Introduction and Aims: Access to safe water in terms of physical, chemical and microbial parameters is one of the health care providers of community.Testing and analyzing are essential to understand the safety of potable water. The purpose of this study is investigating the chemical and physical quality of drinking water resources in cites of Bandar Torkaman, Bandar Gaz and Kordkoy.Material and Methods: In this descriptive and crosses- sectional study, 43 samples of deep wells were collected from 3 cities during2006-2010.15 parameters analyzed according to standardmethods, comparing to the WHO standards.Results: The results revealed the parameters of EC 625, 992, 650 μmho/cm, TDS 273, 535, 523 mg/l, Nitrate 9/7, 10.9, 9.9 mg/l, Sulfate 19, 25.6, 39.2 mg/l and Chloride 22, 182, 185 for Bandar Gaz, Bandar Torkaman and Kordkoy, respectively. Also, the average value of hardness in drinking water 185, 255 and 317 mg/l calcium carbonate for Bandar Gaz, Bandar Torkaman and Kordkoy, respectively. According to hardness of water quality Bandar Gaz and Bandar Torkaman, Kordkoy ranged between hard and very hard water group. Fluoride concentration ranged from 0.3 to 0.4 ppm, where 100% samples showed fluoride less than permissible limit.Conclusion: According to results, the mean concentration of most physico -chemical parameters except fluoride concentration in Bandar Gaz, Bandar Torkaman and Kordkoy drinking water resources iswithin the Iran and WHO standard limitations.