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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Objective: The aim of this research work was to compare the organizational diagnosis in general of the Youth Sport administration of the Khorasan-e-Razavi province and the sport organization of Mashhad municipality based on the wise board model.Methodology: This was a descriptive comparative study conducted through field research. For this, 71 employees from the sport organization of Mashhad municipality and 75 employees from the general administration of the Youth Sport administration of the Khorasan-e-Razavi province were selected as the research samples. The instrument used for data collection was the organizational diagnosis questionnaire (ODQ) of Preziosi (1980), whose content validity has been confirmed through the previous researches, and its reliability has been confirmed through the Cronbach's alpha coefficient (a=0.92). For data analysis, independent t-test and Mann Whitney U test of the samples were applied.Results: Data analysis revealed a significant difference in the organizational diagnosis between the studied organizations. Moreover, there was a significant difference between the performance management indices such as leadership, goal setting, organizational structure, and reward system in the studied organizations. No significant difference was observed regarding the indices of organizational communication, outlook for change, and beneficial mechanisms between the 2 population groups.Conclusion: Generally, it can be claimed to determine accessible and easier goals for employees, flexible and dynamic organization structure, making a suitable remuneration system according to their operation and ability, and making an effective leadership in abilities, out of which readiness is one of the important cases in the municipal sport organization.

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Objective: The aim of this paper was to determine the role of effective variables in valuation of the players (human capital) of the premier football league.Methodology: The research method used in this study was a descriptive survey. The statistical population of this research work included all the 418 Iranian football players playing in the Iranian premier football league. The sample size calculated for this research work was 200 persons based on the sampling formula from a limited sample with an error level of 5 percent. Descriptive statistics and multiple regressions were used to analyze the demographics and data, respectively.Results: Based on the results of the research regression model coefficients, the findings indicated that some variables such as age, number of national matches, number of goals and the level of player’s previous team, and number of times he has been playing as a fixed player in the previous season are effective in their prices as human capital of clubs and other factors such as the position of playing, individual and team rewards and honors, foot, height, goal ratio, and minutes of playing that did not have a significant effect on the pricing of the players.Conclusion: According to the findings of the current research work, it can be concluded that factors such as the age, number of national games, number of goals, level of previous team of players, and number of presence in fixed composition must be given special attention for valuation and pricing of football players by clubs in the time of registering contracts.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to measure the organizational identity and its relationship with the organizational cynicism.Methodology: In terms of purpose, this study is practical, and in terms of nature, it is descriptive-correlation. The studied population was the workers of the Youth and Sports organization in Qazvin province with 231 cases, 163 of which were selected using stratified random sampling. To data gathering, used from organizational identity questionnaire of Cheney (1983) with 18 items and organizational cynicism questionnaire of James (2005) with 12 items. The Cronbachʾs alpha coefficients used to assess the reliability were obtained for questionnaires of identity 0.92 and for questionnaires of cynicism 0.81. In order to data analyze, was used from one sample t-test, Friedman, Pearson correlation, and structural equation modeling.Results: The results obtained showed that there was a significant negative relationship (r=-0.621) between the organizational identity and the three components membership, loyalty, and similarity with the cynicism personnel. Also checking the goodness of fit index showed that the structural model of this research work had an acceptable fit.Conclusion: According to the results obtained, it can be said that the increased sense of organizational identity in employees plays a decisive role in reducing the cynicism and mistrust towards the organization and its senior managers. In other words, identification of employees with collection agency makes a cynical and negative belief towards colleagues and managers and less opportunity to show off their organization policies.

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Objective: The aim of this research work was present the pattern of information requirement analysis for electronic management of sport volunteers of Iran.Methodology: The methodology of this research work was descriptive-analytic, and in terms of purpose, it was practical. And used UML with RUP object-oriented design model. The instrument used was the researcher questionnaire. The sample consisted of all sports federations of Iran and stratified random sampling method was using sampling table Morgan. Validity by experts and professors in sport management as well as software experts was confirmed and reliability by Cronbach's alpha was 0.76.Results: E-volunteer management information system requirements consisted of human resources, planning, registration and recruitment, orientation, finance and supplies, training, performance management, recognition and retaning. Voluntary stakeholders were identified, and eventually of needs analysis was presented.Conclusion: Since e-management volunteering provides fair and explicit with equal opportunity for the public, managers and volunteers, information requirements are the base of the pattern for information requirement analysis of e-management. Means Information requirements to be recognized as a good analysis and design.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between social responsibility and ethical climate with perceived sport performance of volleyball players.Methodology: The research method used was descriptive and correlational. The population sample of this research work was the volleyball players of the North Khorasan province who attended the club matches in 2014-2015 (N=216), and all the players were selected as the sample. The data was collected with three questionnaires including social responsibility adjusted (Carroll, 1979) with 19 items and 5 dimensions, ethical climate (victor & Cullen, 1987) with 26 items and 6 dimensions, and perceived team performance (Glenn, 2003) with 6 items in a range of 5-point Likert (1=very low, 5=very much). To analyze the data, the Pearson's correlation and Path analysis were used.Results: The results obtained showed that social responsibility had a significant and direct effect on the ethical climate and perceived performance but it did not have a significant and direct effect on the ethical climate and an indirect effect on the perceived performance.Conclusion: Managers and coaches can affect the ethical climate and perceived performance positively through taking social responsibility promoting policies.

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Objective: The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between the transformational leadership, organizational climate, and creativity of employees in the Departments of Sport and Youths of the South Khorasan state.Methodology: The research method implemented in this study was descriptive and correlational. The population sample included all the staffs in the Departments of Sport and Youths of the South Khorasan state (N=120). The questionnaires were distributed and the participants were asked to fill them. Then 113 questionnaires were returned and analyzed. For measuring the variables, the transformational leadership (Rafferty & Griffin, 2004), creativity (Rendssip, 1979), and organizational climate (Hallpin & kerafit, 1963) were used. The validity of the questionnaires were confirmed by the results of the confirmatory factor analysis. Then the reliability of the questionnaires was examined via Cranach’s alpha (0.86, 0.89, and 0.86). Finally, in order to find the relationship between the variables, the Pearson’s correlation and structural equation modeling were run.Results: All the factors involved were loaded properly to the model. The result of the study, based on the structural equation model, shows that the transformational leadership, both directly and indirectly, is in relation with creativity.Conclusion: If the managers of Sports and Youth Departments are looking for a friendly organizational climate and subsequently the creativity of their employees, they should prioritize the transformational leadership style.

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Objective: This study aimed to predict job performance through employee’s personality traits and occupational commitment.Methodology: This survey was descriptive, and of all the 160 Eastern Azarbaijan Youth and Sport offices’ staff, 108 people completed the Meyer et al. (1993) occupational commitment, NEO’s (1985) personality traits, and Patterson’s (1992) job performance questionnaires as the statistical sample. The questionnaires’ surface and content validity were verified by the sport management experts, and also their reliability was calculated using the Cronbach’s alpha method. The collected data was analyzed using the Pearson correlation coefficient and also the multiple regressions tests.Findings: The results obtained showed that there was a positive significant relationship between the occupational commitment and the job performance (r=0.388, P=0.001). Significant relationships were observed between the effective (r=0.384, P=0.001) and normative (r=0.454, P=0.001) occupational commitments with job performance. The relationship between the continued occupational commitment and the job performance was not significant (r=-0.018, P=0.855). The regression results obtained showed that 22.3 percent of job performance variances were predictable by the occupational commitment dimensions. Other results illustrated that job performance had a negative relationship with neuroticism (r=-0.279) and positive relationship with extraversion (r=0.564), openness (r=0.371), agreeableness (r=0.207), and conscientiousness (r=0.613). In addition, 41.1 percent of job performance variances was predictable by the personality dimensions.Conclusion: It can be concluded that the employees’ occupational commitment and the personality dimensions could improve their job performance. Hence, Youth and Sport offices’ managers should keep considering improvement of current staff’s occupational commitment or employment of high-level occupational commitment employees or those with special personality traits in order to reduce staff’s turn-over, increase job satisfaction, and finally, improve their job performance.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the quality of work life and the perceived organizational performance in the Youth and Sports Ministry's staff.Methodology: The population sample was all the employees of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (N=430). Based on the Morgan table, 200 people were selected as the sample. The Hersey and Goldsmith (2013) organizational performance standard questionnaire and the Walton (1973) quality of work life questionnaire were used to collect the data. Data analysis was descriptive (mean, standard deviation, frequency, percentage, inferential statistics Shapiro-Wilk test, Pearson correlation, one-sample T-Test, and multiple regression).Results: The results obtained showed that there were significant relationships between the components of the quality of work life and the organizational performance. Also the regression analysis showed that the quality of work life predicted the perceived organizational performance. In addition, development of human capabilities (b=0.411), social integration (b=0.175), providing opportunities for growth and continuous security (b=0.172), and fair and enough payment (b=0.139) have the most significant abilities to predict the perceived organizational performance for the Youth and Sports Ministry's staff.Conclusion: The Youth and Sports Ministry administrators need to enhance the quality of work life for their employees as a determinant of the organizational performance.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the organizational culture and the knowledge management with the role of talent management intermediation.Methodology: The research method implemented was a descriptive and correlational research design, and it was a kind of structural equation modeling. The statistical population included all the physical education teachers in the city of Shiraz using the stratified random sampling method, and was based upon the Kergcie and Morgan table.285 teachers were selected as the sample. To collect the data, we used three standard questionnaires: 1. organizational culture, 2. knowledge management, and 3. talent management questionnaires. Aliability and validity of the questionnaires were examined and approved. The research data obtained was analyzed using the LISREL and SPSS statistical software.Results: The research findings showed there was a significant relationship between the organizational culture and the talent management among talent management, knowledge management, and between organizational culture and knowledge management. The results of the structural equation modeling showed that talent management in the relationship between organizational culture and knowledge management can be a mediator.Conclusions: For the organization to be able to effectively improve a knowledge system and promote the organization, we must first pay attention to the organizational culture and talent management. And whatever is more powerful talent management and organizational culture, the implementation of knowledge management will be done more successfully.

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Objective: The purpose of this research work was to identify and prioritize the female canoeing athlete’s problems in Iran.Methodology: The research method implemented was descriptive-survey. The research sample was equal to the statistical population and consisted of 160 female canoeing athletes from Iran in the national level, and 150 athletes (%93.75) participated in the study. After a literature review and interviews with elite athletes and coaches, a researcher-made questionnaire was prepared. This questionnaire contained 68 questions on five-point Likert value, and the content and face validity was confirmed by the viewpoints of 23 physical education specialists, elite athletes, and experts. The internal consistency coefficient of the questionnaire was confirmed using the Cronbach's alpha of correlation (α ꞊ 0.85). Factor analysis with varimax rotation was used to determine the dimensions of the questionnaire and prioritize the athletes’ problems.Results: In this study, seven problems with %41.76 of variance were identified: managerial problems, personal problems, facility and job support problems, family problems, technical problems, economic problems, and social & media problems. The facility and business support problems (3.98±0.59), management problems (3.81±0.64), and the technical problems (3.21±0.69) were in priority.Conclusion: According to the results obtained, it seems that opportunities and job support and infrastructure could be helpful in solving the problems of this sport in Iran.

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