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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Empowering women with addicted husbands plays an important role in improving their mental health. Therefore, this study aimed to the effectiveness of the psychological empowerment package on the psychological well-being and family resilience of women with addicted spouses. Methods: The study utilized  a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test design and a control group. The statistical population of the present study included all women with methamphetamine-addicted husbands in Tehran in 2022, whose husbands had been referred to addiction treatment centers. Thirty sample members were selected by purposive sampling method and with simple random sampling assigned to the experimental group (15 people) and control group (15 people). To collect data, the short version of Riff's psychological well-being scale and Sixby's family resilience scale were used. The members of the experimental group participated in 12 sessions (90 minutes per session). Data analysis with SPSS software. v21 and at a significance level of 0. 05, it was done through univariate analysis of covariance. Results: The results showed that the psychological empowerment package improved the overall mental well-being score (F=100. 244, P=0. 001) and personal growth (F=33. 500, P=0. 001), positive relationship with others (F=31. 118, P=0. 001) and self-acceptance (F=25. 937, P=0. 001) subscales. In addition, the effect of the psychological empowerment package on improving the overall score of family resilience (F=41. 535, P=0. 001) and communication and  problem-solving subscales (F=28. 716, P=0. 001) and accepting the problem (F=16. 301, P=0. 001) has become significant. Conclusions: It is recommended to give comprehensive attention to the psychological empowerment of women with addicted spouses and strengthen them through approaches such as the psychological empowerment package.

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2Introduction: People experiencefrom neck pain, headaches, kyphosis and back pain while working with computers, and these issues seem to be increasing with the advancement of technology. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of 10 sessions using simple and sensory thoracolumbosacral brace on lower limb muscle activities in kyphosis patients during typing. Methods: This study was a semi-experimental and laboratory investigation. The statistical population of the   study was people with kyphosis in Ardabil city. The sample consisted of 30 male employees with kyphosis who were randomly divided into users of the sensor brace and users of the simple brace groups. The electrical activity of the upper limb muscles was recorded by the electromyography system during typing in both pre and post-test. Both groups used brace during ten weeks in their training sessions. All statistical analyses were done using SPSS software, and a two-way ANOVA analysis was conducted with a significance level of 0. 05. Results:  The results demonstrated significant main effects of "time" for extensor digitorum muscle (P=0. 016,d=0. 180), anterior deltoid (P=0. 014,d=0. 196), middle deltoid (P=0. 001,d=0. 447) and trapezius (P=0. 046,d=0. 116) activity during typing. Findings showed significant main effect of group for the anterior deltoid (P=0. 008,d=0. 223) and posterior deltoid (P=0. 013,d=0. 201). Furthermore, significant group-by-time interactions  were found for superficial extensor digitorum muscle (P=0. 019,d=0. 189), triceps (P=0. 001,d=0. 310), middle deltoid (P=0. 044,d=0. 133) and posterior deltoid (P=0. 001,d= 0. 554) activity during typing phase. Conclusion: The decreased electromyographic activity of the muscles when using thoracolumbosacral braces in employees with kyphosis confirms the effectiveness of this intervention. However, further study is needed to better establish this issue.

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Introduction: The prevalence of diabetes is increasing worldwide. This disease affects body mechanics during walking. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 8 weeks of walking exercises on the frequency spectrum of ground reaction forces during walking in diabetic patients without neuropathy. Methods: This study was semi-experimental. The sample included 24 diabetic individuals (mean diabetic age: 3. 1±0. 9 years, mean glucose level: 151. 4±10. 4 mg/dL) who were selected through convenience sampling. The subjects were randomly divided into two experimental groups (12 individuals) and a control group (12 individuals). Before and after the 8-week walking training protocol, the subjects walked at a desired speed on the force plate. The ground reaction force data in three directions (vertical, posterior-anterior, and internal-external) were converted from time function to frequency function using Fourier transform (harmonic analysis) and MATLAB software version 2016. Results: Within the group, the results showed a significant increase in the frequency with a power of 99. 5% in the vertical component (P=0. 016), internal-external component (P=0. 002), and anterior-posterior component (P=0. 026) of the ground reaction forces. The post-test values of the ground reaction force were significantly reduced compared to the pre-test values. The number of necessary harmonics in the internal-external component of the ground reaction force in the post-test significantly increased compared to the pre-test (P=0. 017). Additionally, the number of essential harmonics (P=0. 039) and the median frequency (P=0. 026) in the anterior-posterior component of the ground reaction force had a significant decrease in the post-test compared to the pre-test. Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrated that walking exercises have a positive effect on the frequency content of the ground reaction force in diabetic patients without neuropathy and improves the frequency with a power of 99. 5% and the number of essential harmonics in different components. It can have beneficial effects on reducing the forces on the lower limbs during walking.

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2Introduction: One of the primary concerns for individuals with disabilities and their families is the issue of employment. This concern is emphasized by many counseling experts. With this in mind, the current study aims to qualitatively investigate the barriers to employment for physically-motor disabled men. Methods: This research is qualitative in nature, utilizing a phenomenological approach. The study was conducted using the method of lived experience. The population of interest consisted of all individuals with physical-motor disabilities in Yazd city in 2022. The sample for this research was selected from men using targeted and accessible sampling. The sample size continued until data saturation was reached, resulting in 12 interviews. The data was analyzed using the seven-step Claizey coding method. Results: The interviews revealed three main themes related to the barriers to employment for people with disabilities: 1) environmental and societal factors, 2) family factors, and 3) individual and internal factors. Additionally, 18 sub-themes were identified regarding the employment barriers for individuals with physical-motor disabilities. Conclusion: Due to the unique challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, many obstacles exist in the realm of employment. This article investigates and highlights these obstacles. In order to mitigate the barriers to employment for people with disabilities, a program is needed. Structural and functional planning at various levels is necessary to address this issue.

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2Introduction: The ground reaction force frequency spectrum analysis of handball players is an important method to determine effective parameters of sports performances. The frequency spectrum of ground reaction forces in handball players is important to determine parameters affecting sports performance. Therefore, this study aimed to contrast the comparison effects of immediate and long-term use of arch support insoles on the ground reaction forces frequency spectrum in the handball players’ three-step shot technique with flat feet during landing. Methods: This study was a semi-experimental and observational type. Participants were randomly divided into three equal groups, including the control group, an immediate intervention group, and a long-term intervention group. A force plate was included in the walkway to collect ground reaction forces. The normality distribution of data was examined and confirmed by using the Shapiro-Wilk Test. One-way ANOVA test was used to analyze the data. All analyses were performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24. Results: In the media-lateral direction, the median frequency component showed a significant difference during the landing of the handball players’ three-step shot technique between the three groups (P=0. 043,F=3. 54). Also, in the media-lateral direction, the band frequency component showed a significant difference during the landing of the handball players’ three-step shot technique between the three groups (P=0. 044,F=3. 55). Other components of the ground reaction force frequency spectrum during landing did not show any significant difference (P>0. 05). Conclusions: It seems a lower frequency spectrum during landing after immediate and long-term use of arch support insoles, reduced the risks of lower limb injuries and instability of ankle in the handball players with flat feet during the three-step shot technique. This needs to be verified in future studies.

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2Introduction: Among patients with hypothyroidism, psychological problems and quality of life are two important variables. Therefore, the present research has investigated the effectiveness of mentalization-based therapy on mental status (depression and anxiety) and quality of life in women with hypothyroidism. Methods: The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test, post-test & follow-up plan with a control group. The statistical population of the research included all women aged 20 to 60 with hypothyroidism who were referred to the Isfahan Mahdiyeh Center in 2022. Using the available sampling method, 100 people were selected. The participants’ mental states and quality of life were assessed using the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) and the Short-Form  World Health Organization‏ Quality-Of-Life‎ (WHO-QoL-BREF). Among the remaining 65 people based on the entry criteria, 30 people were selected and their depression and anxiety were confirmed by a psychiatrist, and they were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups of 15 people. Then the participants of the experimental group received MBT in 12 sessions of 90 minutes. In data analysis, analysis of variance with repeated measurement and LSD post hoc test were used. Results: The findings of the research showed that the average pre-test depression and anxiety scores of the experimental group decreased from 32-35 to 24-31, respectively, in the post-test stage. Also, comparing before and after the intervention, the average scores of the quality-of-life dimensions of the experimental group, including physical health, mental health, social relations, and environmental health, increased from 39, 44, 32, and 45 to 44, 50, 36, and 49, respectively. This situation has remained constant in the follow-up stage. Therefore, MBT is effective in reducing depression and anxiety and increasing the quality of life in women with hypothyroidism (p≤0. 01). Conclusion: Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that one of the effective educational approaches for women with hypothyroidism who are experiencing mood disturbances and a decreased quality of life is Mindfulness-Based Therapy (MBT). MBT can serve as a beneficial therapeutic model for prevention, helping to alleviate psychological disorders and enhance overall quality of life.

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2Introduction: The present study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of parent-child interaction training on psychological well-being and response inhibition of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Methods: The current research was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test and follow-up design with two experimental and control groups. The statistical research population of mothers of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder who were referred to the Rastin Clinic in the 3rd district of Tehran in 1400, 30 people were selected through available sampling based on the entry criteria in the first step and then randomly in the second step. A group of 15 people, including the experimental and control groups, were replaced by ten sessions of parent-child interaction training. The sessions were weekly and the control group was placed on the waiting list. Research tools were parent-child interaction protocol, psychological well-being questionnaire (Reif, 2002), and color-word test (Stroop, 1935). Results: The research findings showed that parent-child interaction training significantly increases the psychological well-being of mothers with children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and children's response inhibition (P<0. 001). Conclusions: The present study emphasizes the importance of parent-child interaction training in increasing the psychological well-being of mothers of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and providing new horizons in clinical interventions. Therefore, parent-child interaction training can be used  to create a positive and appropriate change in the mothers of children with attention deficit hyp eractivity disorder.

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2introduction: Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that involves three areas social interaction, communication, and stereotyped behavior patterns such as hyperactivity, impulsive behavior, self-harm, and aggression. This research aimed to compare the effectiveness of applied behavior analysis (ABA) and nature-based play therapy (Fluortime) on the severity of Garz test symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder in 2011 in Qom. . Methods: The study included 45 autistic children and a quasi-experimental model of pre-test-post-test design and follow-up with a control group. The statistical population of the research included all children with autism in the city of Qom in Golhay Behesht Autism Center. The tool used had parts related to demographic information, Garez questionnaire 2 (severity of autism) and communication variables, stereotyped movements, and social interaction of children. Sampling was done by the available method and they were randomly divided into three test groups: applied analysis method, 15 people, 15 people in the flortime play therapy group, and 15 people in the control group. Floortime plays therapy intervention was provided to the experimental group in 23 sessions of 20 minutes in the designated sessions. The control group was not given any training. Repeated measurement analysis of variance, and post hoc Ben Feroni test for pairwise comparisons of the effect of groups and times on dependent variables were performed, and the software used in this research for data analysis was SPSS24 and AMOS24. Results: The difference in the effect of the two methods of applied behavior analysis and Floortime play therapy on the components and the total score of the severity of autism symptoms is not significant. Therefore, there is no significant difference between the effectiveness of applied behavior analysis and flortime play therapy on the severity of symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder. (0. 001) Conclusion: Functional behavior analysis and Floortime play therapy during the implementation period and two months after the implementation period led to a significant decrease in the average scores of Garez test components in the severity of symptoms and autism treatment used.

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2Introduction: ensuring the social well-being of society members, especially students, who are considered the young and active stratum of every society, is necessary and important,the present study was conducted to determine the role of moral intelligence in predicting the social well-being of nursing students with the mediation of psychological hardiness. Methods: The present study was a descriptive-correlation type of path analysis. The research population included all the female and male students of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery in Qain City in the academic year 2019-2020, 180 of whom were selected by available sampling. To collect information, the questionnaires on the moral intelligence of Lenik and Keel (2007) and, the psychological hardiness of Kiamerei et al. The research model was analyzed using SPSS version 18 and Amos software. Results: Based on the results, moral intelligence has a direct effect on psychological hardiness, and psychological toughness has a direct effect on social well-being. Also, the indirect effect of moral intelligence on social well-being was confirmed through the mediation of psychological hardiness (p<0. 01). Conclusion: The research results emphasize the importance of moral intelligence and psychological hardiness in improving the social well-being of nursing students.

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2Introduction: The present study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of meaning therapy and education based on acceptance and commitment to the resilience and quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis. Methods: The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test design with a control group and a one-month follow-up. The statistical population of this research included all the patients with multiple sclerosis in Arak City in 2021, which were selected as an available sampling of 45 patients and randomly assigned to 3 groups of 15 people (two experimental groups and one control group) meaning therapy, therapy group based on commitment and acceptance and the control group were replaced. The measurement tools in this research were the Connor-Davidson Resilience Questionnaire (2003) and the World Health Organization Quality of Life (1998). The experimental groups were respectively subjected to meaningful therapy and education based on acceptance and commitment for 14 sessions of 45 minutes, and the control group received the usual treatment. Statistical data analysis was done using the analysis of covariance method and SPSS version 23 software. Results: The findings showed that after the intervention, both treatment methods improved resilience and quality of life compared to the control group, and the treatment results were maintained in the follow-up period (p<0. 001),However, there was no significant difference between the two treatment methods in improving resilience and quality of life (p<0. 001). Conclusion: Based on the research results, it can be concluded that meaning therapy and education, which are based on acceptance and commitment, along with other treatment methods, are effective intervention techniques for enhancing the resilience and quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis.

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Kermani Yeganeh | Miri Minoo

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2Introduction: Diabetes is one of the chronic diseases that cause physical and mental problems and reduce self-care behaviors. The present study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of therapy based on quality of life on self-care behaviors in patients with diabetes type II. Methods: The research method was quasi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group, and the research population included all type 2 diabetic patients in Birjand city in 2021, of which 30 people were selected by purposive sampling and were randomly selected into two experimental (15 people) and control (15 people) groups. The questionnaire on Tobert's self-care behaviors of diabetic patients was used to collect data. The method of implementing the intervention was in the form of quality of life-based treatment training during 8 sessions for the experimental group and the control group remained on the training waiting list. Data analysis was done using univariate and multivariate covariance analysis. Results: The results indicated that before the intervention, there was no statistically significant difference between the average self-care score of the two groups, but after the intervention, there was a significant difference between the average self-care score in the control and experimental groups (P<0. 05). Conclusion:   Health professionals can use quality-of-life treatment to enhance self-care behaviors in individuals with type 2 diabetes, in conjunction with drug treatments.

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2Introduction: children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder face many psychological, social, and academic problems. The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of virtual reality-based rehabilitation on the executive functions of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Method: The current research was quasi-experimental with pre and post-test and control group. The statistical population included all 7 to 12-year-old children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder referred to Baqiyatallah Hospital located in District 3 of Tehran in 2021-2022, from which 30 people were randomly selected based on available sampling methods. The subjects were assigned to two groups of 15 people, test and control. To collect data, a computerized visual and auditory integration test was used, and data analysis was performed using the covariance test in SPSS-26 software. Results: The results of the study showed that the rehabilitation treatment based on virtual reality was able to significantly increase the post-test scores of executive functions (selective attention, sustained attention, and response inhibition) in the experimental group, and the largest increase was related to the component of selective attention. has been (P<0. 01). Conclusion: It can be said that rehabilitation treatment based on virtual reality is one of the effective treatments for improving executive functions in children with hyperactivity/attention deficit. Therefore, it is suggested that child health specialists use this treatment to improve the mental, cognitive, and executive status of these children.

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