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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: The most expensive medicinal spicy plant in the Middle East countries is saffron (Crocus sativus L. ). Today, Iran is the major supplier of saffron to the world market, and it is a strategic plant in the south of Khorasan region. This crop has a very low harvested yield (stigmas biomass). Saffron is a perennial crop (at least 4 to 5 years) and requires adequate amount of nutrients. Nutritional management is one of the main factors affecting qualitative properties and yield of saffron. Chicken manure is organic manure which improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil and adds organic matter and increases the water holding capacity and beneficial biota in soil. Therefore, the aim of this research was to investigate the effects of different rates of chicken manure on vegetative and reprouductive characteristics of saffron. Materials and Methods: This experiment was carried out based on randomized completely block design with three replications in research farm of Birjand University, Iran, during growing season 2015. Experimental factor was consisted of Chicken manure (0, 5, 10 and 15 t. ha-1). Mother corm planting was in early October, 2015 with 10×20 cm corms distances and planting depth of 15 cm. Flower of saffron wase measured during autumn of 2015. Chl content (chl a, b, total and cartenoid) was determined by method of Arnon (1967). Chl content was assessed using a chl meter (SPAD-502; MINOLTAJAPAN). Chl fluorescence was measured using chl fluorometer (MINI-PAM). Measurements for minimal (F0) and maximal (Fm) fluorescence yields were made on dark-adapted (20 min) leaves and the variable fluorescence (Fv) were calculated as (Fm-F0). Finally, data analysis was done using SAS 9. 1 and means were compared by LSD test at 5% level of probability. Results and Discussion: yield of fresh flower, dry weight of stigma and corm weight with scale were influenced by chiken manure treatments. The highest yield of fresh flower (19. 26 g/m2) and dry weight of stigma (0. 58 g/m2) were obtained in plants treated with 5 t/ ha chicken manure while the lowest values (13. 93 and 0. 26 g/m2) was recorded in the control. Results showed that chiken manure improved the leaf growth indices (length, dry weight of leaf and number of leaf) and photosynthetic pigments (chl a, chl b, total chl and cartenoid). The highest length, dry weight of leaf and photosynthetic pigments (chl a and chl b) were obtained in plants treated with 15 t/ha chicken manure. But, not significance difference between treatments 5, 10 and 15 t/ha and the lowest values were recorded in the control. Application of organic fertilizers, as soil amendments or surface mulches, have been advocated as compatible with IAP (Integrated Agricultural Production) since fertilizer inputs can be reduced. It can be inferred that saffron nutrient demands could be supplied by application of enough animal manures. Evidences showed that application of 40 to 60 t/ha animal manure supplied not only nutrient requirements of plant, but also improved soil fertility. This lead to the minimizing of the use of chemical fertilizers (organic system), and consistently affected quantity and quality of saffron yield. These basic nitrogen sources are considered to be important for saffron production since they not only provide nutrients for plant growth, but also improve soil structure which increases corm multiplication, increasing saffron yield. Conclusion: Findings revealed that the use of 5 t/ha chicken manure had strong impact on vegetative and reproductive characteristics of saffron in this study.

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Introduction: The most expensive medicinal spicy plant in the Middle East countries is saffron (Crocus sativus L. ). Saffron is prepared from dried, bright red stigma and its value is determined by the color compounds, carotenoids, crocin, and other crocetinglocosyl ester, slightly bitter flavor, picrocrocin, and pleasant aroma, safranal. Nutritional management is one of the main factors affecting chemical properties and yield of saffron. The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of different rates of nitroxin on flower properties and second metabolites of saffron. Materials and Methods: This experiment was carried out as randomized completely block design with three replications in research farm of Birjand University, Iran, during growing season 2015. Experimental factor was consisted of nitroxin (0, 5, 10 liters per ha). Mother corm planting was in early October, 2015 with 10×20 cm corms distances and planting depth of 15 cm. Flower of saffron was measured during autumn of 2015. Total phenolic was determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu assay. Free radical scavenging activity of the samples was determined using DPPH method. The main secondary metabolites’ crocin, picrocrocin and safranal were measured by Spectrophotometric approach according to Iran’ s national standard. Finally, data analysis was done using SAS 9. 1 and means were compared by duncan’ s multiple range test at 5% level of probability. Results and Discussion: Use of Nitroxin was showed a significant effect on the number and flower yield was 5%. So that the greatest number and Yield Flower of treatment nitroxin 5 liters per hectare, respectively, at a rate of 6. 66 per square meter and 5784 grams per hectare And least of all from the control by 5 per square meter and 4100 grams per hectare, respectively. Use of Nitroxin on the safranal (perfume) and crocin (color) Saffron significant effect at 1 percent And the picrocrocin (taste) at 5 percent, The highest rate of treatment safranal and Safranal nitroxin 5 liters per hectare, respectively, 17 and 46. 57 percent and the lowest of control, respectively, 11 and 27. 13 respectively. The treatment nitroxin 10 liters per hectare, an increase of 45 percent compared with the control Picrocrocin. The amount of antioxidants, phenols and anthocyanin petals were significant at the 5% level, the highest amount of antioxidants, phenols and anthocyanin in the treatment of 10 liters per hectare nitroxin by 35. 66 percent, 83. 26 and 23. 74 mg per 100 g, respectively. Conclusion: Generally, the findings of current study revealed that the use of nitroxin had strong impact on quantities and qualities properties saffron in this study.

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Introduction: Appropriate nutrient has a significant impact on yield and phytochemical characteristics of medicinal plants. (Lippia citriodora) an herb plant native to South America-belongs to mangrove family. In most studies conducted on medicinal plants in Iran, balanced fertilization has not been practiced and mostly N and P-fertilizers without being based on soil analysis results have been used and hence the obtained results were not correct. Use a balanced fertilization or fertilizer based on soil analysis can be a scientific solution to increase the essential oil. Objective: To investigate the effects of balanced fertilization on quantity and quality parameters of lemon verbena in two harvests was done. Materials and methods: In this experiment, six treatments were performed in a completely randomized block design and in three replications as follows: T1 = control (no fertilization); T2 = fertilization based on farmers conventional fertilizer use (NP); T3 = balanced fertilization (fertilizer recommendation on the basis of soil test); T4= T1+ bio-fertilizer; T5 = T2+ bio-fertilizer and T6= T3+ bio-fertilizer. Soil samples were taken from greenhouse soil and physico-chemical characteristics were analyzed according to conventional methods practiced at the Soil and Water Research Institute of Iran. After six months, all operations, including top– dressing fertilization and irrigation, were regularly carried out and in late July and December of 2012; samples were taken at two-time intervals. The samples were weighed in dry content. Meanwhile, essential oil extractions were measured by Clevenger Instrument and total antioxidant extracted by DPPH method. Subsequently, data were analyzed by SAS software. Results and discussion: The differences were shown significant at 5 percent statistical level. Average yield of dry leave weight and essential oil content in two harvests in control treatment were 664 and 7. 15 k. gha-1, respectively, these values in the best treatment were 1261 and 19. 97 kgha-1, respectively. The treatment of balanced fertilization + bio-fertilizer compared with other treatments has the highest amount of antioxidant properties in both harvest. Also, the highest concentration of potassium, iron, zinc and manganese in edible organs (Leaves) in both the yields was found in balanced fertilization + bio-fertilizer. Also results analysis of essential oil showed that percent of citral (neral+geranial) in essential oil of first harvest in control treatment were 40. 51, these value in the, T6 treatment were 52. 25. Therefore, it can be concluded that balanced fertilization causes significant increase in the yield and the essential oil content of Lippia citriodora medicinal plant. So, it is suggested that in all research studies on the commercial production of medicinal plants, balanced fertilization should be seriously taken in to consideration. Furthermore, the application of bio-fertilizer should also be promoted for producing a healthy crop of medicinal plants.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Phosphorus (P) is an important nutrient for the plant affecting many physiological functions in plants. Phosphite (PO33; Phi; valence of +3), a reduced form of phosphate (PO43; Pi; valence of +5), that are being widely marketed either as an agricultural fungicide or as a superior source of plant phosphorus (P) nutrition. Furthermore, pH of both nutrient and soil solution alter the availability of P by the plants. There is insufficient information concerning the use of phosphite in plant. It could be possible to use of phosphite and phosphate to improve the P nutrition of plants. Materials and Methods: An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of phosphite and phosphate in different pH on yield, growth and P status in broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italicacv. Fiorentino). The experiment was conducted with three pH levels (5. 5, 7, 8. 5) factorially combined with three P source levels (Pi, Phi and Pi& Phi). The plants were grown in black buckets containing 8 L of aerated nutrient solution for 10 weeks. At the end of experiments the plant were harvested to measure the agronomical and physiological characteristics. The concentration of P was measured in the recently matured expanded leaves. Results and Discussion: Results indicated that the growth of broccoli plants was affected by the form of P. Phosphite significantly reduced the yield of plant. In Phosphite treated plants immature heads (button-like flower heads) was observed. Likewise, Phosphite increased phosphorus and potassium concentration in the leaves, roots, Stems and heads. Both P and K concentration were significantly reduced by the increase pH level. The highest yield was observed in Pi& Phi with pH (5. 5) at 237 g plant-1. Phosphate (pH=5. 5) compare to Phosphite (pH=5. 5) increased by 75% in yield. The increase in Pi uptake in the Phi treatment plant caused increased in P concentration in leaves and growth reduction and phytotoxicity. The negative effects application of only Phosphite was strong inhibiting effect in fresh weight head. Despit of increased P concentration in Phosphite treated plant, it seems that P from Phosphite source has no effect on P functional in plants. Conclusion: The findings this experiment indicted that Phosphite alone could not be used as a phosphorus fertilizer for the plants. however, the combination of Phosphite and phosphate improves the growth of broccoli plants.

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Introduction: Basil (Ocimum basilicum L. ) is an economically important herb crop many other parts of the world. This popular herb is used both as a fresh and as a dried food spice and in traditional medicine. Many diseases such affect the development of basl. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is one of the common leaf pathogens of basil causing necrotic leaf spots and stem lesions. Intensive research has been done to investigate the effects of foliar application of nutrients on growth and biosynthesis of phytochemicals in medicinal plants (Kazemi, 2014). This study was conducted to investigate the effects of potassium nitrate on growth parameters, total chlorophyll and phenol, nitrate content and nitrate reductase of basil (Ocimum basilicum L. ) under C. gloeosporioides infection. Materials and Methods: The seeds were sown in pots in greenhouse and 30 days old plants were sprayed with concentrations of potassium nitrate (0, 4, 8 and 12 mM) early in the morning. Plants were inoculated with C. gloeosporioides 5 days after foliar application of KNO3. Samples were collected 10 days after fungal inoculation and assayed for growth, dry weight, total chlorophyll and phenol, nitrate content and nitrate reductase and disease severity. The experiment was factorial based on a randomized complete block design with four replications. Results and Discussion: Effect of foliar application of KNO3 on vegetative characteristics (dry weight of shoots and roots and photosynthetic pigments) of basil plant under different potassium nitrate levels is presented in Tabel 2. All growth characteristics, dry weight of shoots and roots and photosynthetic pigments of infected plants decreased. Application of potassium nitrate, especially at concentration of 12 mM, could increase the amount and activity of photosynthetic pigments and total phenol in basil which resulted, in reducing the negative effects of C. gloeosporioides infection and an increase on leaf area, dry weight of shoot as compared with those of control (non-application of potassium nitrate). Foliar applications of potassium nitrate not have significant effect on dry weight of roots and leaf number as compared with those of the control. The exogenous application of KNO3 is related to increased nitrate content and nitrate reductase (Fig. 2). The experiments clearly demonstrated the beneficial effects of potassium nitrate application on growth, nutrients concentration and defense reactions of basil plants. These results are in agreement with those obtained by Hegazi et al. (2011) and Jabeen and Ahmad (2011) of olive growth and sunflower and safflower improved by foliar application of KNO3, respectively.

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Introduction: Genera of Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L) and Moldavian dragonhead (Dracocephalum moldavica) belong to the Lamiaceae family. The plants due to its medicinal compounds, particularly essential oils; are very important for cultivation and quality improvement. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Nano-Fe fertilizer rates on seed germination indices. Material and Methods: The experiment was carried out based on factorial complete randomized design with two factors and three replicates at Medicinal Plants Research Center, Shahed University in 2013. The factors were Nano-Fe with five levels (0, 4, 8, 12 and 16 mg/L) and genetics of the plants with three levels (D. moldavica of Mashhad and Neyshabur accessions) and M. officinalis of Esfahan accession). Results: The results showed that different levels of Nano-Fe had high significant effect on germination rate, mean of germination day and root to shoot ratio among genetic accessions. The interaction was significant only in terms of root to shoot ratio. The Nano-Fe fertilizer significantly improved the root length. The highest germination rate was obtained in treatment of 8 mg/L and M. officinalis genus. The highest root to shoot ratio was achieved in 4 mg/L of Nano-Fe fertilizer and M. officinalis genus. According to the electrophoresis results of nine types of protein band of the molecular weight between 10 to 150 kDa among the genetic masses (breeds), three proteins were polymorphism. Conclusion: The increase of Nano-Fe fertilizer led to the small increase of total protein and 16 mg/L treatment had the highest protein content, while, no alteration was discovered in the protein quality (protein band type). Moreover, it was found that the mass of Melissa officinalis L. had a bit higher protein content in comparison to two Dracocephalum moldavica ones.

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