The purpose of the present study was to explain the dimensions and components of religious-jurisprudential pluralism and to identify its impacts on religious educational settings. This descriptive-interpretive research was based on philosophical analysis. The statistical population of the study consisted of texts and documents related to religious pluralism, Islamic jurisprudence, and religious education. After interpretively analyzing the texts and identifying jurisprudential pluralism as the most justifiable approach, a cross-comparison was undertaken between opposing paradigms of religious pluralism vs. religious exclusivism and mukhti'a vs. musawwiba jurisprudence in order to extract their implications for religious education. The implications of jurisprudential pluralism for religious education include three components of classroom, instructors, and learners: a) Classroom: comfortable environment where each student feels safe in expressing his viewpoints, lawful, multivoiced settings, promoting creativity in the classroom, collaborative curriculum, educational justice and avoiding prejudice and discrimination in the classroom; b) Instructors: having a liberal and multi-perspective view, focusing on the essence of texts, using rational inference in teaching, using a democratic approach to teaching, avoiding imposing values and beliefs and avoiding inculcation of ideas; c) Learners: fostering broad-mindedness among students, mental development of learners, free interaction with followers of other religions and tolerance of those with different beliefs, promoting constructive criticism among learners, and enhancing learners’ critical thinking. Ultimately, by criticizing and comparing religious exclusivism and liberal pluralism, "moderate pluralism" which is based on Islamic jurisprudence model was proposed as a justifiable approach to religious education.