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The debate regarding the individuality or collectivity of the Iranian society is still alive among the Iranian scholars and sociologists. But, in these debate and also experimental researches on the individualism or collectivism of Iranian society one will notice that no attention has been paid to virtual social networks. However the participation in the virtual social networks has become an important part of Iranians` everyday life, and so it is necessary to examine collectivism and individualism with regard to these networks. In order to study this topic the following inquiry has been started by examining the networked individualism theory of Barry Wellman (2012) and after redefining of the concept, we have made a scale for measuring it. Therefore, one of the innovations in this study is creating a scale for this concept. The results showed that networked individualism exists at a moderate level. Also, the new findings suggest that familism, as a public culture of Iranian society in virtual networks also plays a significant role. Finally, it can be said that the networked individualism`s scale developed in this research, which has happened for the first time, can be a sufficient tool for the study of individualism in cyberspace that needs to be rectified and measured.

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his paper aims to scrutinize what factors make Iranian youth pick Persian satellite televisions to fulfill their needs to entertain and prefer it to domestic TV channels and to answer this main question that from Youth audiences point of view, which factors affecting documentary and drama content appealingness in satellite televisions? To achieve the answer, 25 qualitative semi-structured individual and group in-depth interview conducted and analyzed by thematic analysis technic through MAXQDA 10 software. Analysis revealed that the main factors of appealingness of drama content of satellite TVs could be summarized to five factors: story telling trends, social sticks, informational emowerment, resistance against domestic TV frames and repetition of familiar patterns. Moreover, there are two main factors which explain appealingness of satellite televisions documentaries to Iranian youth: comprehensiveness of narratives and professional selection and narration of subjects. In general, drama and documentary contents of Persian satellite TVs have three substancial functions for youth audiences which cause their gratification. Audiences gain some Ideas and subjects to communicate, so, they can use this material to expand their social interactions. As well, they can find their familiar patterns, in the world where the other author created that; they can make their own meanings and build their own world. Without any irritating confront with serious content, they get the information from drama and documentary and it make them feel empowered in creating their world and confronting social world and this feeling of surrounding the world make them satisfied.

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The subject of this article is “ U. S Cyber Diplomacy Influence on Viewpoint of Iranian Users of Cyberspace(Case Study: USA Dar Farsi Facebook Webpage)” . Nowadays, using Internet and social networks to advance foreign policy goals and national interests, has become one of the most important issues. From 40’ s and during World War II, U. S government tried to implement various cultural programs, stuent exchange programs, and use publications, the media and movies to convince residents of different countries about its foreign policy goals, and it became known as public diplomacy. Considering Iran’ s high stance in U. S foreign policy, United States Department of State implemented various cyber diplomacy projects to influence Iranians public opinion that include launching USA Dar Farsi Facebook Webpage. In this thesis, the Author tried to answer one key question concerning this important strategy within US foreign policy system: What is the Influence of USA Dar Farsi Facebook Webpage, as a tool of U. S Cyber Diplomacy, on Viewpoint of Iranian Users of Cyberspace? For this purpose, qualitative content analysis of USA Dar Farsi Facebook Webpage and sending questionnaires to its users and other Iranian users of Internet has been used. The hypothesis is that, comparing to Iranian Internet users who do not read USA Dar Farsi Facebook Webpage content, the USA Dar Farsi Facebook Webpage users are more influenced by cyber diplomacy content and messages and this leads to negative attitude towards Iranian society.

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The objective of the present research concerns nuclear agreements jokes that have propagated in social networks. The critical issue of this research is to illustrate the ideological aspects and the relationship of these jokes with the political factions in the case of nuclear agreements. The main question is how language shifts to joke and witticism in power relations. Fairclough’ s three dimension model of critical discourse analysis is used in this research. Hence a number of jokes in virtual space regarding nuclear agreement have been analyzed. The consequences shows that the fantasy which derives from the ideological aspects of witticism language represents the existing situation and also construct, sustain, and change the social relation and discursive actions. Textual characteristics show positive and negative representation of jokes. The positive representation constructs in the ideology of dominate power (11enth government) and the negative representation construct in the opposition faction (fundamentalism). The genre of joke is in the service of power and is used in order to hegemonies the power discourse.

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The disadvantage of the innovation system is one of the main causes of the economic problems in the music industry, and elimination of this problem involves organizing the innovation system in various parts of the music industry, especially in the digital age. In recent decades, the digital distribution of music has been able to create a lot of wealth for different societies. In particular, inside the digital media environment, "distribution" is at the heart of the music industry. Therefore, with a closer look at how digital distribution of music can be systematically mapped out the creation of wealth in the music industry. Using a deep case study, the present study seeks to reach the efficient media market in the digital distribution of music through the identification and analysis of media innovations of an Iranian business (i. e., Beeptunes). In this regard, using the conceptual framework of Media Innovation of Storsul and Krumsvik, innovations in this online business have been analyzed in five dimensions of product, process, position, paradigm and social. The main results of this study indicate that media innovations should not be considered only as technological innovations; instead, online businesses in the digital distribution of music should have a "humanistic" look at innovations Media outlets. The key to the success of online business in the music industry is to pay more attention to the key player in the industry, called the "human".

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The purpose of this article is to provide a comparative study on the performance of mass media in Morteza Pashaei’ s death report. 9 news sites or top news agencies were selected and their contents were analyzed in the three periods of before his death, from his death to the funeral ceremony and the week after the funeral. Also, the first half pages of the 24 news papers of the country with the largest circulations were surveyed. Five news sections of the IRIB, and the satellite news channels of BBC Persian, Manoto and Voice of America were selected using purposive sampling. Then, the process of mainstreaming was extracted and the actions of each of the media, in different sections of this news, were identified. The two methods of content analysis and quantitative content analysis were used to identify the contents and to count the present units in the text messages respectively. According to the findings of this research, the prevalence of the social media on mass media is evident in this news mainstreaming. Social media were at the fore front in the first wave. In the second wave, the mass media tried to recompense their retardation from this huge volume of news and they entered quickly and tried to accompany the first wave. But the speed of the events made the mass media to lose the initiative, so that no media can manage the flow of information in the third wave desirably.

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A general view to the works of contemporary Iranian artists shows that the Qajar problems are the repetitive commonplace preoccupation. The aim of the article is to find out the types of elements of mechanisem of Governemental power in Siamak filizadeh`s photographes. The descriptive-analytical method & genealogy approach, is used. the works of Filizadeh are analyzed Relying on its function, and the object and techniques, and differentiation system in the works of the exhibition. In these photos, the many characters and symbolic rules of the Qajar court art have been manipulated. Consequently, the composition of the works of Filizadeh, despite the Qajar period's ruptures, are to distinguish itself from other contemporary works. In some of these works, by revealing part of the mechanism of capitalism, there is a kind of temporary resistance that, in the case of preservation, forms the basis or the syntax for the works of other artists. The contemporary artworks return to this period`s concepts to some kind of refreshment the history as becoming. the opportunity to revisit the problematic rupture between visible and invisible forms, discursive and non-discursive acts in court art, so on, is provided. History is formed in the same turns and twists and through the conflict of forces. The genealogist is able to see the struggled forces beyond the body of events & visible forms. the reasons for this return to the Qajar period can be rooted in that such rupture in present with emphasis on capitalistic ways & means.

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The present study investigates the relationship between the use of social networks with cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, and creativity and Personality traits in users. The research method in this study is descriptive-correlation method and, we developed a structural model by using the calculated correlation coefficients. The statistical population of the present study included all high school female students in Tehran during the academic year of 1395-96 and the sample size was selected based on Cochran formula equivalent to 400 people. The data were gathered by five questionnaires of Raven's intelligence, Bar-On Emotional Intelligence, Torrance Creativity, NEO Five-factor Personality traits, and Social Network, Researcher’ s Questionnaire. Also, the analysis of the test information was done in two descriptive and inferential categories, the main results of which are as follows: Based on the results, it was found that the direct effect of intelligence on the use of social networks is not meaningful, but the effect of intelligence on social networks with the mediation of emotional intelligence is inversely significant. Also, the results of the study indicated that the direct effect of emotional intelligence could predict the use of social networks. The research hypothesis that creativity predicts the use of social networks is not confirmed. Also, the results showed that the effect of Personality traits on social networks with the mediation of emotional intelligence is inversely significant. And emotional intelligence has a greater role in predicting the use of social networks than other cognitive variables.

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The current study is conducted with the purpose of analyzing the content of educational computer games based on principles and standards of game design. The basic questions of this research are as follows: 1. Are the educational computer games produced based on the standards of significant computer game design? 2. Do the produced educational computer games correspond with the elements and principles offered by specialists of game design? The statistical population is all the produced educational computer games. Convenience sampling is used to select samples; hence, 9 educational computer games are selected and analyzed. Data collection tools include a self-made checklist prepared based on the two main research question. The validity of checklist was approved by supervisor, advisor and other experts, and to determine its reliability using the composite reliability coefficient, a 94 percent agreement was obtained. This checklist contained the five point Likert scale and data were analyzed using SPSS software. Research findings indicate that all games analyzed in terms of principles and standards are in a relatively good (average) state.

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The present research study endeavors to define the role of social media in the scientific communication of faculty members at Allameh Tabataba i University. It uses an analytical survey method. To collect the necessary data, a questionnaire was developed in accordance with Kietzmann s social media model and Zuccala’ s invisible college concept as applied to scientific communication. The Cronbach alpha coefficient was used to verify the validity of the questionnaire; its value was 0. 91. The statistical population was 460 members of the university’ s academic staff. From this population, 150 people were randomly selected. SPSS software was used for data analysis. The results showed that the social medium preferred by faculty members was Google Scholar. An analysis of relationships showed that faculty members interacted mostly with other specialists in the country, while they also followed other colleagues and specialists via social media. The formation of groups occurred mostly within the university. Regarding dialogue and conversation, e-mail was the most popular medium in communication. Faculty members were honest in their use of social media in their communication. Finally, trust, identity, and information sharing were found to be at a medium level in communication through social media.

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