At days 2, 7, 14, 21 and 28 of rearing period, samples were taken from cloaca and different parts of digestive system of euthanized birds. High rate of Salmonella contamination were observed in cloacal swabs of group A eggs; Salmonella contamination of caecum, intestines and livers of group A chickens in early and late days of experimental period were more higher than group B chickens.Using PCR test, four genes for S. Enteritidis identification were detected from isolated colonies of two group eggs and chickens.

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Due to excessive hunting of birds of prey in recent years, referring of these birds like kestrels, eagles and hawks as a result of wing and leg fractures to veterinary clinics has become widespread.Mostly due to comminuted fractures, the insertion of intraosseous pins into the broken bones might be necessary, which could lead to bending of the implant, pin breaking and metallosis. In Metallosis, production of soft tissues and bone damages occur near the metallic implants. In these kinds of reactions, metallic implant acts as foreign body and releases the nonspecific inflammatory processors. In this study radiographic findings of metallosis in the tibia of a common kestrel, which occurred due to reaction to a stainless steel pin, is explained. In radiographic images, thinning of bone cortex and the presence of radiolucent areas in the central cavity of the bone around the pin was observable. After removing the pin and decreasing the severity of metallosis, radiographic findings included decrement of radiolucent areas and increment of the diameter of the cortex and more radiopaque cortex and reduction of soft tissue inflammation. Studies show that stainless steel intramedullary pins might heighten the chance of metallosis in accordance with superficial corrosion of the steel and local or systemic releasing the metallic products of corrosion. So replacing stainless steel with titanium, because of lower amount of toxic, allergic and carcinogenic ions, would prevent inflammatory processes like metallosis.

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