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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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2Introduction: Schoolchildren have to use backpacks every day on routes with different characteristics and weights to carry their staff. However, the knowledge available on its effects on walking biomechanics is very limited. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of using backpacks with different weights on plantar kinetics and balance variables among female students during the stance phase of walking. Methods: Twenty female students in the age range of 14-17 with available sampling participated as subjects in this semi-experimental study. Participants carried backpacks with 10%, 15%, and 20% of body weight during walking. Plantar pressure data of subjects was collected by a foot pressure system. Repeated measure ANOVA was run to analyze the obtained data. Results: The results showed that the force in the heel medial and fifth metatarsal were significantly lower in 10% of body weight as compared to 15% (p=0. 045) and 20% (p=0. 038) body weight. Also, heel rotation in carrying a backpack with 20% of body weight was significantly greater than 10% of body weight (p=0. 031). Conclusion: According to the results, it seems, that increasing the weight of a backpack can alter the pattern of force distribution in the foot during walking. Changing foot biomechanics leads to poor posture adjustment and raises the risk of muscle-skeletal injuries among school students.

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2Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of self-compassion training and acceptance and commitment-based therapy on the cognitive flexibility of mothers of children with autism. methods: This research was applied in terms of purpose and semi-experimental pre-test-post-test with a control group and a follow-up phase and the statistical population included mothers of children with autism in Dost Autism Institute in Tehran in 2019. 45 people from this community were selected as a sample group using voluntary and non-probability sampling methods and replaced by simple random in three groups of 15 people which included two experimental groups and one control group. The first group of the experiment received eight sessions of self-compassion training and the second group of the experiment received eight sessions of acceptance and commitment training. The duration of the sessions for both groups was 45 minutes weekly, and the control group was placed on the waiting list. The research tools were the cognitive flexibility questionnaire, acceptance and commitment protocol, and self-compassion protocol. The data were analyzed using the method of multivariate analysis of covariance and repeated measurement. Results: The results showed that self-compassion training and therapy based on acceptance and commitment were effective on the cognitive flexibility of mothers of children with autism. Therefore, teaching self-compassion and treatment based on acceptance and commitment can have useful results in improving the mental health of these mothers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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2Introduction: The increase in the serum level of the biochemical indicators of cardiac muscle cells is related to the intensity and duration of exercise. The aim of the present study was to the effect of a period of resistance training with blood flow restriction on the level of Biochemical Markers of Cardiac Cells in judokas. Methods: The current research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design. The statistical population of the present study was made up of male judokas athletes in Tehran. 30 male judo players were randomly divided into 2 groups, the first group (with an average age of 26.33) and the second group (exercise with blood flow restriction with an average age of 25.33). Before the implementation of training programs, blood samples were taken from the subjects by ELISA method to determine the serum concentration of CK-MB, CTN-T, and CTN-I indicators. Results: The results of the intergroup test showed that CTN-I (P=0.028), CTN-T (P=0.036), and CK-MB (P=0.027) in the two groups of resistance training with blood flow restriction and resistance Traditional had a significant difference. The results of the intra-group test showed that CTN-I (P=0.000), CTN-T (P=0.000), and CK-MB (P=0.003) in the resistance training group with blood flow restriction and CTN- I (P=0.000), CTN-T (P=0.000) and CK-MB (P=0.000) increased in the traditional resistance training group in the post-test phase compared to the pre-test. Conclusions: According to the results of the research and the examination of the difference of the averages, both exercises have led to an increase in the specific biochemical indices of heart cells, and this increase was less in the group of resistance exercises with blood flow restriction. Therefore, the use of resistance training along with blood flow restriction can be considered by male judo coaches and athletes.

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2Introduction: Respecting the rights of patients is one of the care priorities that should be paid attention to by nurses. In this regard, cultural nursing interventions are one of the effective ways to preserve and promote it. This study was conducted to determining the effect of implementing care based on cultural competence on the attitude towards respecting patients' rights among nurses working in Ayatollah Taleghani Hospital, Kermanshah. Methods: The present study was a semi-experimental study with a pre-test-post-test design and a control group, the research community of which was formed by nurses working at Ayatollah Taleghani Hospital in Kermanshah in the first half of 1400. 60 nurses who met the entry criteria entered the study through available sampling and were randomly classified into two test and control groups. To collect data, the nurses' demographic information form and the attitude questionnaire toward respecting patients' rights were used, which were completed by the participants before and two months after the implementation of the intervention. The intervention group received skills based on cultural competence, including its concepts and components, dimensions, principles and prerequisites, and practical skills to increase it during one month in four sessions in person and virtually. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 20 statistical software and using descriptive and inferential statistical tests. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the intervention and control groups in terms of demographic characteristics. The attitude towards respecting patients' rights in nurses before the intervention was 43.50 ± 7.11 in the nurses of the test group and 42.10 ± 4.10 in the nurses of the control group, which did not have a statistically significant difference (p=0.73). However, after the intervention, it reached 49.96 ± 6.93 in the test group and 42.00 ± 4.39 in the control group, which was significant in the test group (P<0.001). Conclusion: Considering the effectiveness of training and implementation of care based on cultural competence in the attitude toward respecting the rights of patients in nurses, it is suggested that health trustees and nursing managers use the results of this research to preserve and respect the rights of patients and empower nurses in the field of cultural competence.

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Hedari Mahsa | Aghapour Mehdi

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2Introduction: The present study was conducted to determining the effectiveness of self-compassion-based treatment on primary maladaptive schemas and rumination in women applying for divorce in Tabriz City in 2021. Methods: The current research was a semi-experimental type that was conducted using a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of this research included all women applying for divorce who were referred to the family courts of Tabriz City in 2021. The statistical sample of this research was 30 women who were selected from the statistical population using a simple random sampling method and after completing the questionnaire of early maladaptive schemas and rumination who had obtained a high score, they were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. 15 people for each group) were replaced. Divorce-seeking women completed Hoxima and Moreau's primary maladaptive schemas and rumination questionnaires as a pre-test and post-test, and self-compassion-based therapy was administered to them during a period of eight sessions (two one-hour sessions per week for four weeks). became. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics methods including mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics including multivariate covariance analysis in SPSS software. Results: The results showed that the intervention and control groups had a significant difference in maladaptive schemas and rumination, in other words, the treatment based on self-compassion was effective in reducing primary maladaptive schemas and rumination in women applying for divorce (p<0/ 05) Conclusion: Considering that self-compassion therapy is effective in reducing incompatible schemas and rumination in women applying for divorce; It seems that this method can be used as an effective intervention method in reducing incompatible schemas and rumination in women applying for divorce.

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2Introduction: Diabetes is one of the chronic medical problems with a very rapid spread in the world. his disease is related to the increase in blood sugar in people. to control the blood sugar of patients, it is necessary to encourage them to self-care. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy and compassion-based therapy on self-care and glycosylated hemoglobin in diabetic patients.  This research was a semi-experimental study with a pre-test - post-test plan with a control group. Methods: The statistical population consisted of diabetic patients who were members of the Hamedan Diabetes Association in 1400. 48 of these patients were selected by purposive sampling method and were divided into three groups by simple random method. The cognitive-behavioral therapy program and the compassion-based therapy program were implemented for 8 sessions (twice a week for 90 minutes) and the control group did not receive any intervention. Data collection tools included blood tests and self-care questionnaires. Data were analyzed using Spss-25 statistical software and multivariate covariance analysis method. Results:The results of this research showed that the compassion-based therapy compared to the Kuntzel treatment reduced glycosylated hemoglobin (P < 0.05) and increased self-care behaviors (P < 0.05). Also, there was a significant difference between the cognitive behavioral therapy and the control group. In the case of glycosylated hemoglobin and self-care behaviors, there was no difference in the post-test phase compared to the pre-test phase. The results of the Bonferroni test showed that the effect of compassion-based therapy on glycosylated hemoglobin and self-care behaviors is greater than that of cognitive-behavioral therapy (P < 0.01). Conclussion: The results of this research showed that compassion-based therapy was more effective than cognitive behavioral therapy in increasing self-care behaviors and improving glycosylated hemoglobin. According to the results of this research, therapists and health professionals can use compassion-based therapy to increase the physical and psychological recovery of diabetic patients. especially blood sugar control and increasing self-care behaviors.

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2Introduction: One of the common problems of intellectual disability children is difficulty in cognitive functions. Therefore, the present study aimed to compare the effectiveness of computerized and non-computerized cognitive games on sustained attention and planning in educable intellectual disability children. Methods: This study in terms of purpose and in terms of implementation method was quasi-experimental with a pre-test, post-test, and two-month follow-up design with a control group. The research population was the educable intellectual disability female students of the first elementary period of Ahvaz city in the academic years of 2022-23. The research sample was calculated for each group of 12 people, which these people were selected by the purposive sampling method and by simple random with lottery replaced in three groups (12 people in each group). The first experimental group was trained 20 sessions of 45-minute cognitive games with Captain's Log computerized software, the second experimental group was trained 20 sessions of 45-minute cognitive games without the software, and the control group remained on the waiting list for training. The research tools included a demographic information form, continuous performance computerized test, and Tower of London computerized test, and data were analyzed by methods of chi-square, analysis of variance with repeated measures, and Bonferroni post hoc test in SPSS-19 software. Results: The findings showed that there was no significant difference between the experimental and control groups in terms of age and educational level (P>0.05). Also, both methods of computerized and non-computerized cognitive games in comparison to the control group increased sustained attention and planning in educable intellectual disability children and the results were maintained in the follow-up phase (P<0.001). In addition, the effectiveness of computerized cognitive games in compared to the non-computerized cognitive games was higher in increasing both variables of sustained attention and planning (P<0.001). Conclusion: The results of the present study indicated the greater effectiveness of computerized cognitive games in compared to non-computerized cognitive games in increasing the cognitive functions of sustained attention and planning. Therefore, specialists, psychologists, and consultants can use the method of computerized cognitive games to improve cognitive functions.

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2Introduction: Adolescence is associated with rapid biological, cognitive, and social changes, which can affect the mental health of adolescents. The present study was conducted investigating investigating the effectiveness of integrative meta-diagnostic treatment (adolescent version) on depression, anxiety, and stress of adolescent girls in Sabzevar city. Method: The current experimental research was of semi-experimental type with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population included all teenage female students of Sabzevar city in the academic year 2021-2022, from which 44 people were selected by cluster sampling method. The experimental group received 10 sessions of group therapy intervention and the control group did not receive any intervention. Both groups completed the depression, anxiety, and stress scale (DASS-21) in the pre-test and post-test stages. To analyze the data, SPSS-25 software was used using the covariance analysis method.  Results: The results of the research showed that the integrated meta-diagnostic treatment caused a significant decrease in the post-test scores of anxieties, depression, and stress of the experimental group-compared to the control group (P<0. 001).  Conclusion: It seems that integrative meta-diagnostic therapy is one of the effective psychotherapies in the treatment of mental disorders in adolescent girls, so this therapy can help improve the mental health of adolescent girls.

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2Introduction: Satisfaction with marital relations as one of the important and determining indicators in the health and strength of the family is influenced by several factors,therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the role of marital conflicts and marital expectations in predicting satisfaction with marital relations. Method: The present research method was descriptive-correlational. The research population included all the married women who were referred to the health centers of the neighborhoods of Tehran in the second six months of 2022, and 120 people were selected by the available sampling method. The data collection tools included Sanai's Marital Conflict Questionnaire (2008), Bakhshodeh and Bahrami Ehsan's Marital Expectations (2012), and Inrich Favers and Elson's Marital Satisfaction (1993). To analyze the data, Pearson's correlation test and multiple regressions were used with the help of SPSS version 21 software. Results: The results showed that the correlation between marital conflicts and marital expectations with satisfaction with marital relations was negative (p<0. 01). Also, the components of marital conflicts and marital expectations had a total of 37% ability to predict changes in satisfaction with marital relations. Conclusion: The results of the research show the importance of marital conflicts and marital expectations in marital counseling. .

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2Introduction: Anxiety is one of the psychological factors that learners of the educational system experience a wide range of, on the other hand, academic vitality is one of the capabilities that play a role in students' adaptation, so the present study aims to determine the effectiveness of behavioral-cognitive group training in anxiety and the academic life of the students was done. Method: The current research method was quasi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test design and a control group with a follow-up period. The research population included all secondary school girls in Birjand city in the academic year of 2021-2022, 30 of whom were selected using accessible sampling and were randomly divided into two test groups (15 people) and control groups (15 people). The data collection tools included Lavibond and Lavibond's anxiety questionnaire and Dehghanzadeh and Hossein Chari's academic vitality. The experimental group was subjected to intervention in eight face-to-face sessions of 90 minutes over a period of eight weeks (two months) and the control group received the usual intervention. In data analysis, analysis of variance with repeated measurement between groups was used with SPSS version 20 software. Results: The results showed that the average anxiety scores in the behavioral-cognitive group training group compared to the control group in the post-test and follow-up stages decreased compared to the pre-test stage, but the academic vitality variable increased, and these results continued in the follow-up period as well. (P<0.01) Conclusion: According to the obtained results, the use of behavioral-cognitive group training had positive effects on reducing anxiety and improving the academic vitality of students, therefore, it is suggested to use this treatment as a complementary treatment in schools and medical centers for students. .

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2Introduction: Knowledge creation is the most basic source of innovation and learning for educational organizations, especially military ones. Military nursing, as a new field, plays a vital role in improving the health of military forces and society. Therefore, this research was performed to a pattern for organizational knowledge creation in military nursing education. Methods: This qualitative study was performed using the systematic strategy of grounded theory by Strauss and Corbin (2015) approach. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 16 experts and university professors with experience in the field of military nursing and continued until theoretical saturation. Participants were selected by the theoretical sampling method. Data analysis was done by constant comparative method and theoretical coding, and then the paradigm pattern was explained. The correctness and strength of the collected data were evaluated based on Lincoln and Goba criteria. Result: The findings led to the identification of 27 components, in the form of a paradigm pattern, that include the central phenomenon (organizational knowledge creation), "causal components" with sub-factors (sovereign will to creating knowledge, educational system of military nursing, individual and skill competencies and motivational factors), "contextual components" with sub-factors (demographic characteristics, infrastructures and equipment, information technology and scientific resources, research structure, organizational culture, management factors, educational organization strategies), "intervening components" with sub-factors (organizational conflict, security factors, economic resources, environmental factors, Educational inter organizational interactions), "strategic components" with sub-factors ( Creating a knowledge creation system, experiences recording, content production and publications, meta-technology of learning, improvement and  promotion of curriculum, targeted recruitment of human resources, empowerment of professors and specialized training of nursing students) and "Consequent components" with sub-factors (acquiring scientific authority and responding to the needs of the organization and society). Conclusion: The presented pattern shows managerial, scientific, technological, and organizational importance for the realization of knowledge creation in the field of military nursing education. Careful monitoring, extensive measures, and the implementation of appropriate programs and policies in the above fields can lead to increasing scientific authority and responding to the needs of the organization and society.

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