This research is design the model to transfer educational technology in universities in Mazanderan. this study is a descriptive survey. The population consists of 1700 people from faculty members in mazanderan universities. The method is quota randomly sampling and according to the jersey and Morgan table to determine the samples, 313 people were chosen. as samples The data collection tool was researcher-made questionnaires. The content validity was used to determine the validity also, Cranach’s alpha coefficient was used to assess the reliability which was calculated such as 0.819. In order to determine frequency, mean percentage, standard deviation, skewness, the highest and lowest, and the research data were analyzed at two levels of descriptive statistic as well as multiple regression tests at significance level of (p<0.05), path analysis was used at inferential statistic. This paper attempts to give a design modeling for transferring educational technology considering the available backgrounds. Analyzing the results indicates the acceptable correlation among the proposed model aspects such as philosophical aspects, objectives, theoretical basis, conceptual framework, and consistency among the objectives of the components, accuracy of component transposition, consistency with existing literature, its objective component, the updatability and model feasibility. The important proposition is to target the designing-structure and organizational model of higher education so that its policies and procedures encourage the members to learn, unlearning, absorbing, acquisition, combination of knowledge, collaboration, integration, networking, planning and problem solving to be used in transfer technology.