Extended abstract:Introduction:There are long coastlines on the northern and southern regions of Iran. The length of the coastline in the northern strip is 890 km and in the south it is about 4900 km. Among the Iranian coastal areas, coastal zone of the Caspian Sea due to the boom in tourism activities, agriculture, fisheries, port activities, favorable conditions for natural resources such as forest and fertile soil, good rainfall and access to surface water is one of the most densely populated areas of Iran. In contrast, the Caspian Sea level fluctuations, improper utilization of resources, erosion, high seismicity, lack of proper wastewater treatment systems for domestic, industrial and agricultural activities, lack of suitable land for waste disposal due to high groundwater level, and privacy in coast faced this region with serious challenges. Of all the challenges, rapid changes in land use and land cover due to urban sprawl, faced coastal zone of the Caspian Sea with complex spatial crisis. The first step to overcome the current situation, identify the trends in land use and land cover in the coastal zone of the Caspian Sea. We are to provide the basis for understanding the past and present spatial changes and the possibility of adopting necessary measures to improve the future status of the region. The aim of this study is to analyze the spatio-temporal changes in population and land cover in the coastal zone of the Caspian Sea. The urban sprawl as a major factor in the formation of spatial crisis has been quantized and spatio-temporal characteristics of sprawl have also been detected.