The organizational citizenship behaviors, as optional & intentional behaviors of employees, have considerable effect on individual and organizational performances, placing employees in a situation to perform some assignments beyond their assignedIn this study, the effect of organizational citizenship behavior on. tasks and functionsthe brand Image and its dimensions, from the point of view of the customers of agentsof an insurance company are investigated. The research population includes bothstaff and customers of the agents of an insurance company and the sample is chosenthrough judgmental nonprobability sampling method. The data collecting tool is aquestionnaire. For evaluating organizational citizenship behaviors, we used Podskoffet al. questionnaire and for measuring brand image we employed a self-build questionnaire based on Kim, Tang, Hawley and Aker studies. This research is an appliedone with surveying nature. Structural equations method and PLS software are used fordata analysis. The findings suggest that all dimensions of organizational citizenshipbehavior have a positive and meaningful effect on brand image from the point of view. of customers.