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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Comparative education is one of the most important and most used educational methods of Qur' an. In this way, the Holy Qur' an presents two contradictory things, such as disbelief and faith, which refers both to the works and the results, then it asks the interpreter to compare the two sides and to choose one's own authority.The main basis of education is the comparison of contradictions in the universe of existence. This article is descriptive and analytical, and with the aim of discovering the principles and rules of comparative education method in the Holy Quran.We have achieved the following principles with the precision and implications of the comment on its basis: 1. The principle of proof and negation; 2. Principle Provision of criteria; 3. Freedom and non-compulsion; 4. Principle of suffering and treasure; 5. Treatment of pain with its counterpart; 6. Principle of enlightenment; 7. Good and evil criterion; 8 Proceed to promise and not execute; 9. Necessity Paying attention to the life of Tayyeb; 10. The latter-day orientation towards worldliness.

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Generally, how to behave in any educational style depends on the style’s dominant ideology and how human is viewed in that style. Therefore, the self-knowledge would be impossible without knowing God, world, or human behavior in the community. Drawing on an analytical-descriptive design and literature review, the present study is intended to examine this issue from point of view of Quran and Hadith. From the Islamic anthropology, human is a two-dimensional creature (material and spiritual), free, responsible, divine and nature-oriented, wise, and in quest of truth and anesthetics. So, concerning social education, human can reach his goals through his responsible reactions to the surrounding events, relying on his divine nature, following the revelation, referring to his nature, using his wisdom, employing his determination and authority, having his wisdom dominate his affection, and finally directing his nature toward anesthetics. His goals are the moral and human growth and happiness in this world and the hereafter. A developed and perfect man is a kind of human that reaches perfection through humanity and principles of nature or that widens or deepens principles of humanity in different aspects of his life based on three important sources namely wisdom, revelation and experience.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Moving towards human dignity, power, and progression is the most important requirement in Islamic societies for moderation. The plethora of influential cultural centers, into which layers of extremities and excesses have penetrated, has made this target difficult. Accordingly, in order to achieve and develop a common culture in its ideal form, it is necessary that all such centers collaborate with each other based on the moderation indices on the Islamic social level, indices which are already on the edge evaporation. As such, the ideal criterion follows the ways of the prophets and holy men, a point constantly emphasized in Quran and Hadith. In this paper, the researchers have tried to delineate the essentials, the ways of access, and the most important educational strategies of cultural moderation, after defining the term proper, from the standpoints of Quran and Hadith as they can be applied to the individual, the social, the political, the economical, and the international levels.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Holy Quran is universal and its stories have expressed with the aim of education- training, among these stories, the story of Prophet Joseph (PBUH) and Zuleika, is the story of romance a woman to a young boy. Many young people of different eras are affected by this issue and sometimes it has caused threat to human societies. This research have been developed with the subject of Educational role of the Prophet Joseph (PBUH) and Zuleika In the Qur'an by trying to investigate the interaction between Prophet Joseph (PBUH) as a teacher that there has no defect in his science and behavior and Zuleika as a trainee that is borne from sick society with the introduction of a sample to the teachers and trainees. It is effort to reduce social abnormalities of this crisis and Turn it into an opportunity. This article is discussed through examining the impact of needs on growth and personality growth infrastructures including heredity, environment, individual factors and their effect on the two main characters. This study answers the question of how Zuleika was damaged? How Prophet Joseph raised her? It was concluded, despite impact of environmental and heredity factors, Zuleika overcame the environmental conditions and achieved excellence with appropriate training of Joseph and strengthen personal factors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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During the process of his evolution and education, human being encounters several challenging threats posed by Satan. Satan is an undeniable truth and an inevitable enemy of humanity averting man from reaching his goal. It is, in fact, difficult to get rid of Satan, and after Satan’s dominion over man, such task becomes even more difficult. Salvation from Satan’s trap requires defying the process of dominion, the perception of which is necessary. Moreover, it is important to explain the way Satan has dominion over man. The current study, using a descriptive-analytical approach, aims to examine the aforementioned issue from the viewpoints of Qur' an and Hadith. This study is mainly concerned with human’s true cognizance of the existence of Satan and promotion of belief in it, recognition of Satan’s traps and the ways to overcome them, and finally acquaintance with ways to defeat Satan. After mentioning the issue, the way that Satan gains dominion is examined over human through feelings, emotions and also through influence on perception. Satan has no dominion over anyone from the beginning. He is only the beginning of temptation. Satan's dominion over human does not occur at once; however, it is a gradual process. He tempts men in different ways such as: promising, frightening them, making humans feel disappointed, upsetting humans, making himself look sympathetic, and making sins look attractive. Satan’s main attempt is to test man’s inner self (batin) through application of perceptional tools. He who possesses wisdom and acts accordingly, will not fall into Satan’s trap. Therefore, Satan tries to take possession of wisdom and debilitate it. He constantly tempts humans to commit more sin. Through commitment of sin and its repetition, intellect faculty of human will gradually be taken captive by Havay e Nafs (animal nature of human being). The more one commits sin, the more he/she is dominated by Satan so that all human existence will become Satan's tool.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The subjective interpretation of the verses of the Holy Qur' an, a way of interpreting for the sake of human excellence, is a great heritage to clerical realities and an achievement of personal unity. The commentator in this way is going to step in the episode and drown in the senses. Therefore, by using the divine verses and the narratives of the infallible, the door of the unseen is revealed on its own. The axis is in the interpretation of God and its subject matter is the understanding of the divine word and its purpose is the knowledge and excellence of man. The current writing, using descriptive-analytical method, while expressing examples of the interpretation of verses by Hassanzadeh Amoli and Javadi Amoli, has considered anthropocentric interpretation of practical mysticism, theoretical mysticism and philosophical foundations of the human soul which is presented in the form of proof. The lack of time and place in the interpretation of the verses, the capabilities of the soul to observe the facts, the mystical relationship between the true servant and the beloved, and the effects of the above relation in reducing sin and liberation from loneliness, are the characteristics of an exegetic interpretation that increases the faith and deepens the religious belief.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In divine teachings and Quranic interpretations, cognition, its different dimensions and the issued of beauty and its spread in man’s existential dimensions have received attention on different occasions in different situations so that a profound and inseparable link can be observed between cognition and beauty. Having deeply dipped into the Holy Quran and its teachings, Allama Tabatabaee, a great Shiite commentator, considers attention to sensory (audiovisual) perception as the introduction and origin of acquired science (imaginations) and reckons the heart to equal the faculty of wisdom and the origin of acknowledgement and reasoning. This type of glance at the instrument of cognition is the main basis of a specific dimension of training called “Aesthetic Education”. In the present study, conducted in the descriptive-analytical method by referring to first hand and library resources especially “Tafsirolmizan”, some of Allama Tabatabaee’s epistemological and Aesthetic views and relation between them are defined and a specific kind of thinking in educational objectives called “multidimensional thinking” in Aesthetic Education is discussed the result of which is simultaneous attention to reason and thinking, external and internal feeling, affection, faith and truthfulness. Attention to the strengthening of training of learners’ sensory qualities and Aesthetic taste should, therefore; be put on the top of the educational system programs in parallel with training and strengthening of common sense, attention to safe sound heart and nature.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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