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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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and Objective: vaginal delivery is one of the most beautiful events in every woman's life, although it is a tense reality. The labor pain is the furthermost severe pain which women encounter during their lifetime. Therefore, reduce of labor pain using supporting methods can lead to increase maternal tendency to vaginal delivery. As in many developed countries, the management of labor pain, as well as the transformation of childbirth into a pleasant experience, has become one of the main challenges of the health system. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of reviewing the effect of Holy Quran voice on pain and anxiety in childbirth. Methods: In this literature review study, English and Persian articles were searched in four national databases (SID, Iranmedex IranDoc and Magiran) and five international databases (Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, Scopus, Science-Direct and Google Scholar) up to May, 2018. The following keywords were used in search strategy: music therapy, voices The Holy Qur'an, labor pain and labor anxiety. Results: Our literature review showed that hearing of Holy Quran voice has positive remedy effects on stress, anxiety, fear of delivery, pain intensity and duration of delivery. Moreover, it is effective on greater maternal comfort, better tolerance of labor pain, improvement of vital signs of mother and her fetus, increase of maternal satisfaction with vaginal delivery and prevent of unnecessary cesareans. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that listen to sound of the Quran could be an easy, inexpensive and non-invasive technique to reduce the anxiety, pain, labor time and cesarean, and also for more mother's convenience and preventing unnecessary section. Providing the suitable conditions and facilities in hospitals can be a good guarantee to apply this method.

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Background and Objective: Occupational stress, as a factor that has harmful effects on productivity, quality of work and health of employees has been the focus of attention. Therefore, the present study was aimed to examine the effect of occupational stress on the general health components of therapeutic and non-therapeutic staff working in a hospital. Methods: This research was a descriptive-analytic study which was conducted in a cross-sectional method during winter 2018. The statistical population included all employees of Shahid Rajaee Specialized Hospital in Isfahan. The sample included 100 staff who were randomly selected from among all staff. 50 staff were selected from among therapeutic staff and 50 others from non-therapeutic staff. To collect data, the Occupational Stress Questionnaire and General Health Questionnaire were used. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (correlation, hierarchical regression and independent samples t-test). Results: The results indicated that among the four components of general health, only increase in physical problems predicted the occupational stress; moreover, it was found that the staff of the therapeutic sectors, compared with the non-therapeutic sectors, experienced a higher degree of occupational stress. Conclusion: With regards to the negative effects of occupational stress on the employees’ physical health, although some stressors, especially organizational factors, are unavoidable for the staff of the therapeutic sectors, measures can be taken to improve the work environment.

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Background and Objective: Empowering students against the challenges and needs of the future with effective educational methods is one of the important tasks of health higher education for scientific authority. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the teaching of concepts of foresight and scientific authority in small groups. Methods: This is a descriptive-analytic study. 26 students of brilliant talent were selected and participated in three small groups workshop on Foresight and Scientific authority. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire containing the educational concepts of the workshop before and after small groups workshop. Descriptive and analytic analysis was performed using SPSS21 and descriptive statistics and Kruskal-Wallis statistical test at a significant level of 0. 05 Results: The average age of the students was 22. 92, about one-half of the students were from the medical school and most (38. 5%), were at the undergraduate level. The comparison of the mean scores before and after the workshop showed The effectiveness of workshops has been significant in increasing students' awareness of the subject of of Foresight and scientific authority. 95. 4% of students were interested in the content and 90. 9%, stated that they were applicable to the subject and the appropriateness of the method and 72. 7% agreed with the requirement of the workshop to be presented for other students Conclusion: Teaching of the concepts of Foresight and scientific authority in small groups is An effective step in empowering students in the field of foresight and scientific authority to achieve the goals of the program of development and innovation in medical education.

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Background and Objective: Hospitals, as one of the most important social places, play a basic role in providing, conserving and improving of the individual and community health. Hospital wastewater contain different pathogenic microorganisms, hazardous chemicals, radioactive substances, and organic and inorganic materials. In this research, removal of coliform bacteria from hospital wastewater by electrocoagulation technology has been evaluated. Methods: Wastewater samples were collected from Yahianejad hospital wastewater treatment plant belong to Babol Universty of Medical Sciences as a grab sampling before the chlorination unit. Electrocoagulation experiments were carried out in the electrical voltage (10, 20, 30V), contact time (30, 60, 90 minutes), and using two types of galvanized iron and aluminum electrodes. Before and after electrocoagulation starting, the samples were taken middle of the reactor and the experiments were conducted multi-tube fermentation method (15 tubes with dilution). Results: The results showed that the maximum removal of coliforms in galvanized iron and aluminum is 99. 7% and 95. 8% respectively. As well as, with increasing the voltage and contact time, the removal rate of colifirms in the galvanized iron electrode increases. Totally, the galvanized iron electrode has better removal efficiency of coliforms than aluminum electrode in contact time more than 60 min. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the electrocoagulation process is an effective method for the removal of coliforms from hospital wastewater at pilot scale and can be used as complementary disinfection method.

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Background and Objective: Tuberculosis is one of the main causes of mortality in low-income and middle-income countries. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between women's Knowledge and personal health about tuberculosis. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 400 women who referred to health centers in Chabahar in 2016, through convenience sampling. . Data was collected by a researcher-made questionnaire. Its validity was confirmed by experts and the reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was 6. 7. Data were analyzed by SPSS software using statistical tests such as mean, standard deviation, one way ANOVA and Pearson correlation test. Results: The results of the study showed that the mean age of women was 32. 4 ± 3. 1 years. The largest number of participants in the research (64. 4%) were in the age range of 15 to 35 years old, and most of the subjects (37. 8%) were illiterate. There was a significant difference between the scores of knowledge of women referring to Chabahar health centers and health houses regarding tuberculosis based on job status, personal health and education levels. (P <0. 05). Conclusion: According to the findings of the study, attention should be paid to educating women with low education about symptoms, transmission of disease, methods for prevention and diagnosis of tuberculosis in order to comply with personal health.

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Although brain abscess is not a very common infection, it is very lifethreatening if it occurs. Most brain abscesses in children are the result of ear, sinus or tooth infection. In this study, we report an eleven year old girl with a huge brain abscess due to mastoiditis. Despite excessive size of brain abscess and twice surgical intervention, our case cured without any neurological sequel.

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Background and Objective: Motor vehicles accidents worldwide are a growing problem for the health of the general population. Every year, many people are seriously injured or killed because of motorcycle accidents. Therefore, we decided to design a study to determine the prevalence of injuries caused by trauma due to motorcycle-induced accidents referred to Golestan Hospital of Ahvaz city in 2015. Methods: This study is a descriptive and cross-sectional studies, all patients during 2015 were referred to teaching hospitals of Golestan of Ahvaz city due to urban motorcycle accident were counted in the study. The data collected through Check list includes: information on age, gender, time of incident, the affected area, the final status and hospitalization period has to go through the medical records for all patients completed and was analyzed descriptively. Results: The results of this study showed that the highest prevalence of traumatic due to urban motorcycle trauma at first level was related to the age group of 15 to 24 years old (44. 4%) and in the second group was the age group of 25 to 34 Year (26. 2%). In terms of gender, 91. 1% of the lesions were in men. The most prevalent number of traumas was seasonal in the fall season (46. 6%), and the highest prevalence of lesions was related to the area of head circumference (25%) and then to the face area (23. 2%). Based on the patient's final condition, the most common condition in the first stage is fracture and dislocation with an incidence of 51. 4% and then the condition of the need for surgery with an outbreak of 33. 8%. Conclusion: Traffic injuries are mostly men and young people. Motorcycles are responsible for half of the injuries that occur in urban areas and in young men. Therefore, with the adoption of rigorous regulations and culturalization to modify driving behaviors, especially motorcycles, we must reduce the incidence and in the event of an incident we must reduce physical harm.

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Background and Objective: The rising trend of Body Mass Index (BMI) in adolescents is one of the major problems minatory societies. Several factors may affect higher BMI adolescents. This study aimed to identify factors influencing BMI in guidance school students of Babol. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in winter 2017. On research population, including about 504 students who were selected by stratified random sampling method. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire containing demographic, behavioral Such as age, eating fast food, exercising, walking with asked students and questions such as physiological maturity, using breast milk mother's students asked. dependent variables such as weight with beurer Germany 0. 5 kg carefully and Height stadiometer seca Japan Unacceptable reaction with 0. 5 cm carefully is measured and calculated BMI based on the standard percentile CDC2000 was analyzed Results: The mean BMI in 474 students were 21. 5± 4. 9 that109 persons(23%) were Weight loss 65 persons(13. 7%) were overweight and 27 persons(5. 7) were obese. BMI in students had a significant relationship with school feeding, sex, duration of breastfeed, maturity, consumption of carbonated beverages, working with computers, physical activity, (p<0. 05), and had no significant relationship with birth, type of home, residential area, how to go to school, , watching TV, reading, father's education and job, mother's education and age(p>0. 05). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that about a half of the students had a BMI above the normal range. It is recommended to design and apply intervention programs for adolescents.

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Background and Objective: Physical, chemical and microbial properties of drinking water are the basis for judging of the water potability and safety. Undesirable changes in drinking water quality can threaten the health of consumers. In this study, the physical, chemical and bacteriological quality of drinking water in Gatab city from Mazandaran province was studied. Methods: Based on stratified random sampling, 1% of the consumption points and houses were selected as the statistical community. So, 15 samples of drinking water were collected from consumption points and sent to the water and wastewater chemistry lab of paramedicine faculty for analysis. Physical, chemical and microbiological parameters were measured using standard methods for water and wastewater examinations. Results: The mean values of the measured parameters were obtained respectively turbidity (4. 39 NTU), (PH = 7. 41), electrical conductivity (744 μ m/cm), total soluble solids (517 mg/L), fluoride (0. 48 mg/l), nitrite (0. 027 mg/l), iron (0. 74 mg/l), sulfate (745 mg/l), manganese (0. 17 mg/l) and chlorine residual (0. 43 mg/l). The heterotrophic bacteria and termotolerant coliforms in 6% and 0. 06 % of the water samples were positive respectively. Conclusion: The physical, chemical and microbial quality of drinking water is suitable for the distribution network of Gatab. Increasing of the turbidity, iron and sulfate in water distribution system due to the taste, color and turbidity in the drinking water.

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With the implementation of the land preparation, document and formation of transformation and innovation packages in medical science education, some mission-oriented opportunities have been provided in the medical education field. Accordingly, the special mission of medicinal plant development was given to the major universities of district one of academic health preparation, including Babol University Of medical science. This study was conducted to describe and reflect the activities performed at Babol University of Medical Sciences in accomplishing this mission by reviewing relevant documentation and performance report of its executive management. Findings show that some of the performed activities regarding this issue include the revision of curriculum in terms of existence of the units or topics of medicinal plants knowledge development, placing this mission in strategic goals of the university, needs assessment of new fields concerning this mission, offering training for target groups(academics and society), investigating the performed research in the university in order to develop the knowledge of medicinal plants, explaining current status of the university regarding the development of medicinal plants knowledge, preparation of the observation indicators related to the mission and self-assessment of university with the prepared indicators, networking, communication development and using exterior experts’ knowledge, needs assessment of software and hardware and supplying an important part of the assessed needs, layout and allocation of land to initiate the medicinal plant garden and preparation of the garden for planting the identified medicinal herbs, preparation of the research plan to allocate certification for the plants in Pardis area and medicinal plant garden of the university. Babol University of Medical Sciences has carried out extensive efforts in all areas and goals of the strategic and operational plan of the mission related to developing the medicinal plant knowledge in areas such as vocational and goals, making discourse, structural and functional areas that it has special achievements in developing the infrastructures in two-year period of the plan implementation. It is expected that through the continuation and promotion of this trend, we observe outcomes and achievements toward acquiring scientific authority in the field of medicinal plant knowledge then accordingly development of services and knowledgebased economy in near future.

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Background and Objective: Undoubtedly, the Internet is leading the new industrial revolution. According to Statista's website in 2017, 46. 2 billion people use social networks and 71 percent of internet users were social network users. According to the latest ISPA poll in June 2018, 66% of Iranian people at least members of one social network. It’ s important that Determine the number of students and their motivation to use social networks for scientific knowledge. Therefore, this study has tried to examine the purpose and motivation of the students who are the main corners of the networks. Methods: The present study is a descriptive-analytic study in which the number of students was selected for the quota. The required information in this study was collected through Golnar, Balkik and Kakir questionnaires whose reliability and validity were obtained in the article on the motivation of using social networks (Shahab Moradi et al. ) According to the Kronbach's alpha 0. 91. The questionnaire was distributed by the researchers among the students and the data were analyzed using statistical software SPSS version 22. Results: The findings of this study showed that students of Babol University of Medical Sciences use 98. 88% of social networks. First Students' motivation to use the social networks is self-disclosure with 19. 11%. The second motive is to immerse themselves in these networks with 19. 04%; the third motivation; information search with 18. 27%; fourth motivation; time spent with 18. 13%; fifth motivation; maintaining relationships with 10. 43%; The sixth motive, the improvement of the individual situation with 8. 3% and the seventh motivation, entertainment with 7. 55% percent. Conclusion: According the newfound of these networks and the everincreasing use of social networks among young people, it is recommended that authorities inform young people about the negative consequences of these networks and Provide a space for youth to use these networks for economic purposes and scientific gatherings.

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