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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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با وجود استقرار بیش از نیمی از جمعیت جهان در نواحی ساحلی، این مناطق در مقابل بحران های طبیعی و انسانی ازقبیل نوسان سطح آب، فرسایش، آلودگی، بهره برداری فزاینده از منابع، افزایش شتابان جمعیت و گسترش اراضی ساخته شده جزو اکوسیستم های آسیب پذیر به شمار می روند. منطقه ساحلی دریای خزر در سه استان گیلان و مازندران و گلستان، در چند دهه اخیر به شدت در معرض بسیاری از این بحران های طبیعی و انسانی و به طور خاص افزایش شتابان جمعیت و گسترش فزاینده اراضی ساخته شده، قرار داشته است. بر این اساس، هدف تحقیق حاضر بررسی تحولات فضایی-زمانی پوشش اراضی و پدیده پراکنده رویی در منطقه ساحلی دریای خزر در فاصله سال های 1364تا1394 است. داده های استفاده شده در تحقیق حاضر شامل نتایج حاصل از سرشماری های عمومی نفوس و مسکن و تصاویر ماهواره ای لندست است. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد که تغییرات فضایی-زمانی پوشش زمین در نوار ساحلی دریای خزر حکایت از افزایش بی رویه اراضی ساخته شده در مقابل کاهش فزاینده پوشش گیاهی دارد، به طوری که مساحت اراضی ساخته شده با میزان رشد سالانه 3.2 درصد از 1158کیلومتر مربع در سال 1364، به بیش از 3162کیلومتر مربع در سال 1394 افزایش یافته است. علاوه بر این، الگوی غالب رشد اراضی ساخته شده به صورت رشد پراکنده بوده است، به طوری که ارزش شاخص پراکنده رویی در سی سال اخیر برابر 4.8 است. نتایج حاصل از تحلیل متریک های فضایی نیز گذار از لکه های شهری و روستایی کوچک و متفرق را به سمت لکه های بزرگ تر، نزدیک تر و فراوان تر نشان می دهد. بر این اساس، منطقه ساحلی دریای خزر در چند دهه اخیر به سبب رشد شتابان و بدون برنامه جمعیت و به دنبال آن تغییرات فضایی- زمانی پوشش زمین در قالب گسترش بی رویه اراضی ساخته شده به صورت پراکنده و متفرق، دچار بحران فضایی و ازهم گسیختگی سیمای سرزمین شده است.

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یکی از وظایف اساسی و مهم برنامه ریزان شهری، تخصیص زمین به کاربری های گوناگون شهری با توجه به نقش و کارکرد شهر، اقتصاد شهر و همچنین تاثیر عوامل متقابل کاربری ها بر یکدیگر است. برنامه ریزی کاربری اراضی شهری را می توان، مهم ترین ابزار و نیروی کاربردی دولت ها و سازمان های مدیریت شهری برای اداره صحیح و منطقی شهرها دانست. امروزه درپی تحولات کالبدی فضایی سریع در شهرها، برنامه ریزی کاربری اراضی شهری بر پایه دو اصل ارزش های توسعه پایدار و اعتلای کیفیت زندگی، درپی دستیابی به اهدافی همچون توزیع متعادل کاربری ها، جلوگیری از تداخل کاربری های ناسازگار و تدوین معیارها و استانداردهای مناسب کاربری است. به همین منظور ارزشیابی کیفی و سازگاری کاربری های مختلف شهری، برای اطمینان خاطر از استقرار منطقی آن ها و رعایت تناسبات لازم در شهرها ضروری است. از این رو با توجه به اهمیت موضوع، در تحقیق حاضر سازگاری کاربری های شهر بیرجند، با به کارگیری دانش های نوین سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی و مدل های محاسباتی نظیر تحلیل سلسله مراتبی ارزیابی شده است. روش تحقیق توصیفی- تحلیلی است و شیوه های گردآوری اطلاعات شامل روش های اسنادی و میدانی است. درنهایت نقشه ای به دست آمده که در آن میزان سازگاری و ناسازگاری کاربری های شهر بیرجند در حد قطعات نمایش داده شده است. با توجه به این نقشه، بیشتر کاربری های شهر بیرجند نسبت به هم سازگار و کاملا سازگار هستند و قطعات محدودی به سبب قرارگیری کارگاه های صنعتی و تاسیسات شهری در کنار کاربری مسکونی و پذیرایی –جهانگردی ناسازگار و کاملا ناسازگار هستند.

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Extended abstract:Introduction:Nowadays most of the urban public spaces and streets are being heavily dominated by the machines due to the irregular increases in the vehicles numbers and dependency of living pattern on them. This has made a lot of problems in the civil issues, including increase in the ecological pollution, increase in the maintenance costs, and etc. For this reason, walkability plans are now considered as a solution for decrease these problems. Imam Khomeini Street, located in Dezfoul City, is one of the main streets in which the traffic of riders and pedestrians is very high and this has made several traffic problems in this part of the city. In order to decrease the traffic problems caused by the vehicles, the walkability plan was suggested for this area of this city.

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Extended abstract:Introduction:Natural disasters are regarded as one of the issues that most cities around the world encounter. Naturally, the first step in dealing with crises and disasters is to rescue people and mitigate aftereffects of that event which requires an immediate reaction in no time.

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Extended abstract:Introduction:There are long coastlines on the northern and southern regions of Iran. The length of the coastline in the northern strip is 890 km and in the south it is about 4900 km. Among the Iranian coastal areas, coastal zone of the Caspian Sea due to the boom in tourism activities, agriculture, fisheries, port activities, favorable conditions for natural resources such as forest and fertile soil, good rainfall and access to surface water is one of the most densely populated areas of Iran. In contrast, the Caspian Sea level fluctuations, improper utilization of resources, erosion, high seismicity, lack of proper wastewater treatment systems for domestic, industrial and agricultural activities, lack of suitable land for waste disposal due to high groundwater level, and privacy in coast faced this region with serious challenges. Of all the challenges, rapid changes in land use and land cover due to urban sprawl, faced coastal zone of the Caspian Sea with complex spatial crisis. The first step to overcome the current situation, identify the trends in land use and land cover in the coastal zone of the Caspian Sea. We are to provide the basis for understanding the past and present spatial changes and the possibility of adopting necessary measures to improve the future status of the region. The aim of this study is to analyze the spatio-temporal changes in population and land cover in the coastal zone of the Caspian Sea. The urban sprawl as a major factor in the formation of spatial crisis has been quantized and spatio-temporal characteristics of sprawl have also been detected.

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Extended abstract:Introduction:Nowadays with increasing growth of urbanization, urban problems are entangled in the cities more than any other time. These difficulties have affected all aspects of urbanization and decrease in total quality of urbanization. Old urban textures are one of the urban difficulties with three main indices, 1) Granulites 2) Impermeable 3) Instability. Renewal and improvement of these old textures are considered by many programmers and urban managers in recent decades. Inconsistent and often contradicting policies are one the obligations of regeneration and refinement of urban distressed areas. In recent decades, various policies on environment quality ascension, social status, and cities vitality, especially their inner areas, have been proposed. Many projects have also been conducted about these issues. Comprehensive policy making and planning with regard to refinement and regeneration of the urban old textures are purposeful and deliberate attempts to achieve a consistent and integrated urban management. The purpose of this study is to investigate the refinement policies of Karaj town, prioritizing these policies and identification of their most significant policies. These are effective and impressible on regeneration and refinement of the old texture of Karaj town.

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Extended abstract:Introduction:In the wake of the rapid urban spatial evolution, urban land use planning is based on two principles of sustainable development and promotion of quality of life. This seeks to achieve some goals such as balanced distribution of uses, prevention of conflicts in incompatible uses, and formulation of land use standards. The city of Birjand, the capital of the southern Khorasan province, has administrative, service, educational and economic role respectively in a regional, provincial and trans-regional scale. Given the urban land use analysis in Birjand, it is of great importance to improve the quality of service to the residents of the city and the influence and achievement of the economic and social goals. The main purpose of this research is to assess the compatibility of land uses in Birjand City. In this research, the compatibility and incompatibility of Birjand city utilization are investigated through the application of modern knowledge of GIS and computational models such as hierarchical analysis.

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Extended abstract:Introduction:Urban spatial structure and organization is originated from natural, social, cultural, political and economic forces. From past to now, these forces as important factor have played main role in city arrangements. Informal settlements organization and creation are also originated from current forces in city spatial arrangement. Industrial revolution with mass production and centralized form and urban communication facilitated development around environments. This resulted in creation of organization and new spatial structure based on quantitative form (city spatial development) and qualitative form (origination residence certain form).

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Extended abstract:Introduction:From the very beginning of society development and the basic biological complexes, human have tried to take control of their environment in response to one of their most basic innate needs. In this regard, since the purpose of planning is to improve the environment in terms of security, health, beauty, convenience and general welfare, quality of the environment has been considered as one of the key issues in the topics of planning and design. In relation to this concept, the importance of urban residential environments as the main residence of people is increasing day by day, so that in the first place these environments provide important tools for the development of different life indicators such as health, family, work or leisure.

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Extended abstract:Introduction:The Third World cities, in recent years, are faced with numerous problems, including population growth, uncontrolled migration and consequently increasing disproportionate construction with environmental capabilities. This heterogeneous development has multiplied the vulnerability of cities to the risks involved. The fact is that the structure of the spatial and physical development of cities is very complicated. This problem prevents many attempts to analyze and communicate useful and effective policies and approved plans of the city.

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Extended abstract:Introduction:Walkability is the capacity and suitability for walking, and in another word “the utility level of the urban built environment for presence, living, shopping, meeting, and passing the free times of the citizens in an urban area”. Following the growing urbanization, developing multiple and broad consequences of economic, social and environmental aspects and using motor vehicles, recent approaches in urban planning is concentrated on restoring capability of walkability in cities to identify and create optimal routes for walking. In this regard, the Space Syntax technique is a new approach in anticipating the traffic of the pedestrian and driver passer that shows the results by mathematical and physical parameters. This is in addition to analyzing the connection of all urban areas with each other. These parameters can anticipate the operations and behavior of the citizens in urban areas.

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