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In addition to producing and publicating information, Social networks are good platforms for organizational management. The Islamic State (ISIS) plans terrorist operations through social networks, especially Facebook and Twitter. The group advances asks such as the recruitment and organization of forces, planning and implementation of operations, monitoring and control, guidance and leadership, communication and coordination of terrorist operations through telephony in social networks. Twitter and Facebook social networks have goals, benefits and effective performances for the ISIS group. ISIS's goals in these networks include attracting attention, gaining legitimacy and acceptability, identifying, announcing existence and gaining power. Advantages include global audiences, easy access, network power, high speed, horizontal connectivity, inclusive communications, interactive communication, flexible communications and low cost communications. These networks have the informing function, social mobilization and social solidarity for the ISIS terrorist group and advancing its goals on the international scene. This research was conducted to explain the goals, benefits and functions of Twitter and Facebook social networks for the Islamic State's terrorist group with the aim of identifying, controlling and confronting the phenomenon of media terrorism and reducing the damage caused by it. The data of this research have been collected and analyzed through grounded theory and documentary studies.

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The Effective Factors on Satellite Televisions' Spectacle and Appealing to Youth Audiences; with Special Emphasis on MANOTO Satellite Channel In recent years, the portion of satellite televisions in youth audiences’ media consumption, have dramatically increased. This caused big challenges and concerns for policy makers, media staff and other stakeholders and led them to seek for an answer to this crucial question: why satellite TVs are this appealing to youth audiences and what factors could be effective on their attention to the Persian satellite TVs programs – especially MANOTO channel, the most popular satellite TV among Iranian youth audiences. To answer this question, tehranian youth audiences (18-35 years old) selected by non-random purposive sampling. qualitative interview method carried out by semi-structured in-depth interviews and focus groups and analyzed by thematic analysis as a technic. According to findings, youth audiences identified fifteen factors, appealing them to satellite TVs. The factors were categorized into four universal codes which included: representation of taboos, intimacy and youth, empowering the audiences and infotainment. It seems that MANOTO and other satellite channels gives alternative point of view to the Iranian youth audiences which is silenced in national Television channels.

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The aim of this study was to compar marital commitment and sexual satisfaction among married women Spectater and not- Spectater Persian-language satellite series The method of this study was causal-comparative and statical population includes all the married women in Khomein city. Samples selected through snowball sampling method. The samples consisted of 50 married women Spectater Persian-language satellite serials and 50 married women non- Spectater Persian-language satellite series. Instruments were marital commitment questioner (Adams and Jones), Sexual satisfaction questioner (Hudson, Harrison and Krvskap). Data were analyzed using independent t-test. The results showed that the marital commitment of 1 group is less than 2 group. Average personal commitment and moral commitment significantly of 1 group was more than 2 group, But the commitment of structural differences between the two groups was not observed. The significant difference between the two groups in sexual satisfaction were not observed. Therefore, it is nececery to increasing family awareness about effects of these pograms and be promoted sensitivity threshold against therates that are in these series.

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The effects of new media, which expand Virtual space, on thinking and identity of the audiences at ethnic and national levels, are among most controversial issues about which numerous studies have been conducted. In 2000s and early-2010, the number of studies regarding this issue had grown remarkably across research and academic circles. Thus they were analyzed using a meta-analysis using integrative review method. Articles, which had been accepted and printed at scientific Iranian journals, were selected. The effect of Virtual space was investigated as the effect of a new media on identity of Iranian audiences. Articles were extracted using web-browsers, among them articles have been selected which were compatible with essay framework, and common variables “Virtual space” and “Identity” were selected for meta-analysis. Research findings were classified into two groups: Descriptive findings and explanative findings. Descriptive findings across Research method, Population and theoretical framework of analyzed articles were reviewed. This research aimed at answering this question “would new media contribute to national convergence or divergence, considering its rapid growth among new generation. And therefore monitoring and conducting security measures by a constraining framework for securing national goods and establishing national security against these media isn’t necessary. Although surveilling and monitoring such media is an accepted procedure across all societies.

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Digital games are among essential forms of entertainment among different groups, especially young people. Data from Iranian national video council confirms that more than fifty percent of young people play digital games either at home or at game cafes. Despite increasing popularity of digital games among you people, there have been concerns about negative effects of video games on players’ aggressive behavior in real life and their mental inclinations. Theories and findings about video game effects are not consistent and they are at times in clear opposition. In this paper, we review major approaches in video game effects analysis. We found that two essential approaches include social science approach and humanities. Through two research methods including document analysis and meta analysis of the literature we illustrate how and why major game effects approaches are in opposition. We indicate why there are inconsistencies about findings for video game effects. Finally, true answer to the question whether playing video games would result in aggressive behavior in real life is provided.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The main purpose of this study is to understand how the representation and construction of the myth of utopia in Hollywood productions works. The method used in this research is semiotic method. In this study, among all films on the theme of utopia in the new millennium, we were selected and analyzed three Effective films that each of them are a certain kind of utopia. Each of these films, presented the same consistent meaning in a different context and visual elements in the guise of a certain kind of utopia. For example, unity and rejection of individualism in the Avatar movie has been code in a syntagmatic Ratio with the tribe, nature and dominant spirit of nature. In that utopia, Natural life is depicted with people's unity and responsibility and intimate relationships. depicted utopia in the elysium film also refers to Karl Marx's utopia and communist society. In this film, working-class revolution leading to the abolition of class conflict and the Uniformity of people for access to resources and the elimination of discrimination. as well as Tomorrow land is a manifestation of utopian film that Etienne cabet depicts that And represents the resorts that Disneyland is considered for people's entertainmente and attract them to Hollywood.

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Health and health services are two inseparable parts of one' s life. Each person has had different needs for health services at least several times during their life cycle and would resolve them with available facilities. Regarding the high popularity of social networks in the last two decades, one of the tools that can provide many opportunities for people in the health field is social networking. In this research, we introduce a health social network which focuses on users or patients’ association with doctors and a variety of health services. In order to improve this network’s performance, we suggest a recommender system that can offer users a doctor, a special expertise in order to ask medical consultation, or an article, based on their needs. We have used heterogeneous information networks for modeling the health social network. These networks cover several types of objects, such as physicians, patients and consultation, and also several types of relationships, such as requesting or answering a consultation. For the recommender model, we use each user’s implicit feedback which they register on the network, according to the methods provided by the heterogeneous information networks. Bayesian Personalized Ranking is used in recommender model’s learning algorithm. This algorithm is a combination of ranking scores method and the foresaid learning algorithm. In the end, we will show how to use this social network and the recommender system, by applying the suggested method on our dataset.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present study has been conducted aiming at comparative study of media literacy among public relations students of Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch, and Tehran University of Applied Science and Technology, Faculty of Culture and Art. The research method was of a survey type and the study population included all public relations students of Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch and Tehran University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Culture and Art.258 individuals were selected using appropriate stratified random sampling method. A researcher-made questionnaire was employed for data collection in this study. The results showed that there is a significant difference between public relations students of Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch, and Applied Science and Technology Students in terms of media literacy dimensions (purposive use of media, message evaluation, combining different messages, summarizing different messages, computer and internet skills). The results of the research indicated that the level of media literacy among public relations students of Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch, was higher than that of the students of Applied Science and Technology University, Faculty of Culture and Art.

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